Create a ""Gamer only"" ISP

>Create a ""Gamer only"" ISP
>Charge them premium
>Actual service will be about the same, with just better routing


Other urls found in this thread:

>Create a ""Gamer only"" ISP
>Charge them premium
>Service is no different

that's not a feasible business model

retards spend 200$ on a ""gamer"" gear, would they not for ISPs?

Partner up with Razer and retards will subscibe.

Hardware manufacturers would like a word with you

Gamer gear has an aesthetic, like putting a wing and fart can on a Honda Civic.
You can't really show off your ISP's fart can.

There seems to be a market for anything aimed at gamers
Even gamer ram and gamer routers

okay good luck displacing the existing ISP monopolies so you can market your utility service to a demographic that doesn't own/rent any property

>give gamer modem/routers
>gamer cables
There's your aesthetic

but if a big existing ISP starts this ppl would sign up right?

Mom and Dad will buy gamer toys for their sons. Do you think they'd buy a gamer family cell phone plan for themselves?



DDoS protection
Bundled router preconfigured with decent QoS

isnt that broken by just about every US ISP though?

I thought warner bros literally charged companies to hand them $$$ for better routing

You'll get payed a visit by some folks hired by a top isp and your business ends there grats

This has already happened.

You can get one with a free PS4.

MyRepublic ISP is literally doing this

is that literally just fibre net but with special "gamer" previlege like a PS4 + free installation?

You'd have to offer at least 4k streaming for me to even consider that. even then I'd still say No

Better routing... Do you know what the fuck you are even talking about? At some point your better routing is going to hand off to another network that according to you has shit routing. This is why you can't do QoS over public internet.

what if a big company make a US only service

You get a static ISP by default and specialised support.

>better routing
Do you really think normal ISPs have bad routing on purpose or something?

You would have to own the entire network end to end. Even ATT and Comcast still drop off to other backbone providers, less ATT but they surely so in some areas. I know Comcast does because they jump onto regional fiber at the colo data center I am in. It is not their fiber.

Just do a traceroute or pathping if you want to see all of the networks your single packet touches.

There are solutions like this called point to point. They are usually metro wide (but there are some national and global options). They are expensive. The last time I checked a point to point from east coast to west coast the 100mbps connection was well into the thousands per month. You would have to implement point to point private routing for every endpoint and then still at some point drop them off for external queries. At best your customers would have very low latency with eachother, probably 2-4ms or so.

You pay more, you'll get better priority.

violates net neutrality

No shit they have millions of endpoints, if you have bad routing it just doesn't work. Love or hate someone like Comcast, their infrastructure is still an impressive achievement.

Even in cases where you are paying for your peering agreements, you aren't going to have complete control from end-to-end. It doesn't work like that.

We aren't the USA.

Then again, we don't be fucking dickheads when it comes to internet. We don't impose silly restrictions like bittorrent or something like that

No one would buy it

also good luck proping up your own ISP let alone a gaming central one

Who is "we"?

New Zealand.

hell just trying to rent the fucking lines from the ISP would be impossible

once the ISP realizes you're a competitive threat, they'll just cancel your contract and end your business because they can because they lobbied and legislated all the fucking laws to benefit them

That's cool until you get sued for copyright infringements. If you are in any developed country you will be held liable (except china). The reason the isp imposes these restrictions is to push liability to the customer.

>copyright infringement for using other torrent clients


Except that doesn't happen.

ISPs do all sorts of network prioritisation. It's not violating net neutrality.
If you've got an extremely latency sensitive data stream (like VOIP), you're going to prioritise the shit out of that so that there is no stuttering in the call, and it will get pushed to the front of the queue.
If you have a customer who needs better guarantees about the quality/latency of a connection, you will probably prioritise them more.

Things that violate net neutrality are things like websites having to pay your ISP just to get a better connection to _you_.

Yes that is why ISPs tend to block them. Why else would they?

theres nothing copyright infringing about using what ever torrent client you want

>Australians will never know this feeling

You won't make any money. To have a good reputation among all the e-sports wankers, and anyone talking about your service you'll have to maintain zero downtime and consistent 1-3ms pings and a high quality connection to everyone. You really think just slapping 'gaymur' on a broadband connection or a cheap fiber one will have people flocking? At least that ridiculous gaymur food is probably laced in caffeine or something.

Yum yum.

>i think having a 100Mbps line is all good

Don't forget gamer SSDs
And gamer motherboards
Check out the Why page on that site btw, it's really eye opening, really premo shit, really qa passing shit

>also charge them more for doing things other than online gaming
>especially downloads
>charge them a shitload more if they torrent because it "strains the infrastructure"

>you always win because their online vidya will need to update eventually