where did it go arch fags. how do to get proper font ?
No more infinality bundle on arch gnu/linux?
Other urls found in this thread:
>how do to get proper font
install macOS
A harfbuzz update fucked it in february and the maintainer abandoned it. I actually made a copypasta for this subject. It's even better imo.
-Creating an Infinality-like font configuration for Arch-
From a clean slate on Arch we can now create a similar font configuration to the infinality-bundle's without having to use the patched packages. It is now possible to easily get great-looking results with the default interpreter.
1. Create the following symlinks to instruct freetype2 to use good-looking rendering defaults
sudo ln -s /etc/fonts/conf.avail/11-lcdfilter-default.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d
sudo ln -s /etc/fonts/conf.avail/10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d
2. Modify (or create) /etc/fonts/local.conf to contain these contents: pastebin.com
3. At this point your fonts should look pretty good but we can do even better by making sure that we have all fonts on the system that were defined as substitutions earlier. To do this we need to install the packages fonts-meta-extended-lt and fonts-meta-base from the AUR which will build the rest of the fonts required.
After having done all this, restarting the X-server by logging out and back in should apply all changes.
Linux - Wikipedia: i.imgur.com
Github - i.imgur.com
Arch website - i.imgur.com
big props for dis
The patent has expired several years ago. Why do you still need that?
> The patent has expired several years ago.
> Freetards' fonts still suck.
Is extended-lt necessary or is base enough?
>Is extended-lt necessary or is base enough?
Neither one or both is fine. You can stop after step 2 really, That's the biggest thing, the rest is just some fine tuning.
>archfags need to make message board posts to get working fonts
do they not have fedora where you live
Wow is it really this easy to get good looking fonts these days? Truly amazing stuff, bravo arch
the last comment
Will this work on Void? I hate void's fonts, they look basically like arch's by default.
>bravo arch
you mean freetype
I don't know the first thing about void but this is standard font configuration so I would bet yeah
I want Fedora, but way less easy to use so I can be a l33t anonymus haker. I kno! Get Arch! Who need font antialias anyway?
"Hey, user. Change of plans I'll need that pdf file you were working on ASAP. I'm in the meeting right now"
"I'll have it sent over in just 30 minutes, my superior distro is just having a minor issue again. Not to worry though boss, it's far superior to all other GNU/Linux distros. You can feel safe knowing your employee is of a higher intelligence than most people in the world. I'll have it fixed right away."
just fucking get off the board, arch users, you're not using technology, you're symlinking fucking fonts while the rest of us are actually programming and building stuff
Hey, guy who wrote it here. It's extremely simple and it seems that you misunderstand the point of Arch. You see you start from nothing at a command line and build exactly what you want, fonts included. Sorry you're a braindead moron who needs someone to make all of your decisions for you or don't find satisfaction in building your own setup.
See above. You're completely misrepresenting Arch users.
>while the rest of us are actually programming and building stuff
Go roleplay somewhere else fag. The fact that you think that this is difficult says a lot about you
>Mental gymnastics to avoid the topic that Arch constantly breaks itself
you didn't make that at all you ripped it from here
>because they themselves don't do anything useful on Arch, they convince themselves that making programs in real life is never done by anons to feel more secure about themselves
>anons actually have programming practice threads all the time where the goal is to create a specific program, and do it easily because they don't waste time trying to get their distro to function, they just do things on their computer
yeah sorry I was too busy with getting my patches ready for your next kernel release on my fucking functional RHEL Workstation... obviously I'm not experienced enough to "build my own operating system with the command line"
Arch babbies are suckers
>inb4 vir/g/in flame war
On this topic
even after doing what says, and my fonts do look loads better all of a sudden, I still get this on youtube. Using qutebrowser.
Yes I did make this copypasta my good sir. Allow me to go into more detail about how I did it.
You linked fix-infinality.md
>A set of instructions on how to fix the harfbuzz + Infinality issue
I chopped out everything that has to do with that (81% of it) and used the info and compiled it from the perspective of a fresh Arch install. Look at the page you linked. The large majority of it has nothing to do with getting good fonts but rather pertaining to dealing with the breakage. It's an important difference.
The article you linked is 10,484 characters. The copypasta is 1287 characters.
Frankly your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired and your attitude is poor.
