/hpg/ - Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice
pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub (embed)

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

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This isn't anime.

Semi-Closed > Closed > Open

Sauce on the pants?

but semi-closed = open

The fuck are wrong with those legs? theyre deformed.

It's a guy doing the pidgeon toe thing where you point your knees inward to appear more feminine.
What he doesn't realize is that only men in drag do it while sitting down.

>no anime post
And wax those legs, I see so much stubble

I plug in my headphones with nothing playing and I hear nothing. This means I dont have electromagnetical interference right?

Anyone have a pair of Sony MDR-1A? Are they any good?

I have a pair of MDR-V150 at the moment and I'm thinking about upgrading.

I'm using a K712 on this motherboard: asus.com/ca-en/Motherboards/ROG-CROSSHAIR-VI-HERO/#/audio
Will buying an amp change the audio quality noticeably?

See other pics and comments in previous thread

Not a huge fan of how the trim lines up and has a big gap

Thanks for the non-anime op

No real indication on which why the plugs are supposed to go, they could be put in, in either direction. Plugged them in with the channel indicator facing out, everything seems to be correct when listening to it

Yes goy... I meant guy, an amplfier will change the sound signature massively. You aren't hearing the K712 with that motherboard. Simply, it's designed for gamers and audio quality clearly wasn't a priority. Getting a good amplifier is night and day and will make those K712 sing in ways you never heard it before. You'd be asking yourself, is it the same headphone? The soundstage is probably really impressive that you're hearing but what if I told you an amp can make it even wider with more depth and realism? You probably wouldn't believe me but you need to buy an amplifier. Oh and you need a good DAC as well, and don't forget the final bottleneck, cables. Cables are always important in squeezing that last bit of performance out of your headphones but I usually leave it for last.

A iPhone SE drives them just fine at ~75%-full volume

And they sound amazing. I was skeptical of all the hype of the 600/650 but they are 5/5 bretty gud

just look at the headband lul

Whatever you do, don't jack off in them. It'll ruin the velour and then you'll have to buy replacement pads from ebay only to realize that they don't even fit and then have to get your money back and figure out you can just wash the original pads. Washing the original pads is alright, but I feel like they're not as good as when they were new.

No the plugs could be plugged in either way in their correct can

maybe i'm fucking deaf but i like my dt990 more
they are way more comfy


As a side note they are really comfortable, never had a issue with sennheiser ergo/shape and pads. clamp is just right, not sure what everyone's problem is with needing to stretch them.

Pro? or Premium?

I hate all Pro beyers. Premium is alright.

Why did you try and fuck your headphones, user?

I just wore them while jacking off, It never crossed my mind to use a different pair since the sweat would ruin the velour.
You think I would've realized not to do that after what happened to my 9500's but apparently not

Looking for:

-Wireless IEM, but without the silly yoke
-noise cancelling
-No real taste in sound signatures, just want good sound from low to high. No need for emphasis.

budget: up to $350

Good, sick of animefags, why do you people need anime gurls wearing headphones to discuss shit.


What you gay? Get the fuck out faggot

>Posting on a Mongolian basket weaving image board that loves traps
>calling other people a faggot

Dude, its cool that you're gay. You dont need to lash out at others.

anus objectively feels worse than vagina around your dick so being gay makes 0 sense

>Not that the DT880 or HD600 is bad, it's just that the HD800 is better.
That's fine i guess, i just have trouble with the idea of 700 bucks for extra comfort, but that's subjetive and i haven't test the HD800 yet, so hey, maybe i'll find the comfort worth it too once i do.
I'd probably keep the Stock signature though, i kindda like it bright and spacious.

Need something for the missus mostly for wow and grim dawn.

Budget: $250
Location: USA
Source: asus prime z270 motherboard
Type of headphone: Don't matter so long as it's wireless. preferably with a docking station
Open or closed: Closed
>Comfort level: something looser/wider than a Superlux HD668B but tighter than a Beyerdynamic DT 770. Comfort over audio quality.


Everyone has an anus you retard. Fags are in it for the penis.

>Don't sweat much overall
>>All this time wondering why pads would get so sticky and ruined so fast.
>Read this
>Suddenly very aware of what might have happened over these years


For some more you can get V-Moda Crossfade Wireless + XL Pads.


V-moda crossfade M-100 or something else?

>comfort level: Just fuck my head up

>tfw you realize anything above $200 is snake oil

honestly i was disappointed when I watched a bit of free and nagisa wasn't nearly as feminine as his fanart would have you believe.

I'll still commend you for not being afraid to show off your entry level taste in music.

why though my penis is nasty

i really REAALLY like headphone waifus

Can you give me an advice ?

PC + HiFi amp + TV (polyvalent)
>Type of headphone
supra-aural wireless
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature

Am I doing it right?

Custom One Pro/Studio

No you aren't doing anything right

No and you're not funny.

ordering m40x tomorrow
what am i in for
never owned headphones before

Hey, it fit across my fucking fat arsed thigh without snapping so can't be that bad.

I am sorry user. :(

They are one of the least sensitive pair of headphones currently being manufactured and high on power draw too.

I think this is really telling. There was another user who found the HD 600s "sensitive" in the last thread. While those are more sensitive than the K612s, they are still way more on the lower side of sensitivity on average and the types of headphones many might require an amplifier for.

Better than OP.

Don't order them alone, get new pads with them.

