>what is the cheapest computer you own?
$1 calculator
What is the cheapest computer you own?
An old athlon tower or my old Q6600 tower I guess
>Most expensive
My current desktop (4790k + 390x)
ATMEGA328P ~3€ + soldering,quarz,caps
15" late 2008 MBP ~1100€ + exhaustive search for good deal
Slide rule
>alienware laptop
Fuck u nigger shill with ur shitty gaymen laptop
Where can find nice dumpsters with abandoned electronics inside?
Cheapest: Some HP Netbook from 2010 that's been in it's travel bag so long it probably doesn't have a charge on the battery anymore.
Most expensive: My Frankenputer.
The most expensive is a fully loaded 15 inch 2015 MBP. The cheapest a Raspberry Pi zero.
>Custom built about $800 desktop
>Pink HP laptop stream laptop that was worth $200 when I bought it and probably $100 now.
A thinkpad x41, 20€
>most expensive
asus X54HR, 330€ back in 2012