Windows Vista Appreciation Thread

Support officially ends tomorrow.

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bye vista :(

As poorly tuned as UAC was from launch, it was a step in the right direction for Windows. Maybe one day people will stop automatically clicking through the warnings.

goodnight sweet prince

I liked Vista, I used it throughout college. Those stupid docks would rape your performance though if you didn't have enough RAM.

Windows 7 is better anyway.

fuck off femanon you & your idiocy dont belong here

Will vita be like xp where they don't really care about the product keys anymore?

Rip in peace
I still have a computer running vista home premium, never trusted linux for ntfs storage disks


The ball button really looked great, Vista's design as well as color theme was best so far. That green-blue-yellow mix was lovely.

Shut up we're grieving.

Yea it was very comfy.


>not knowing the difference between a trip- and namefag

Yes (:

They are both equally as bad.

Vista was ahead of its time.


Probably my favourite design of any OS ever.

rip vista, time sure flies

I still remember when it was released and everyone was screeching about how it doesn't work on their shit computer and how it uses a ton of memory.

Microsoft even went as far as to show Vista off without its branding and people generally liked it a lot

Goodbye Vista, you were always shit, may your death be forever.

Vista's theme was so much nicer than 7's. I like 7 but having used both Vista and 7 back and forth the differences between the two were barely noticeable other than the theme. The problems with Vista were way overstated and probably not based on actual facts or experience.

I want to die.
Let try installing Linux

I was sure someone must have made this, glad I was correct.

>Microsoft even went as far as to show Vista off without its branding and people generally liked it a lot
This urban myth (put out by Microsoft) still has traction?
There are people on this very board who will believe and parrot anything that comes out of Redmond.

It's literally true though because people dickride windows 7 which is the same shit but with a slightly different theme. The reasons Vista was poorly received had nothing to do with Vista itself and everything to do with OEMs and Microsoft's own incompetence at rolling it out.

I fucking loved Vista back in 2007. Fuck everyone who tried to install Vista on their shitty 2003 Dell Dimension shitboxes. Vista had true potential, but its reputation was fucked due to retarded OEMs like Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Acer installing it on computers with 1GB of RAM and a shitty dual core and 5400RPM hard drive. Vista was miles ahead of XP in innovation but also in design, and I think Vista's design has held up quite nicely over the years (it still looks better than W10).

Thanks for the fun times with Movie Maker, Internet Explorer 7, Windows Live Messenger, Skype, Purble Place, Games for Windows LIVE (ugh), and DirectX 10.

Thank you, Vista, for your service.

windows messenger was better in windows XP

7 is literally a Vista service pack though

I agree with you, it wasn't the OS's fault. I also agree that it does look quite nice, it is the best. I wish MS would have left that Vista/Win7 look, fucking hate Metro.

>improved driver model
>GPU drivers moved to user space
>implementation of a sane bootloader database
>enforcing of Windows API good programming practices
>sane audio stack
We owe to Vista those things lads. Don't forget.

This is why Vista was unsuccessful.

These types of computers were literally what was on the shelves in 2006/2007.

Is there a way to at least rescue the theme of Windows Vista and apply to Windows 7?

Indeed, and Vista-haters will say "W10/W8/W7 is so much better!1!!1" without realizing W10/W8/W7 are all based on Vista.

Exactly. It would have been a hit otherwise.

have not tried it myself yet but this looks promising

>11 year old drivers

Vista Basic was pretty fucking sad as well, which was bundled with Celeron computers with only 512MB RAM and crappy GMA 950 graphics.

I'm just glad IE dies more.

I'm not glad it's dead but I'm glad it's gone

Not going to lie, vista has best wallpaper and UI


Funny how Vista still looks good, but 8 already looks like crap.

Yea fuck the Metro design.

IE was and always will be absolute cancer

The last windows version with widgets .




Aesthetically it's all been down hill since Vista, I'd argue.

Glad to see that sentiment shared here.