Your thigh isn't that fat. Most people's thighs are smaller in diameter than their heads anyway. Now stretch it around your ass cheeks and then you're talking.

Are wireless a meme? What's the comfiest one under $200?

I'd post my headphones but they're starting to flake and I don't want there to be little black bits sifting in my pants.

What's the cause of what I call "echoes" or "resonances" coming from human voices in all my songs? Maybe I'm not expressing my thoughts well, but when I listen to my music tracks I always feel like human voices last longer than I expect and they usually end with echoes or strange reverberations.


Is that purple or blue?

Seriously, no one?

MDR-7506s here, do replacement pads change the sound characteristics of the headphones?
Because mine are starting to flake a lot.

What is the process for determining if I have EMI?

Thickness and material change sound. If you were to put on HM5 pads on 7506s, the change would be more drastic than a pad than a pad of similar thickness to stock pads.

How are those headphones.

All headphones change characteristics when pads are changed. Choose something with similar material and thickness.

the local shop im buying from has no pads
are they really neccessary
living in a shit country makes everything online cost a lot cuz shipping + customs tax

My new laptop has the worst sound output I've ever heard from an electronic device past the year 2005 or so. No bass, distorted, terrible output power. It's noisy too with sensitive in-ears.

Just get cheap pads off ebay.

>United States
>plugging into phone/bluetooth idc
>full sized
>Comfort>quality I'm not a highly tuned audiophile but I'm no smuch either decent quality is better than incredible quality if comfort increases

Was thinking about buying the Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 for Samsung Galaxy...

I'v had some AT150s and they were too tight
Now using DT770s, but I'm looking for a headset of similar comfort and quality. My experience with desktop mics and their quality/software has bugged the ever-loving shit out of me. Wanna sell my Yeti and use my DT770s for something else.

Not an issue, but no memes



>Type of headphone
Full size

>Open or closed
Either, I live alone in a house

>Comfort level
I like soft non-leather/pleather earpads

>Sound signature
No XTREME bass and i'm fine

I believe it!
Need some stripped knee socks
Like a navy blue

Kek'd hard after googling definition.

Just got the HD600s today. I like them a lot but after using the K701s for five years I am still undecided on which I prefer. Have noticed HD600s seem to really excel with any kind of stringed instruments which I am enjoying a lot, for example I listened to Perlman/Levine's recording of Mozart's 3rd Violin Concerto which was utter bliss, had never realised quite how excellent this recording is until today and became completely transfixed in the music.

Regardless of which is better I think the HD600 is more refined and subtle than the K701s and this might well grow on me.

Hey OP, please kill yourself or just fuck off.

Yes, i have the V6 and had to change the pads after mine flaked all the way to till there was no leatherette left, next it was the stitching that went to hell.
The thing is, the flaking already changes the sound a bit since it starts to have less adherence to the skin (once the stitching got fucked all bass was lost on mine).
Got Auray Sheep Skin pads to replace the stock ones, was most worried about durability after seeing what happened but as it turns out they seal better than the original which in turns made my V6 a bit bassier.

I still think they were a fine choice, the sound didn't change enough for me to have problems with it, they are far more durable, a bit more comfortable and actually isolate better.

Import MDR1A's from the UK, it's cheaper than on AmazonUK than AmazonUS


Master race coming through.

I weigh 800 lbs.

So I usually just unbox and give my initial impressions on sound and build but either this weekend or next I'll do a side by side with the HD6xx, K7xx, HE 350 and another headphone and give my impressions of each after more listening time and switching back and forth, comparing them between each other.

HD 600 has DEM MID RANGE and it difenetly gorws on you with time to the point that other headphones sounds off to me, not necessary bad but off.

fuck off to lgbt board

>NO anime OP

Literally the only good thing of this thread

Nah mate, not the done thing for blokes in Scotland. I would look fucking absurd in a kilt (obligatory for weddings) with shaved legs. Besides, I can only imagine the horrendous itching, shaving my balls that one time was bad enough.

Any particular music you can recommend that plays to the HD600s strength? I am really enjoying testing them and am keen to listen to things that I wouldn't normally otherwise.

>shaving my balls that one time was bad enough
Lol, i know that feel.

any ideas on how to fix flaking headband on ATH-M50's?

Cut it all off, and buy a Beyerdynamic headband pad and put that on the top.

Oh shit /hpg/ wtf could it be
*twice in a day edition*

Dragon dildos?

I wish, would be more fun.

It's something

wooooo first closed set.

it's headphones! i can see part of the box, it's headphones for sure!



Seller a shit, no internal packaging and 2 dings on one of the cups(didn't mention in description. Bleh

hope you werent expecting isolation

Not really, I've heard the leak somewhat.

Righto. They're a great headphone otherwise.

I plan on modding it so it's cable is detachable

>attached cable
>absolutely disgusting.tiff

Stop, you're gonna get permanent indents on your leg.

cute legs dude


no, semi-closed = semi-open

This cable is just ridiculous

First listening impressions
Oh wow the bass, I wasn't ready for closed. Bass is pretty tight and real punchy. Haven't seen a FR curve but is say it's U shaped. High hats and cymbals really cut though. I like it, but do feel like I'm more listening to the headphones then the music.
When the bass guitar kicks in it's like, "oh ok, sure lets go there, why not" lol
It's like I'm really just listening to the bass and cymbals haha