How come browser worked fine on old hardware from early 2000s and late 90s but they can still lag modern desktop...

how come browser worked fine on old hardware from early 2000s and late 90s but they can still lag modern desktop computers?

why is everything so bloated nowadays?

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Because Google has a vested interest in datamining

Modern web browsers are far more advanced than older ones. As a comparison... browsers of today are pretty much complete operating systems while the earlier ones were just fancy document viewers.

The modern web is extremely bloated, so modern web browsers need to be bloated in return

Because you need to play 60hz video in browser in 30 formats, microphone and webcam integration, javascript effects, games, animations, flashplayer, drm decoding plugins,, svg, vr, spell checker, mouse gestures, themes, pdf reader, config and bookmark synchronizing, search suggestions, feed reader, phising protection, extensions...

here is explained pretty well:

because JavaScript and incompetent web developers


It actually didn't work fine. Browsers were cool in 80s-93 and late 2000s (excluding flash).
Everything is bloated is because people want bloat. Javascript isn't even the source of the problem.

muh java!!!

Just a simple login page can make a call to 40 non-local scripts now. Third party datamining masquerading as services - its insane.


Websites built using only JS via JS frameworks, rather than HTML/CSS/PHP/SQL with JS sprinkled onto it

Lots of fancy bullshit these days.

If your site just has a couple of tables and a few lines of JavaScript, no tricky dom manipulation, then it's still quite fast.

Browsers these days are effectively a full operating environment for webapps.

That's because JavaScript is both the best language, the most beautiful language and the future of software development.

The sooner that it's the only option, the better.

>t. streetshitter

I think that was his point



This is your modern webpage today. The old pages were fast because they didn't use shitty javascript. Not even flash is this bloated.

And lets not forget all the CSS shit they do now.

Worst JavaScript call another JavaScript to call another JavaScript to call img and don't show any shit until img gets download.
Lantency networks is super slow.

Web 2.0 happened
Facebook 'like this' happened
CSS and JavaScript frameworks happened
Browsers which store data, play every audio/video/document format happened
Web 'apps' happened
The attitudes that demand JavaScript development needs package managers/dependency managers/unit test tools/coding style checkers happened

Every single site is running bitcoin miners in JS on your computer these days.

ur mum happened(sex with her)


goddamnit I remember the first time my parents got Road Runner internet. Everything was fast as fuck, instant load speeds. it was the future

When I made the leap from that to fiber back in 2012, it made absolutely no difference, other than significantly faster download speeds and videos. Static webpages were still slow as shit to load. My 2001 laptop actually ran most websites up until that year, where even facebook would start lagging. That was the beginning of the end.

Even with scriptblock, half the site won't work and are still slow. If I go to old ass pages, they still load up instantly and are clean with easy navigating.

Modern Web is the reason i'm forced to use a UserAgent set to Android on my fucking netbook from 2009.

How come multicore disabled Intel cpu can run YouTube's homepage in konqueror under kde faster than chromium can open wikinews homepage on gentoo installed on better hardware with multicore enabled?

Methinks google is pumping horse semen into their software.

Our whole life is bloated now.

> facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat, youtube, smartphone, connected things...

Web developers these days just import 10mb of various javascript libraries to pull off a simple effect because everything is so bloated that they don't know what depends on what. And it's easier to buy new hardware than to learn.

You could just make up a bunch of framework names and most actual web devs would nod and go "uh-huh, cool" because there are like three thousand out there already.

There is no such thing as state of the art though, they're all pigs because JS sucks ass itself. If we're going to have a virtual computer in the browser let's do it correctly.

>Javascript isn't even the source of the problem.
Exactly, before the extreme Javascript bloat, we had flash websites.

If awful 30MB javascript websites didn't attract retards, it wouldn't be a thing. But they do, and that's what we get.

>tfw u develop simple,no bloat web pages that looks like its from the 1990's but people call them "virus sites"

>visit url
>blank page
>enable the only script
>blank page
>enable several more scripts
>blank page
I'm done.

post em

I don't even use fucking third of that

You can make a no bloat page and still have it look good. You don't have to make it look like it's from the 1990's.

Also, agree with Post pls. At least some screencaps if nothing else.

Just because you don't, it doesn't mean others don't. It's just neatly all packaged with the browser because that's the only thing normies install.

Post good sites.

We need some sort of movement for smaller web pages.

I'll design the logo!

No problem grandpas just stay on your little shitty IRC circlejerk bleating on about your selective memory choices, making up this fake idea that the web was better "back then"

You wouldn't have this problem if you had a C2D from 2006 for $20, it's not about being poor, pretending to be some "web historian" is basically an undocumented internet hipster disease