Sup Forums humor thread

Sup Forums humor thread

crin/g/e thread

Hahaha lol XDDDDD, liked shared and upvoted +1

what the fuck









that's not very nice

Obvious fib and homosex.






Sauce on the nappy vid?


I fucking hate indians.

We need to get him on our startup.



This guy too.

Ironic shitposting irl?

>Times New Fucking Roman



I wonder if there's a "top kek" plate









It wasn't funny at all except for the end which caught me off guard kek



You are talking to yourself from another computer, aren't you?




now "find" the phone, tyrone.


Is that supposed to be funny or ????


Is that supposed to be funny or ????




Salty salty so salty lol just saying it wasnt that good imho bruv

Salty salty so salty lol just saying it wasnt that good imho bruv



What are you 5 ????

What are you 5 ????

People in this thread need to step their game up baka..





>tfw to intelligent to make the "reply to this post" part of the post visble




fuck you


>hey babe, gimme your number
>okay hang on
>not yet
>nearly there
>okay go









Perhaps he's addicted to the internet; he wouldn't bother unlocking his phone unless it's absolutely necessary.



The end caught me off guard.




kys fucking normies

Kill yourself, normalfag.

Sup Forums approved

im baked and been browsing Sup Forums too much


Hpw about you share some lols instead of being bully?







missing the * after rm -rf