i just installed arch. whats your excuse Sup Forums?
I just installed arch. whats your excuse Sup Forums?
I want to use my computer instead of constantly fixing it.
bloatfags detected. don't you realize it's three percent faster?
install macOS
I have brains
I have a mac and don't want to fuck it up. should have bought a cheaper pc and installed arch :(
you made a huge mistake. should of installed Manjaro 17.0.1 and use nvidia kernel or some shit
OP should be excused from existence
>not shitposting on a vietnamese pottery exchange bbs using glorious windows xp
why live
You mean binary Gentoo ricing edition?
Downloading Manjaro right at this moment (and still will be because at the end of the week because United States of America has horrible internet).
Good job, left one botnet so you can join another!
Post your feet please
I use void instead.
Systemd is botnet
I have needs that niche tools like arch don't meet, or are incomprehensibly time consuming to do so.
One moar p-please
Is this a girl (female)?
yes (。>﹏
my nigga
To answer your question it's because I like fapping to your nonwhite feet
I don't watch shitty animu like faggot OP.
I want to paint those feet white
delet this
>Sup Forums - traps and erping
I value my time
Because MacOS is superior.