Don't mind me, just "pirating" this iPhone

>Sup Forums
>steal thousands of dollars worth of intellectual property
>justify it somehow

>get angry when some sjw/nu-male gets their iphone stolen
>calls person a nigger thief even though they do the same on a mass scale and daily basis

Why is this board so stupid?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Have ASPD
>Think both of these acts are justified

I truly live in the best of all possible worlds.

Honestly, I hate Applefags moreso than I do niggers.

99% of nigras I've met have actually been very polite and courteous, regardless of whether they look 40 and dress like 12 year olds.

On the other hand, 99% of macfags are total insufferable cunts that never shut the fuck up about their shitty fruit religion.


I give blacks a chance to prove that they aren't shit, macfags I cannot say the same about.

we don't "steal" intellectual property, we illegaly download it
this is victimless

stealing a phone on the other hand creates victims

those are very different things, why are you so stupid ?

>stealing tangible goods is the same as copied code
Can't make this shit up!

you're illegally taking property that's not entitled to. that's theft

the victim is the person who made the intellectual property, who you did not compensate

ironic how freetards in this place will cry foul when someone takes GPL code and puts it in their proprietary project.... but but it's all just 0's and 1's xD

No, they still have their property. Copying it isn't ethically right but it isn't and never will be "theft"

>the victim is the person who made the intellectual property, who you did not compensate

i would statisticaly live longer if your mum sucked me off every morning, doesn't mean she is stealing life expectancy away from me

> (You)
>you're illegally taking property that's not entitled to. that's theft
>ironic how freetards in this place will cry foul when someone takes GPL code and puts it in their proprietary project.... but but it's all just 0's and 1's

Actually they'd be fine with it because they understand how coding works and that open source projects are a group effort based around multiple people contributing

>niggers are more inclined to steal from applefags


Which is dumb
Stealing modern phones is fucking stupid since anything made past 2015 has security features that make the phone unusable, even after wiping

you are assuming there can be intellectual "property" to be stolen
ideas are not material

It's not theft, it's copying. It may be illegal, but viewing nuanced issues like this as black and white only makes you look like an idiot.

and a nigger that's trying to justify stealing phones.

It's theft or else it wouldn't be illegal you mongoloid.


No, you're violating IP and copyright laws. You're not taking something from someone else, you're literally cloning a copy. Are you too thick to see a difference there? It can still be illegal while not being theft.

So murder is theft? It is illegal so by your definition . . .

>implying the law can't be wrong
>implying it already wasn't historically
if it was mandated by law to stone your mother tomorrow would it make it right?

Theft = Crime


Crime = Theft

checkmate, atheists.

If you can't understand the differnece then you're just as bad as any macfag

It's not theft and plenty of things are illegal that aren't theft, what the fuck? Dumb argument.

It's not ethical, it leads to losses of profit, but don't you dare fucking sit there and act like it's remotely the same as breaking into someone's home, mugging, or shoplifting, because it factually isn't

we have this thread every day on Sup Forums

Look up the word theft.

I know you guys think being anti-IP is commie stuff so read this free-market libertarian absolutely destroy it

should have known Sup Forums was behind this


pure mental illness right there.

you're a future office/school shooter. get some meds before you completely lose your mind.


Nice projecting. All this because he doesn't scream about niggers like the rest of you?

OP certainly would.

seriously, seek help. every state/country has a mental help emergency phone line. call it and tell them that you need some treatment.

Give it back Jamal, u stupid niggerfaggot.

IP theft is actually worse since it's done on a mass scale. Also not only do you steal intellectual property, but you're helping to redistribute it since that's how torrents work.

A stolen iPhone becomes useless once stolen. Android's don't even cost much. People also have insurance which covers the cost.

With IP theft, you're stealing thousands and thousands of dollars worth of IP. Phones cost only a few hundred dollars.

Look up the word pedant.

you are still implying that IP is a legitimate notion

but digital media doesn't hold any intrinsic value anymore since most of it is freely available

Delete all the Anime/music/movies you've stolen, John.

Also refrain from doing it in the future you nigger.

Honestly, I hate GNUfags moreso than I do niggers.

99% of nigras I've met have actually been very polite and courteous, regardless of whether they look 40 and dress like 12 year olds.