Wow, your hardcore operating system can't load Youtube properly. I'm sure that it's an easy fix and won't negatively effect your productivity. And symlinking more fonts will really impress future employers too, good choice, sir
take your fedora elsewhere, you ripped "your" copy pasta near word for word straight from that page. don't pretend that you made any of it.
from the gist:
>From this clean slate we can now create a similar fontconfig configuration to the infinality-bundle's without having to use the patched packages. Thanks to a few comments on previous versions of this article, it is now possible to easily get great-looking results with the default freetype2 truetype interpreter.
from your post:
>From a clean slate on Arch we can now create a similar font configuration to the infinality-bundle's without having to use the patched packages. It is now possible to easily get great-looking results with the default interpreter.
stop trying to pretend you did fuck all more than copy someone elses work.
Go fuck off fag look at what you're doing. We're in here discussing something we like and enjoy and you're wasting your fucking time bitching about it. Fuck off loser.. Find something better to do than being a dick on the internet. Eat shit and die homeboy.
>I'm sure that it's an easy fix and won't negatively effect your productivity.
You're one to talk about productivity while you berate people on the internet who are minding their own business.
This guy is guaranteed an extreme beta cuck irl
Fuck off dude my post literally says "I actually made a copypasta for this subject"
Is Engish not your first language? Kill yourself
>wanting blurry fonts
what the fuck for
that's a qutebrowser issue
use firefox
I realize now that tricking people into using Arch was a bad idea, Sup Forums. A year later, it's painful seeing hourly threads about how to fix fonts and how to make laptops suspend to disk properly and how to get audio working.
This is supposed to be a Technology board... For a while it was funny to trick teenagers into using a distro that literally threw away every engineering best practice (like regression testing and release roadmaps, lol)
Now these idiots are clogging up the board and actually think they're superior because they spent the last six months symlinking fonts and typing startx into a console, and they want a safe space to teach other how to partition disks properly.
Make it stop
Will this make the fonts look like "Linux" pre-set that Infinality had? I always used the "Windows" pre-set because I like my font rendering to look like the way Windows 7 renders fonts (I don't care if it's objectively worse, it looks the easier to read for me).
Anyone have a guide to get fonts that looks as much like Windows 7 rendering as possible on Arch?
Why are all the Arch shitposters Fedora users? What the fuck is wrong with the Fedora community, I've noticed there's a lot more hostility torwards anything non-RPM or non-GNOME on Sup Forums lately.
>You're completely misrepresenting Arch users.
by assuming they're not unemployed autistic anime watching scumbag pedophiles?
redhat shills
That's a horrible boss, and a horrible job.
I have a feeling you spend more time shitting on arch users than arch users spend fixing their distro.
I always thought they were debian users
i fell for the 144hz 1440p meme instead of getting 4k
there is an updated version in aur
you realize all arch users have the same base system?
>Obviously the 30 BMI larper before who doesn't know proper punctuation and callS Red Hat as Redhat larping he works there.
>now larping RHEL when the user many weeks ago told him about RHEL because (You) are larping as some Fedora pajeet.
Butthurt. Try coming back once you figured out how to do a basic net install and configure grub2 on your retarded UEFI laptop.
Nice larping faggot.
>self-proclaimed programmer *tips fedora
>but is obvious newfag who can't into proper puctuation
>self-proclaimed programmer with bad punctuation, sentence construction and ugly uppercase-lowercase mix
Sure, programmer-kun.
>uses fedora for daily driver
fedora breaks even more than arch and gentoo combined. >inb4 old xorg.conf meme
You realize NASDAQ use modified gentoo and portage a lot?
> you're symlinking fucking fonts while the rest of us are actually programming and building stuff
LMAO most people who say they're " building stuff" actually don't. Stop lying for a while. Symlinking is basic shit. If you've installed gentoo or arch (which is the easy route) you won't even break a sweat because real programmers understand all that basic shit including reading the man page
Enjoy your unstable kernel-testing distro.
I'm a principal software engineer at Red Hat. We often call it "Redhat" anyway. It doesn't fucking matter.
>implying grub2-efi doesn't just install the EFI executable and set efivars properly through boot.csv
>implying EFI is bad
>muh true scotsman
>implying developers understand the system at all and don't try to run shit as root/wedge dumbass libraries they found on Google in instead of what's packaged
>t. never worked professionally
efi is botnet
>muh total lack of evidence
Surely a bunch of hacked together asm shit you can never see and which has total control over your hardware is safer than a bunch of c with an open source reference spec and binaries which you can disassemble!
If EFI is "botnet", BIOS is just as likely to be.
Almost no chance you use libreboot.
Sup Forumstards just hate EFI because it's new and different