File Compression

What is the best method to compress a folder?
I don't care if it take an entire day for it to compress, I'm just seeking for a method to get me the smallest file size. Typically I just use 7-zip.

Also win7 fag so linux recs wont help.

Other urls found in this thread:


>compress a folder
Tell us what kind of files are there.

tar -cvf dir.tar dir/
xz -9 dir.tar

Now that was fucking hard

Compressing visual novels and games.
So music, images, .iso, etc...

tar cv dir/ | xz -9 > dir.tar.xz

unless your source fucked up, music and images should be compressed already.

most content on .iso is aswell.

The only reason it may not be compressed, is that they store it uncompressed to save on processor cycles when the game runs. But to get decent compression on images or music you want a specific codec for the file type.
Which to my knowledge no compression application does, so suit yourself with a few nice scripts that detect file type and pick a compression.

I've made the experience that xv -9 takes bollocs amounts of memory when done in a pipe, and is slightly more bearable when executed on the file (probably dropping things, instead of keeping *everything* in memory)

Most of your stuff is already compressed so don't expect too much.

I used Winrar to compress my shit, maybe its better to use 7-zip instead

I'm gonna need sauce on dat.

>most content on .iso is aswell.
I have a few PS2 games which compress well, 4Gb down to less than 500Mb, just using NTFS compression,
because of
>they store it uncompressed to save on processor cycles when the game runs

I'm getting around 80-90% on .iso with 7zip and anywhere from 40-70% on everything else. Sources don't compress visual novel files much. I just want to see how much more I can squeeze out of these because I have a few hundred visual novels and even compressed they're at around 1TB now.


Totsugeki Tonari no Onii-chan

I recognize that, it was my first hentai manga ever


nobody has mentioned pifs so far, it'll take forever but compress your file to a few bytes!

What the fuck?

Until you brainlets start realizing that pi is actually a coherent self repeating frequency sequence

If time isn't an issue, look into *PAQ formats...
With Win7 you can download Peazip and then select PAQ8o.
I guarantee whatever you're compressing will be smaller than any 7z file with any setting... but depending on the amount of stuff you want to compress, it may take only slightly less than the age of the universe to complete...

In regards to PAQ compression if you feel like reading up...

I wouldn't recommend PAQ, not just that it needs unreal amount of time to compress, but also memory.

Time is never not an issue with file compression.

If it requires more time to upload/download the complete uncompressed version of a file then the compression was a waste. The entire PAQ series is a huge waste of time and literally only good for a proof of concept.