On the other hand, 99% of GNUfags are total insufferable cunts that never shut the fuck up about their shitty commie cult.

>paying for media
I buy anime figures, that's more than enough.

If you don't stay tonight
I will take that plane tonight
I've nothing to lose, nothing to gain
I'll kiss you in the rain
Kiss you in the rain (kiss you in the rain)
Kiss you in the rain (kiss you in the rain)
In the rain (in the rain)

For good reason, piracy is not called "theft" or "larceny" or anything of the sort in any law book. It is called "copyright infringement." It is not theft, because theft leaves the owner of the product incapable of using that product any more. That is to say, where I might have once had a smartphone for browsing websites on the bus and calling my boss and my family, I no longer have it, because you had stolen it. By comparison, if I have written a book, and you had copied it, I may not have been able to sell you a copy of the book, but I certainly still have the ability to sell it to others, or to read it myself. I am not denied the use of the book, only of a sale.

In any case, is there a reason you are being a moralfag on Sup Forums? Are you a troll or something? I mean, I'm always subtly trolling by using a tripcode when none is required, but what the fuck are you doing trying to take a moral high ground on this site? No one cares to hear about your opinions. You cannot guilt trip people into not pirating.

>I buy anime figures
Thanks for informing us that your opinion is worthless.

ITT: establishment cucks and trolls get BTFO by brave pirates

Feel free to go back to r*ddit. You seem to have forgotten what site you're on.

They say snakes in the grass so I’ma cut this shit (Flocka!
All these girls want is cash so I can’t trust the bitch (NO!)
12, pull up, run fast, can't go to jail for shit, (Vroom)
I got cars, ice, and hoes shawty I'm nigga rich, (woah)

>is there a reason you are being a moralfag on Sup Forums?

This is the place that gets mad when someone gets their iPhone stolen.

This is the place that gets mad when you own an iPhone. Niggers are doing whitey a favor.

And I would like to know why since the blatant hypocrisy when it comes to theft.

I didn't know that Tyrone could make an exact duplicate of my phone, leaving me with my original one intact. How does that work?

Piracy is socialism in action.


stopped reading right there
it's way past your bed time, son.

We're charging our battery
And now we're full of energy
We are the robots (4x)

We're functioning automatic
And we are dancing mechanic
We are the robots (4x)

>intellectual property

Choose one, faggot.

Can I duplicate your identity?

>still projecting this hard
Is it really so hard to think that it's easier to hate a group of people from a shitty group that actively choose to be in that group, rather than ones that don't choose to be in that group?

Black people can't change their skin colour, but Apple fans are completely within their capabilities to not be insufferable little bitches, yet choose to do so anyway.

The best part about all this is that I'm not even

> I didn't know that Tyrone could make an exact duplicate of my phone, leaving me with my original one intact.
Well, Chinese could and they did it. It was the same from the Apple's point of view.

If everyone could clone iPhones then nobody would buy an iPhone. Apple would go bankrupt and would cease to make iPhones.

>implying sjws are not a blight on the very people they claim to help
sjws are terrible
t. homosexual

That's not the same as Jamal mugging/pickpocketing you.q

Carry on, ghetto woman
Cause even in your darkest hours I still see your light
And when you cry, don’t you know
That I am crying with you?
When people put you down, yeah way down
And you feel like you’re alone
Let love be your guide

>It was the same from the Apple's point of view.
why the fuck should I care about what Apple thinks when they don't care about anyone

piracy is niggas in rafts around somalia with machine guns
he's refering to copyright infringement

Exactly. They "pirated" it with everything including IMEI and then locked to their own iCloud account.


1. Take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

Doesn't say tangible property. Also you have no legal right to the anime you steal, faggot.

Podemos hacernos daño
Podemos odiarnos tanto
Podemos hacernos daño
Podemos perder las riendas
Y encontrarnos en la guerra

Copying != taking.

Or are you one of those industry morons who think every single copy sent (even if it's the same copy, to the same people, repetitively) is a lost sale?

> and without intending to return it
If I'm seeding, I'm not stealing then.

doesn't mean that it's theft. when the government takes pirates to court, they don't prosecute them with theft or burglary, but copyright infringement. How are you this stupid?

