Books on computers

Does Sup Forums have a recommended reading list for computers ?

Other urls found in this thread:

"How to commit a suicide" by MemeLord

You're cancer, man.

Dragon compiler book
Tanenbaum OS books


I would suck your dick if I could.

But those books are way too advanced for me.

I'm not sure computers can read yet. Eventually, try some books for children.

I'm gonna use OP's thread before it 404's
I'm looking for a good starting book for javascript while I go through the code academy js course. Is the O'Reilly series a good start?

Plz dont JS user.

You should rather make yourself useful and learn how to become a programmer.

>he fell for the x tool is better than y tool meme

Honestly just looking for a job. I'm gonna be starting a cs degree at my local shitversity in a couple months so I'd like to learn a semi related marketable skill in the mean-time.

javascript is not really a language you study.
Nobody who uses javascript studied it formally.
Some learn programming and then use javascript, others just use javascript with no training.
If you know assembler javascript makes a lot of sense.

No, JS is dumb shit. Shitty language, shitty interpreters. Seriously, JS is cancer, far above anything else. And JS coder are turbo retards, just take a look at Hyper terminal ( to get convinced. It's an heresy from an engineering perspective. This technology must be killed with fire, and its community members forbidden to work in Computer Science and IT.

Why not Java?

Well good luck writing a cross-platform application that works on all popular platforms in Rust, Haskell or another meme language.
You will quickly find out that Web technologies including JS are the most convenient tool for both the developer and the user, because every platform has a browser.
You wouldn't program a website in C and you wouldn't program a kernel in JS.

Getting a html/css/js skillset seems quicker and in equal demand in my area. I'm open to the java argument tho if you think its better.

Webdev is the most demanded field currently.

go to oracle's website and look into their certifications. if you are going to do Java do it through them and get the cert

> program a website

> Web technologies including JS are the most convenient tool for both the developer and the user
The whole web technology stack is shit. It's 20 years of bad choices on top of the other. Just look at how fucked up is the idea of JS transpilers. Just look how much resources it now takes to browse a web page. It's convenient, you're right. And it's fucking easy to learn (and that's historically part of the problem). But it never should have existed in the first place.

> ... existed in the first place.

Try eloquent javascript.
Books don't cover ES6 though (things like classes, shorthand functions).