Tfw almost pulled the trigger but chickened out last minute

>tfw almost pulled the trigger but chickened out last minute.

FUCK, this thing is $3000+ everywhere else.

kill me Sup Forums

I'm sure wise guy electronics LLC is a very reputable legitimate company.

> Falling for the curved meme
> Falling for the 4k meme

>not watching anime on a 10" black and white CRT with mono sound

Why even live?

It's wise buy, not wise guy.

Why was curved a meme again?

It's not, people just call things they don't like memes now.

Shitty view angle. Might as well curve it the other way.


$2,500 for a monitor? Are you fucking kidding me?

I have a goddamn 1366x768 t420 and even I wouldn't fall for that meme.

This reminds me of the old CRTs before they where flat.

Show us one legitimate reason for curved TVs


they shouldn't even call it curved but "slightly bent" doesn't sound as appealing. it's a pointless marketing gimmick that offers nothing and can create a weird pincushion effect from certain angles.

spoiler alert but televisions don't change much year-to-year, despite that these companies need a reason to keep selling the same shit to the same audience every year to make a profit, so they invent new "features" to make morons like you open up your wallet. then in another year they can offer "NEW FLAT OLED" like it's suddenly a "new" thing because they created an artificial gap in the market for a product that already existed the whole time. this shit is new coke all over again

I don't own a curved TV but I can imagine that it makes sense in certain situations. If you're sitting in the right position you will get a perpendicular viewing angle on more parts of the screen.

>spend years optimizing displays for wide viewing angles
>hurr durr lets throw all of that away and make giant displays that only works if you sit smack dab in the middle at the right distance

congrats you just saved yourself 2500

Only really makes sense when you have the TV in the corner of the room, only because you're already limited with viewing angles in that specific case. otherwise moot.

>life's gay
>curved meme
>4k meme
>oled meme
>tv in $__CURRENT_YEAR

dodged the bullet there.

>watching the electric jew
Better use it as a monitor.

>buying expensive 'New' things from eBay
>b-b-b-b-but its a bargain!!

It would have arrived shoddily repackaged from the person who returned it.

>falling for oled
>'HDR' more like oversaturated ICC precalibration
>falling for curved
>falling for 4k and not getting a 5k monitor

>mfw curved