He flexed his muscles to keep his flock of sheep in line
He made a virus that would kill off all the swine
His perfect kingdom of killing, suffering and pain
Demands devotion atrocities done in his name

God is dead and no one cares
If there is a hell I'll see you there
God is dead and no one cares
If there is a hell I will see you there

it really just is about the media production industry refusing to update their business models


Yeah you're redistributing which is even worse.

Sup Forums doesn't "steal" anything really. In the past, the users of this site have rigged polls, DDoS'd websites, made numerous prank calls to make a few individuals' lives a living hell, and griefed a few video games made for 12 year olds. Posters regularly engage in copyright infringement, and a few posters are unashamed pedophiles, or racists who literally want to kill all jews and/or blacks, but I don't think it's considered socially acceptable on this site to go as far as to steal property from someone. I mean, I've seen shoplifting threads on Sup Forums before, and really, there's a lot of hate towards the posters there (for good reason!). And sure, there have been people who have come here to brag about having killed a guy before, but I think there have been less than 10 such incidents over the course of Sup Forums's lifetime.

Oh sweet summer child..

No, it's about the media industry wanting to exercise iron-fisted control over culture *in general* by way of making even legally-protected fair use risky to utilize.

what has been taken
oh right, nothing

Sweet friend, was I born to give
You a name and then be erased
All because I couldn't keep it together
Couldn't keep it together

Little friend, I know I've made it so
So much harder on us and lost you
Because I couldn't keep it together
Couldn't keep it together
Couldn't keep it together

can someone really own a number?

I was strung out on Bach, and Beethoven was my thing
I dug jazz, I dug rock, anything with a swing
But I ran into a friend who told me there was so much more
Find the void that you missed there is plenty to explore

We want to take you, Cholly, when we go
(You wanna take me?)
We'd like to take you, Cholly, when we roll
(Well, if you'd play me just a little bit more)
But if we play you just a little more
(Maybe I will)
We'd love to take you, Cholly, when we go

You know right about that time
I started to analyze what they were trying to tell me
They said, "Come on, Cholly, we want to take you somewhere"
I didn't know where they was trying to take me
Next thing I know they were saying something like this

Funk gettin' ready to go
Funk gettin' ready to roll
Funk gettin' ready to go
Funk gettin' ready to roll
Funk gettin' ready to go
Funk gettin' ready to roll
Funk gettin' ready to go
Funk gettin' ready to roll

From here to eternity
That's where she takes me
From here to eternity
With love, with love, with love

Baby, baby, baby gives me loving
Leaves me meaning nothing, nothing left to mean
Baby, baby, baby's got me sighing
Nearly has me dying, dying off to me

>don't mind me, just "pirating" this iPhone

>Walks up to random guy with iphone
>I look presentable, ask politely if I can try his new shiny iphone
>Magically I have one just like it just without his personal files
>Give his back

Actual owner still having his iphone =/= Actual owner no longer has iphone
How hard is this to comprehend?

I have no intent of not giving back; the owner can connect to me and get his copy back.

> >Magically I have one just like it just without his personal files
> >Give his back
> Set up icloud lock on a pirated iPhone
> Original iPhone locks down
>>>>>>>>Actual owner no longer has iphone

>without his personal files

>steal thousands of dollars worth of intellectual property
Copying isn't stealing. If niggers would just copy iPhones with 3d printers no one but Applel would mind.

>there can be intellectual "property" to be stolen
yes it can be stolen. What if you find some efficient and innovative algorithm for something but you accidentally tell it to someone and that person patents it and sells a working product before you do.

is it hard, going through life, being this fucking stupid

>paying for media
someone has to rip the content you download.

all property is theft :^)

> >without his personal files
So what? Everything is the same, including IMEI. Check this:


>original iPhone locks down

>go to buy a car
>want a test drive
>no u arent getting in the car or even touching it until u buy it
>go pirate a car and test drive it
>if its shit dont buy it and if its good buy it
>muhfugga dats be's stealin bix nood
when will antipirate fags get real?

Give it back, Tyrone.

i don't really like the 'demo' argument because honestly there's a huge change i'm never going to pay for it anyway

i don't sit there and pretend piracy is completely ethical though

>intellectual property


nonfree software isn't ethical either though, so I'd call it even