How do I escape the botnet while still keeping functionality?

I have a W10 computer I must use, so what do I do do protect myself?

Pic unrelated

>while keeping functionality
what software is stopping you from using Ubuntu GNOME?

Ubuntu sucks, though

Stop using Intel or AMD hardware.

Hire yourself a good lawyer. :---)

What software is stopping you from using Debian with the GNOME desktop?

It's too late for that,as much as I'd like to

run it in KVM

Do not use the Ubuntu botnet. You might as well use Windows. Use Debian.

Use Linux. Or if you have to use Windows, use Windows but with all the free software programs you can.

Why not use (insert Linus distro here)
Because we like to actually use our computers.

Such as?

Such as what? If you have a program you like such as chrome, find a free software alternative such as iridium.

>> Escape Botnet
>> Maintain functionality

Choose one

Install Virtualbox
Install Debian on a VM

So which would you recommend?

Which browser or OS? I like Fedora GNU Linux.

>hire good lawyer
>win a case
>both you and lawyer get droned down in a 'freak accident'

>pic unrelated
>obviously it's related


Both. Any programs as well.

Sup Forums, stop samefagging and help me decide

>inb4 closed source

There is literally no way to escape the botnet in WIndows 10 without breaking the system

Use Fedora you dipshit