/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

"Plenty of pussy, plenty of cash" Edition


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Where did you find this image of me?

Friendly reminder that:
>math is not programming
>a program is not a mathematical proof
>haskell is "programming" in much the same way as SQL statements are "programming".
>monads are a haskell hack that attempts to reinvent object oriented programming but in an obtuse way

Friendly reminder to sage all math autists.


Connect four written in 1600 lines of C.

This is the power of the mechanical engineer.

Friendly reminder that Haskell is trash.

I see you've uploaded the wrong image, user. Don't worry: I have a correct one!


i hope his approach was getting a bunch of GPU's to run unsupervised learning on a giant data set

Who are you quoting?

Yes, we know what website you hail from. However, advertising is forbidden, as you would know if you had read the rules.

So, android studio forced me to update shit and now the emulator won't work. It gets stuck at pic related. Anyone knows what's up?

have you tried turning it off and back on again

Sorry I'm just trying to fit in here.

>math is not programming
Programming is a subset of math and math is a subset of programming.
>a program is not a mathematical proof
Retardedly wrong.

The rest is correct.

Is a BS in CompSci better than a BA degree in an employers eyes?

Few people even read the sticky.

BA is the easy version of BS

A is a subset of B and B is a subset of A
>being this stupid

of course

Obviously, he is not quoting anyone. Why would you ask such a silly question?

Both will qualify for the same job correct?

Yes? Your point being?

If that is the case then B = A

WCHAR* to = TO;
WCHAR const* FORM = (WCHAR const*)_FORM;

while( (*(to++) = *(FORM++)) )

return (int)(to - TO - 1);

literally NEVER seen a posting that says "BA in Computer Science required"

Not that guy, but I think he's making fun of you.

Indeed. Your point being?

fuck OFF back to sci, this is why i hate people who even link to sci, because people go over there and lead them back here

Why is everyone in this thread so mad all the time?

It doesn't seem to be directed at anything specific, you just seem mad all the time about everything in general.

So substituting A for "math" and B for "programming" then your first statement is the equivalent of "math and programming are exactly the same thing" which they are not.

Are you implying that it's harder to find a development job with a BA?

Because software development is a stressful creative activity

I don't even go there. What's the point of your retarded and objectively wrong posts?

>your first statement is the equivalent of "math and programming are exactly the same thing"
>which they are not.
They are. I have discovered something which shows that they are absolutely and beyond any doubt the same thing.

Congratulations, you are now familiar with the analytic-synthetic distinction, and the paradox of analysis. For further reading, look up Two Doctrines of Empiricism by Quine, or research post-analytical philosophy and related works of Richard Rorty.

why would you even get a BA in computer science? that's like getting a BS in painting

Three reasons
>Shitposting for (you)s
>Trying to fit in
It's gotten worse too.

>They are. I have discovered something which shows that they are absolutely and beyond any doubt the same thing.
Post it, then.

Who is this quotation originally from?

>Who is this quotation originally from?
G. W. F. Hegel.

I wouldn't want to share it with the mouthbreathers that seem to have co-opted this thread.
If you could somehow prove that you weren't one of them, then I guess we could discuss it further.

because mathfags from sci are raiding our board, saying mathematical equations can magically do what assembly can

HINT you fucking idiot: being able to implement an algorithm in the form of a proof ISN'T THE SAME as being able to actually move bits on a computer. you're SHITPOSTING

Fuckin' told.

>saying mathematical equations can magically do what assembly can
Who said this?

For 59882208
What are you even trying to say by this?

the anime posting 14 year old with cystic acne said this

Sounds like aids.

Where? I've searched the whole thread and I can't seem to find "mathematical equations can magically do what assembly can".

The BA to where I'm transferring is the same as the BS just without honors math classes. Otherwise they are pretty Identical

>the anime posting
Oh, so it's a plebbitor. I see now.

Little stupid ass bitch got fuckin' told.

