Is there a Desktop Environment that honestly holds a candle to the UI of based Windows 7?
I've tried Cinnamon and MATE and they both fall a bit short
Is there a Desktop Environment that honestly holds a candle to the UI of based Windows 7?
I've tried Cinnamon and MATE and they both fall a bit short
Other urls found in this thread:
aero is poop
install macOS
Have you tried Ubuntu Budgie or whatever? I haven't yet, but I've heard good things. Looks clean.
Literally everything other than Cinnamon mint and MATE has a better UI than any bloat wangblows shit os
No. WIndows 7 is the best desktop OS.
Plasma 4
Pantheon, if you fiddle around just a little bit
Windows 10.
>needing control panel
This isn't 1992 anymore.
kde with an aero theme
Implying Windows 7's UI isn't cancer
MATE is trying to be GNOME 2, not winblows aero.
I'm using a Win 7 Aero theme on Xfce. You can make Xfce look exactly like Win 7 if you want.
Aero looks like fucking trash.
xfce smokes your windows crap in a second
Budgie looks clean, newbie friendly, it is functional and responsive but it also still is bug ridden.
Aero is fucking comfy user.
Install the fitting theme, icons, cursor, fonts and wallpaper
I'm going to guess you're too tarded to install the theme if I gave you the directions.
So here's the easy way: Download and install ChaletOS. It's basically Xubuntu but comes pre-loaded with themes and an easy theme switcher that includes the Aero Win 7 theme.
I am not retarded user... It's just my first time hearing about an Aero theme.
Also here's a link to X-Aero on xfce-look:
Thank you.
>league of legends
Yes, gnome-shell with "dash to panel" extension
>can't move the time to the far right like on every other normal DE
Gnome is complete shit. Anyone who honestly thinks Gnome is good should be castrated or culled to stop their tard gene from spreading.
Garbage extension, you can't even move the panel to the side. What's more, It can't and won't be implemented, because GNOME shell doesn't even allow that.
But you can
Riddle me this Linux users, which DE has a full file search capability in the Super key menu? Cinnamon doesn't count since it only supports files in /home.
Been using Manjaro Budgie. Works better than Gnome and is actually more stable and polished than you would expect given it started being developed recently
KDE Plasma
Any way to install that in Ubuntu? The only versions I can find are the old KDE and the live DVD.
Post screenshot with the time moved to the right, without resorting to photoshop / gimp.
i3 wm, lxqt DE or both combined.
Is this bait or something?
The glow effect on the taskbar buttons looks comfy as fuck. Linux and iOS/OSX can't compete with that shit son!
What about on Debian?
apt install kde5
just installed debian 9, being win 10 user. just used standard vesion, deselected any Desktop and KDE pachkage for not installing any full bloated app package. afterwards, logged in as root, performed
sudo apt-get install kde-plasma-desktop
and got minimum preinstalled apps. shit was cash right after adding contrib and non-free to sources.list, installed nvidia-driver and restarted.