/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread


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Does anyone know enough about the Openwrt CLI to help me set QOS priority based on IP? Everything I'm trying to do is available in the DDwrt GUI, but Luci is pretty limited.

How do I get an internship after college?

How can I extend a WPA2-Enterprise wireless network?
Cheap repeaters from amazon wont work right?

Does anyone know why Youtube-dlG never works? It always goes straight to "Video successfully downloaded in 0 minutes 0 seconds", and there's no file. I've installed it on multiple computers with and without installing python/youtube-dl first.

Repeaters are an ass solution. Just pony up and lay an ethernet line to your second AP

Got a key already, and I'm downloading the 3DP stuff right now

How will Cloudflare ever recover?

Did you set where it's supposed to download?

Yeah. Went with a folder on my desktop

I'm in a dorm, cant lay cables. Dorms wifi barely reaches inside the room, I was thinking of using a repeater on the wall that gets the best signal and casting it over rest of the room but apperenly common repeaters don't work for wpa2-enterprise

Can someone add a patch here which adds logging of requested object size? I'm too stupid to figure it out.

Couldn't post the link here because of spam detection.

I remind you again to uncheck the boxes that ask you install other programs and toolbars.

3DP Net will let you install Ethernet and Wireless drivers.
3DP Chip will let you install GPU, Audio, Chipset and others.

It's not showing any of that. Should I be worried?

If you dont are connected to internet no.

Look up the documentation to see if you missed anything. Also try using youtube-dl without a GUI. There's also addons on FF that let you right-click and view streams on mpv using youtube-dl as a plugin.

Nah, that's the worst possible use case. All you'll end up doing is shitting all over every on else's signal. I'd just get something with a better wifi card. If you're really desperate, you could set one router or wireless NIC in the spot with the best reception and run a cable from it to your PC, or bridge it to a router with 5ghz to make your own wifi network.

Thinking about getting a Samsung 850 Pro for my first SSD. There is pretty much going to be no more advancements in SSDs that use SATA III right?

What was the command to open a file using a specific program, in cmd on windows? I've seen it once but I forgot the syntax.

It was something like:
open 'myfile.png' o 'myprogram.exe'

Youtube-dl works fine. If I could find something in the docs I wouldn't be here. I can't even think of a good set of keywords to google, and it didn't seem to be one of the known issues on github

Alright I'm not connected on the internet, so no worries about that now. Installing framework rn and preparing for desktop install magby tomorrow

Doubt it, most high end SSDs are for M2.

850 EVO and PRO are the best you will see for a while.

Evenin, Sup Forumsurus.

It's the guy from a few days ago who's laptop fan was running constantly despite both reasonable temperatures and lack of open programs, with a performance hit topping it all off. i'm here with a status update.

>Take the stupid thing apart and peek inside
>Fan is covered in dust, go figure
>Spray it off with some QR
>Spray the exit zone too, for good measure
>Fan seems to work now, thank god
>Put it back together, turn it on
>right back to it, but theres a smidge of air coming out now
>Like, less than one percent of what SHOULD be blowing out at it's speed.
>Recently decide to check task manager with Enter the Gungeon up, just to make sure that the performance hit wasn't some stupid virus or whatever
>Gungeon lags just enough to be annoying
>Check my usages
>This shit

Alright, i'm starting to get upset. Any tips?

Hope its a PMW fan, check speedfan for the fan speeds.

Dont they sell anything thats basically two routers already bridged like you explained but in a more compact package?

Also, I suppose I could get a better wifi card, but how do I know what wifi cards are good? And compatible with my laptop? There aren't much resources avaliable to look for as there is for cpus for example.

You're missing the point. Taking in a wifi signal and re transmitting it from the same spot is a really terrible way of handling things. One signal fights with the other, in addition to fighting with all nearby network traffic. And then you get at least 2x the latency. And since you only have access to the very edge of the primary router's network anyway, you're probably not going to get amazing reception to begin with. Retransmitting a shitty source doesn't make it less shitty. What you want is one optimally placed receiver that can convert the signal to a wired connection. What you do from there is up to you, but I would advise against creating any additional wifi traffic, especially over 2.4 ghz. There are a lot of decent USB wireless NICs. Alfa makes some powerful ones. With routers it's a matter of finding one that can be set as a wireless bridge.

Sup stupid questions, With chrome, if I drag and drop images from Sup Forums instead of the filename it just becomes "download.jpg" Seems to have happened with 57 or 58, is this a setting I can change back?