>Who said this?
Steve Jobs

first the go programming langauge

dude math xD everyone post anime pictures with literally every post you make and talk about math and how it's the same thing as programming

more like the slow programming language amirite

CS fags, was there a time or moment where algorithmic complexity analysis 'clicked' for you? I know mathematicians and smart cookies can look at this and grok it within a few minutes, but I'm still struggling with basic proofs such as this one. It should be easy to understand. I sort of get it, but not really. Where did (c+d)n + c come from? I also don't understand how the substitution works in the second part of the inequality.

just write a program. proofs and programs are literally the same thing

inline int XY0Z_strlen( char const*const TXT )
u8 const*eof = (u8 const*)TXT;
return (int)( eof - (u8*)TXT - 1 );

error C2144: syntax error : 'int' should be preceded by ';'


You shouldn't be using C in 2017, it's an unsafe, ancient language that's been superseded by Rust.

yeah if that programming language happens to be Coq.


Binary is math, therefore all programming languages are math.

I'm just editing some 2010 code.

Since this anime hater hates math so much, let's see what the rest of /dpt/ thinks...


>inlining and int
>trying to make an inline function in C

>false flagging

"inline" has been in C for 18 years.

idk are they? I'm just a lowly software engineer. If a CS professional or grad student or mathematician tells me they are, then I'll believe them.

No. They are equivalent. "The same thing" would be equality.
Any programming language actually.
Are you E*ropean or something? Only their kind could possibly think that truth (especially something already established to be true) can somehow be changed by a vote.

They are. Sup Forums is just full of autistic man children mad about "muh thread culture" and turning this board into an echo chamber full of lies.

Man, Rust strike force people never sleep don't they

>idk are they?
They are. It has been proven.
>If a CS professional or grad student or mathematician tells me they are, then I'll believe them
You would have to be a retard to really think that.

they are, i wrote a proof on a piece of paper and it was able to execute with my x86 intel processor. i also wrote a C program instead of a mathematical proof for an exam and he couldn't take points off b/c they're equivalent

>took infosec for 2 years
>associates in applied math and CS
>BS in CompSci
>undergrad in CompSci and Applied Math

I've gotta choose either math or CS to do a masters in; still not sure which to chose.

okay my point still stands

Who is saying what you're quoting?

>moving the goalposts

>okay my point still stands
How? You were completely fucking wrong.

no he isn't

>i wrote a proof on a piece of paper
Let's not tell lies.

>C doesn't have inline
>Yes it does
>Well, my point still stands

i took theory of automata and linguistics and it was all proofs. oddly enough none of them could be executed on a computer, it's like they're not programs

In what way? I said inlining an int function in C is no good; prove me wrong dickhead

>protip: you can't

me it was in regards to the poll and since this is DPT I figured someone would have some ideas on whether I should continue just going full blown CS (with the Associates in Math) or go for a masters in math (with a bachelors in CS.)

Technically, whatever you wrote the proof on is the medium that it was executed on. So saying it executed on some other disconnected system is retarded and doesn't refute anything.

I'd be inclined to believe them, seeing as how my math education halted after I finished differential equations, and I've never taken a programming language theory class.

never said C doesn't have inlines I said it was bad practice retard

read a book or something get off the chans


>i took theory of automata and linguistics and it was all proofs
I don't think someone who denies things which have been proven could have done that.

>I'd be inclined to believe them
Why? Anyway, I don't think a single one of them would deny this.

>I said inlining an int function in C is no good
What the fuck? What the hell does the return type have to do with anything?
What do you even think an inline function is?

>I said it was bad practice
No you fucking didn't.

The only occurance of the word "practice" in this thread is in the post you just made.

What is the point of this poll?

i don't think you understand that for something to be a program, it needs to be able to compile and be run as a process on a computer. after you make a compiler for proofs, you can come talk about how you're a programmer. till then go back to sci

Seriously, ya'll are fuckin' trollin' if you don't think programs are proofs.

There's no fucking way anyone here is that retarded, even unironically. I refuse to believe this no matter how autistic you are.

>it needs to be able to compile and be run as a process on a computer
This is blatantly wrong. There are computers which simply don't have processes.
>after you make a compiler for proofs
Any compiler for any programming language is a compiler for proofs written in that programming language.

>There's no fucking way anyone here is that retarded
You're a retard for believing this.

alright faggot write me a proof that can edit text

proofs don't do shit, math doesn't do shit
you could make the argument that a program is applied math, but the turbospergs on /sci/ will throw a fit if you do.

I believe the text editor "Vim" (as evident by it being a text editor) can edit text.


I can't laugh at you any harder or I'll die. Please. You fucking madman. You're killing me.

vim isn't a proof

>Any compiler for any programming language is a compiler for proofs written in that programming language.
what does a program that prints hello world prove?

Binary number theory.