What is the cheapest computer you own?

what is the cheapest computer you own?
what's the most expensive computer you own?

for me
raspberry pi
alienware laptop

Other urls found in this thread:


Gateway laptop from late 90s or early 2000s
>most expensive
20" 2008 iMac

Custom built PC from 2012 (Phenom II X6, HD6970)

>tfw remember when parents bought me a desktop computer for 1.5k tht had 200something ram

I only have one computer, so that would be the cheapest.

Custom built PC from 2010 (i7 x980, GTX670)

Some age-old Dell laptop that was running Windows 95 when it was given to me, now is still very slow with Xubuntu
Lenovo Y510P, on Kubuntu but I'll probably switch given that I use Openbox without a DE anyway

xps 13 qhd and a cheapshit old lg andoid phone

Pinguino Micro with PIC32MX795F512H
Desktop with A8-6500B and Radeon HD 6670

>dumpster salvaged Pentium2
0 moneys
>X1 Carbon 4th gen
close to 1 grand

>what is the cheapest computer you own?
$1 calculator

An old athlon tower or my old Q6600 tower I guess
>Most expensive
My current desktop (4790k + 390x)

ATMEGA328P ~3€ + soldering,quarz,caps

15" late 2008 MBP ~1100€ + exhaustive search for good deal

Slide rule

>alienware laptop

Fuck u nigger shill with ur shitty gaymen laptop

Where can find nice dumpsters with abandoned electronics inside?

Cheapest: Some HP Netbook from 2010 that's been in it's travel bag so long it probably doesn't have a charge on the battery anymore.

Most expensive: My Frankenputer.

The most expensive is a fully loaded 15 inch 2015 MBP. The cheapest a Raspberry Pi zero.

>Custom built about $800 desktop

>Pink HP laptop stream laptop that was worth $200 when I bought it and probably $100 now.

A thinkpad x41, 20€
>most expensive
asus X54HR, 330€ back in 2012

Orange Pi
16gb i7 T460s

ATtiny85, 1€
>most expensive
2015 Retina Macbook Pro, 1900€

Nunna yo business NSA
Nunna yo business NSA

>alienware laptop

Cheapest: some phenom x4 845 workstation with a 7870
Expensivest: my custom FX 9370, sabertooth mb with a GTX 980

cheapest: toshiba tecra m5 i got for free
expensivest: asus ux310uq
i don't upgrade everything in my PC at the same time so it doesn't feel expensive

a couple of atmega328p """computers""" ive built for various purposes
~$3-7 each in components

xps 13 9360 or my desktop from 2013 (3770k, 7970, etc) about the same price for both of them

what do you use your microcontrollers to?

HP t620 thin client
MacBook Pro

>lenovo ideapad 100s
(Maybe 100)
>desktop pc close to 2k

i don't currently use it

i use an elitebook that i bought for 180 dollars on ebay

i would agree that alienware sucks. I regret buying it. i bought it in 2009 when i really didnt know anything about computers.

How are Elitebooks? Are they durable laptops? I like how some Elitebooks have steel/metal casings, seems very structurally strong.

orange pi PC (15$)
4K 27'' imac

i love it actually. it's very comfy.

>most expensive
Thinkpad x230

My desktop, the parts were around 500-600 yuros.

>most expensive
Retina Macbook, which was 1.3k or 1.4k

>are they durable


11 inch Acer travelmate. Cost me 200.

Intel Compute Stick, first gen.
>most expensive
Custom looped i7/SLI system with RAID SSDs.

my casio f-91w (€15)
>most expensive
desktop pc:
5 wd black 1tb @ €75 a piece
asus sabertooth 990fx mobo at €300
AMD athlon II x6 1100t be @ €250
lepatech 1600watt psu €??
asus hd radeon 7990 @ €500

The fuck is the point of such an expensive board if you got a shit CPU/GPU?

it wasn't and still isn't shit.
when i bought them they were TOTL

Thinkpad t30