What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Proper software.
Gnome to stop being retarded and dumbing shit down..
learn to use the terminal
Gnome is literally javascript and css, i'm waiting for a proper desktop without being a slug.
Recently I've been trying to write software to allow thumbnails in the filepicker for all browsers. But I gave up and determined that the technology just isn't there yet.
I'm waiting for my life to end.
not enough ads, needs Amazon search built in
OS is nice, unity and gnome are garbage, use Ubuntu mate or xubuntu
budgie with qt backend.
This is now a wojak thread
18.04 LTS
Switching to Windows 10 when Unity support ends.
Woo boy, edgy.
"Vega" and a "Be quiet dark rock 3"
if that doesn't pan out
a 1080 and a "Be quiet dark rock 3"
ether way i'm waiting lol
>you're edgy because you refuse to use anything but the only good Linux DE
Ok, kid.
I've used default ubuntu unity for years now, why is the top bar so much darker than the windows? It looks ugly. I like unity. I also don't even know how to switch to gnome because every guide I've read is ambiguous and says I will probably break a lot of things by doing it.
>Sup Forums
>your DE matters
For canonical to fix GNOME's terrible UI. I like GNOME, but it wastes too much space on title bar and huge buttons.
Also, I'm thinking of going back to 14 LTS. Newer versions with updated X doesn't support the proprietary AMD drivers which are needed if you do graphically intense shit.
cinnamon available stock
top kek lad
>wastes too much space on title bar and huge buttons.
Pixel Saver extension
Dash to Panel extension, then resize the panel to be smaller
What do you not like about it? It literally just works. The global menu gets around GTK's shitty multiple hamburger menus all over issue, Compiz allows for a fuckton of usability tweaks (Super + Mouse Wheel scroll to change workspaces is A+), it makes a point of saving your screen real estate, etc. Every other DE aside from GNOME and Cinnamon just feels cobbled together and messy.
It's so choppy and laggy! Everything operates at ~7 fps.
Post your specs. :^)
Or just download ubuntu desktop and install fxce de :3
It would run like shit under those specs, unfortunately.
Why is your CPU so hot?
>using anything other than xfce or mate
proper battery life
>ubuntu with Gnome 3
Jesus christ dude. Have you no standards?
how is roasting your penis with that laptop going, user?
how on fucking earth could it run like shit
my wife's netbook runs w10 without a hitch with a pentium, 4gb ram and an eMMC card, get fucking real, guy
>how on fucking earth could it run like shit
It'll run fine till you hit the o v e r v i e w.
Then again, maybe he's using Ubuntu GNOME which is probably the worst distro for GNOME.
ok sorry for getting angry
For gnome 4 to bring back old look from gnome 2 or smth
>ok sorry for getting angry
No need to apologize, user. H-have a good day...
why is gnome bad for ubuntu?
It's probably not too bad anymore with Ubuntu GNOME 17.04 shipping with 3.24 (I'm thinking of trying it today, actually) and the announced move to GNOME next year but:
Ubuntu GNOME uses the same repo as regular Ubuntu and as Unity takes priority, Ubuntu GNOME has heldback and patched GNOME packages that Unity depends on. Adding the GNOME3 ppa and just doing an apt upgrade should resolve that issue but I just think doing all that is a bit messy and then there's the suggested apps that come preinstalled with Ubuntu. You can remove these of course, if you know the right commands.
Fedora just provides a more minimal, streamlined and cleaner GNOME experience. It's the closest thing there is to an official distro for it.
Though I am a bit biased since Fedora is the one distro that just works flawlessy for me. Ubuntu on a whole consistently gives me unexplainable error messages on boot and during uptime that I just got tired of having but that could just be my hardware.
Gnome is bad for everyone. It progressively destroys brain cells till you end up a babbling drooling retard - like the Gnome devs.
>What are you waiting for?
Bluetooth headset work plug and play