Sup Forums raid

Anyone want to do a twitch raid. Reply to this thread.



T3hJ0k3® standing by

My life

Do u wanna do a twitch raid.


H4ckM4ster666 standing by.

Then someone give us a target real quick

where's ya boi YungLEAN

f41l_0v3rf0w standing buy

Ok ok. Imma look and see what channels I can find maybe low key ok imma need ur twitch names. I'll get back asap

better do user

also, /bump

geeksquad standing at best buy

Don't you fags have something more productive to do with your time

I'm crouton squad. Crouton senpai lel

M4sterH4CKz standing bye... does anyone here have dorites... lol...

Found r target his twitch name is drain100

let's do this

I'm in

My username is MinerFilmsTeam. Let's roll out now.

You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums sweetie.

Bitch stfu


I got banned from the chat room. R new target is Wheelzfl. Let's go guys I need ur usernames so we can do this

R u guys still in we finished the troll. Anyone got another guy we can troll

Fuck off underage