Can Sup Forums make an AI as advanced as Kizuna Ai?
Can Sup Forums make an AI as advanced as Kizuna Ai?
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I hate to break it to you OP. But it's not an AI...
It's a neckbeard with a face rig..
Get off my board you digusting degenerate. Maki's the queen around here.
I say we make Lain.
why is that thing so popular
"her" videos are fucking boring
Maki is shit
fuck you maki shitter. akarin is the true queen around here
Don't know what this weebshit is, but that armpit is arousing.
>Make an AI
>The AI rolls in a whiteboard, and you have to sum up all primes under 2 million
>he doesn't know it's a girl and the channel is actually a giant ad-campaign.
get a life
>why is that thing so popular
It isn't as far as youtubers go.
>"her" videos are fucking boring
The va is a girl. She prolly does the face rig as well.
The dialogue is funny, her lines sound schizo.
thats a lie t. the queen
Fuck off
foot fags are worse than furries
The voice is fucking cute.
And it's decent listening practice if you're into studying moonrunes.
this maki meme needs to die
>all these autists arguing about cartoon characters
I recognize two of the space aliens posted here. Who are the others? Why do they keep making new cartoon series instead of continuing the stories of ones already established?
Any choice other than lain is objectively pleb tier.
Why do people bother voicing AIs? Can't they just run models on scipts and voice tracks from their favorite animus and teach the AI how to speak and synthesize given lines?
t. furry
inb4 bait
Its a group of people working together creating AI-chan project. Its goal is to shill her so much like hatsune miku. the seiyuu is a girl, others are male. around 5-6 people
I don't think that is actual artificial intelligence.
There's work being done toward that, but its pretty hard to do that especially with tonal shifts making sure they put emphasis on the right things.
Talking is a very complex task despite what people think.
Shilling is what you see with Linux, mpv, and uBlock Origin. The Japanese do "promotion":
How is somebody animating animu an AI?
Where where you when the non maki posters get btfo by their inferior waifus?
>Complaining about autists arguing about cartoon characters on an anime image board
>Lmao le tsundere superior Maki master race xD
Does your mum know your a faggot? You should tell her
no one is btfoing no one you retard
>maki posters are this delusional
We can do a logo...
>Maki's the queen around here
clueless spoiled bitch need not to apply as a queen.
How are her armpits so perfect?
Greentext without any proof is reliable, I assure you guys!