How secure is your laptop?
How secure is your laptop?
it isnt
any minority who wishes to take it is more than welcome
but, it is an x220, and no one wants an x220
>le sneaky stealth Sup Forums thred xDDDDDDD
Stay on your containment board Sup Forums.
Fuck off.
is this the new sticker thread?
>niggers being interested in a thinkpad
(x) doubt
>getting triggered over a little pic
dont you have a bull to prep?
this was a tweet on a satirical Sup Forums account
no black person, even the most ghetto, would unironically type N SHIT after something
literally why?
Bash was programmed by an NdoubleAPC (code) monkey, if you're running Bash as a login shell your computer is absolutely vulnerable to monkeys on a typewriter and any monkey loving socialist who decides to redistribute your property. Also right-winger anarchist punks can just about crack any 32 bit machine, but are impervious to 64 bit.
Recommend GnuPG + superviser password + replace your bolts with custom-made screws which ONLY YOU have the piece to match, plate it in semen-coated titanium, run csh or ksh as a login shell and use 64 bit hardware. Also unpin your USB ports until booting up.
It could still happen irl though
Pretty secure
Woah Technology
As secure as everything else in my house
>DSTN screen
mudshark detected
Its the TFT one
I'm gonna replace it pretty soon
Mine is an x61s
Triggered sjw detected
I have an encrypted hidden OS. If a normie were to boot it up they'd end up in an unprotected win7 that I've loaded with malware that'll phone home any key presses.
Is there a way to do a hardware encrypt or disable write in a HDD or SSD unless a password is used?
In a way you cant overwrite it specially?
Hm, tricky question. I dual boot Wangblows10 and Fagbuntu, so I guess it depends of what I got booted at any given moment. Pic related
>right-winger anarchist punks
> Sanders supporter robbed by thug in Chicago
Top kek
full disk encryption. needs flash drive which is attached to me at all times to boot. pass is 34 characters long
good luck bitch
Each sticker on your Toshiba or Sony laptop adds 100mb of RAM to your laptop.
We JDM now, bois
LOL image
Sup Forums's Sup Forums's main board now right after Sup Forums.
What a time to be alive.
>Sup Forums is a leading indicator of Sup Forums & Sup Forums post activity
>tfw MILITARY GRADE encryption enabled