I posted a photo on here not realizing there was a piece of mail in the corner. I quickly deleted it but I can't help but wonder: what could someone do with your name, address, and account number you had with an old isp that you're no longer doing business with? I imagine they still have my name on file.

The fuck is nvidia container and why does it think it can use 100% disk when my computer is locked?


Someone will? Doubt it unless you pissed someone.

Geforce experience "test" program.

How do I make it so that horizontal scrolling is turned off while i'm scrolling vertically? Right now it starts to scrolling angularly...

It scans your HDD looking for games, that is why it uses 100% of your HDD when you are not using your HDD.
Also is NVIDIA telemetry.

They do, it's called a range extender. You generally shouldn't use one. Run a cable if possible, or use powerline network adapters, you can get ones with a WiFi AP at one end if that's useful.

Run HWiNFO64 or similar, check temps under load.

I have no idea how to do this.
Speccy says this, though.

Shits high, but as i feel around my laptop i cant FIND the heat, usually that kind of shit would be pretty easy. And just like always, there's no air coming out of the fucking vents.

Install Speedfan and check the RPM of your fan.
Speccy should say it too under CPU section tho.

should i use tails or vm win 7 on kali forensics

I have no idea if this is good or bad.

Bad in both ends.

When you disassembled your PC did it ever came into your head to try to spin it with your finger?
Did you feel it rather stiff or normal?

>Reply to Thread No.59834700
Didn't come to mind at the time. I'm quick on the uptake when it comes to software, but hardware stuff is when i have no idea what im doing.
That and my minumum wage job had me trying my hardest to not break, jostle, or fuck up any of the components.
I'll test it tomorrow.

You could always buy a Thinkpad for emergency use for $100-200.

Check CPU section in Speccy.

Got an emergency XP laptop for when things get hairy, dont worry.

You have a HP Pavilion 15-p100dx right?

Yuuuup. Trusty as hell. This is the first issue i've had with it to be honest with you.

Needs a serious outer clean though.

A fan for it should be $20 tops so dont worry about spending a lot.
Specially since you know how properly disassemble your computer and could do it yourself.

turn off circular scrolling

Well, i know how to take the keyboard off. Sure as fuck dont wanna risk accidentally busting the damn thing.

Though from what i saw, getting to the fan SHOULD be pretty easy. Still gonna look up a video guide on my phone if i do it though.

Getting a backup external HDD for gramps, running macOS Sierra w/ Time Machine and Thunderbolt v2 connections. Hesitant to recommend an expensive external hard drive if there is such a thing as desktop enclosure for custom hard drives. Better with RAID of some kind. Couldn't find anything in the archive.

My understanding of the current market for Hard Drives is that 1 TB drives are very stable, and increasing capacity brings increasing failure rate. No needs for huge amounts of data, so 5 TB drives seem... too risky for their cost.

Recommendations for either an external hard drive with about 2 TB of capacity, or an enclosure into which I can stick some stable drives? Thanks.

Fans are really easy to replace.
You will need to fully disassemble it since you need to remove the motherboard from the case to do it properly.

Some heatsink fans need to remove the cooper pipe, and if you do that you need to clean with isopropyl alcohol and put new paste, can get tricky if you never did it.
I doubt you will have to do it though.

How do I change my navigation buttons in Windows Classic on 7?

Customizergod/Nav Button Changer doesn't work on Classic theme.

I have a sound bar (Polk N1) that my brother got me. It's a stereo sound bar but all the sound coming through my TV is surround. I have no way to convert it to Stereo through settings and what have you.

Is there any kind of device that can convert the 7.1 Dolby and DTS mixes to stereo without buying a full blown receiver? It sounds like a DAC is in the ballpark of what I need but I can't find the correct one.

Any ideas?

Any help is appreciated here, I'm sure this kind of stuff is simple to at least someone here

Trying to update my Chipset drivers because the one in device manager is just the "Standard AHCI ... driver".

I tried installing the general Intel Chipset Driver INF thing from Intel.com but the install failed

I am using WIn8.1 and CPU-Z shows pic related as my Chipset info

On my manufacturer page, there is no chipset driver listed either, although I did see one for this PC under the Windows Vista OS but I'm guessing it's not a good idea to install that if I'm using 8.1

Can someone let me know what I s hould be doing to update this?

Also another question about drivers. When looking up the Hardware ID, sometimes it shows multiple (some with the REV suffix). What does this mean? Which one is the most important that I should note? Also is there like a site where I can input the HID and it just gives me the exact driver for it?

Googling it always leads me to some driverupdater.com type site which I don't trust.

lets just amass all the fucking watermarks we can why dont we, and while we're at it lets ad stupid unfunny impact text.

Try 3DP Chip.
Careful with the adware that comes with the installer tho.

Also, have you ever heard if its not broken dont fix it?

I understand that notion, and for drivers that at least aren't generic I pretty much leave them be. But I figure the Chipset driver affects performance quite a bit and right now I only have the Generic one from Windows (I just reinstalled Windows)

I dont know

I've had 3DP Chip break certain shit for me when using it for drivers but I suppose it's my best bet

the INF driver package just gives things proper names, doesn't change anything to do with AHCI. For that you need the Intel Rapid Storage driver, or if your board has a SATA 6.0 controller, you need the one from the chip's manufacturer

It doesn't affect performance at all.
Based in your motherboard it might affect some power relate functions windows uses (Like screen brightness control).
Efficiency/Power consumption too.
But this is when you use a old OS on new hardware, not when you use a new OS on old hardware which is your case.

Only part of the chipset driver that has any noticeable effect is SATA controller.

come on niggers i'm at 98% aesthetics

how do I see if a program has some hidden command line mode in it? I tried already opening it in cmd but it just runs the executable like normal, I've seen other programs before that had both command line and interface mode so I wanted to check.

I didn't see anything about Intel Rapid Storage using the Intel driver finder utility nor on my mfctr page

Okay, I see I should just leave it alone. Wasnt sure but now I am

there're no settings for that, you need to install a loader/hack, I forgot what it's called though, I searched about it a long time ago because I wanted to change the win7 windows borders with custom ones, it was a pain so I gave up.

How do i turn all the 1's into 0's on my hard drive?


try /?
or /h
or google for "program command line arguments"

Tried both but still no difference, I guess it really doesn't have one.

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda

Perfect thread:
What is the difference between VGA Passthrough GPU Passthrough, PCI Passthrough and PCIe Passthrough? I gather they are different ways of reffering to what is the the same thing. Also if there is another kid of "passthrough" describe and define that to me as well.

do your own homework pajeet

Different slots that work differently need different passtroughs.
They're not the same thing.

a loader, do u know who makes it or anything that I could google to find out?

You pray to the pajeets hiring you. I went in for an internship and was able to schmooze the pajeet into giving me a consultant/contractor job for 6mo. then permanent hire thereafter rather than unpaid internship.

Can I get light (or heavy) descriptions each?

i think windowblinds used to do that shit back in the xp era.

How practical is Python/Pygame/whatever python-based framework for the run-of-the-mill vidya gaem in 2017? Will I be better off fucking around in Unity/Godot/GM8?

it's a shame that the earliest version that works on windows 7 is windowblinds 7.1

blue revolver is made in love2d with lua, and it's an awesome game. But shmups are faily simple.
so probably depends on how simple you get.

How do you remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop? It's such an eyesore.

I thought you'd like that ;)

How do I use a vpn without admin rights?

How do I get Clover to filter posts right?
Say if "pancake" was my trigger, why doesn't *ancake catch everything?

Do I need to Hide/Remove post?


What does the /i do

ignores case

My problem is that Clover still displays comments that have filtered words, if I click on a reply to see the comment.
I still see the removed post if I click through 2-3 reply chains

I guess clover uses another flag to filter entire posts then, dunno

How does Intel Hyperboost work?
When it gets activated?

it's just a small overclock when the workload gets high.

turbo boost just activates depending on the load and temperature

I don't use windows, but try start.

I havent turned my desktop off for years

getting a laptop soon and I want to have it on 24/7
how can I manage it without it exploding

plug it in and switch it on

that's a google tier question
it's in control panel>display I believe

Good cooling will be needed.
It will hold out unless its HP or Acer.

shred -v /dev/sda --iterations=1

>restart my android 6.0 phone
>suddenly no network, and vanilla music wont play anything, alarms not working

Literally what the fuck? How does this happen after a restart? I can't connect to my mobile operator at all.

How often do I need to change my CPU's thermal paste? I have a 6700K cooled by a NZXT Kraken x61 using the stock paste, and it stays pretty cool, but everywhere I look I see people changing the paste