>amd proved to be shit again
Who would have thought
>it's not the best ever therefore its shit
So, using your logic, you're shit?
How well does the 6700k i7 fare against these?
Meanwhile in non cherrypicked games.
That kind of depends on which benchmarks you cherrypick OP
Still lost in all benchmarks against the cpu it competes against.
Is you retarded? Remove the gpu bottlenech in order to see which cpu is shit
I like it how your $170 i5 can overclock.
yea, keep posting those old result
>7600k beating 7700k
>fps for benchmarks
gay niggers
Lmao you're such a cheap street shitter shitskin you had to compare your amd flaship 8 core against a dual core i3 in order to win a literally who test kys
Why not link the actual video, cocksucking shill? And here's another one which concludes Ryzen is better.
But the 7600 is there, just like in OPs picture. The 1500x beats others anyways, and its cheaper.
>i3 better than i5 7600K
See this, your hot poo loses to a fucking i3 lmao
Kill yourself retard.
>tfw 3d and video renderingfag
I'm rock fucking hard right now
No you pajeet parasite, don't bring your shitskins or shit cpus to the west, we don't need them
Don't forget your kernel compile times, they are important for gentoo.
>7 kernels per hour on the 1800X
Shit I can install 7 Gentoos at once!
Kill yourself already.
They are also great for compressing stuff.
And for hiding your stuff from the NSA
Kill yourself.
Only benchmarks you could fake because no one gives enough of a shit about those things in order to debunk them. Kill yourselves neets
Rise of the Tomb Raider contains extraneous CLFLUSH opcodes to work around an Intel errata which otherwise freezes the AVX it uses. Intel updated microcode which fixes the errata ignores the patterned flushes; AMD of course doesn't know about them, because they're Intel Confidential, so honours them, dropping the performance because it's really doing cache dumps to main RAM in one of the main loops.
Goes away when recompiled with VS2017, so Square-Enix are going to patch. Goes away when new microcode which ignores the same patterned flushes is used, too, and AMD are going to address in the next BIOS update.
Nice cherry picking. It's all above 60 anyway. If you're going to cherry-picking errata, how about that Avoton design fault? And I hope you're running a recent Linux kernel or Windows 10 on that Kaby Lake, because of the power state migration issue that slowly causes hardware failure if you're running anything without a workaround...
Or your indian cpu is shit like the people who made it?
And now back in reality
Truly these are blessed times we live in.
Sure thing
> Vidya benchmarks posted, the R5 does great.
> Office benchmarks posted, the R5 does great again.
> Video encoding stuff, the R5 does great.
> Compressing, compiling, and productivity. The Ryzens are monsters.
> B-BUT muh poo in loo
Honestly though it looks like Ruben l ryzen destroys Intel with literally anything written for multiprocessing. This launch has been pretty meh for gaming but one of the best for workstations.
That's desperation if I ever saw it.
The results are totally inline with what was to be expected form any size Ryzen chip.
Good luck trying to say the intel ones are faked. Plenty of benchmarks prior to release to fuck your day even more Schlomo.
And don't let me get started with Civ 6.
It does a lot worse than the 7700k
And at 4K it just gets worse.
Yup. But I was talking about the R5, not the R7. The R7 is not great for games though.
Against i5s with similar prices, its awesome.
AyyMDrones getting desperate.
Did anyone test any board with the AGESA update yet? That's a significant DRAM latency decrease.
>Civ 6
Literally fucking nothing.
>being an intel fag or an amd fag
>not just buying whatever gives you the best bang for your buck
fuck you Sup Forums
>L1-L3 bandwidth went up by 12%, latency down by 10-15%
DRAM's jump is the biggest though, but that increase in cache bw and decrease in latency is no way a small thing
>wait for ryzen 5
>ryzen 5 actually delivers
the wait meme was real
I think if this shitty day one benchmark that shows a 7-12 FPS difference gets posted one more time, the ultimate Jewtel God of shekels will awaken from his dark slumber and turn all of the faithful believers into jewgold for him to consume.
>pre-patch benchmarks
Drink bleach, shill.
Dumb frogposter.
the bottom line here is that any CPU that costs $200 or more will deliver the exact same gaming performance
this is the worst tech argument ever happening on this board
>A 6 core 12 thread processor beats a 4 core processor with about 15% more IPC in well threaded applications and doesn't in less well threaded applications
>and doesn't in less well threaded applications
no it still beats it
the r5 1500x, which is the 4c/8t ryzen, is the one maching/losing to an i5-7500
the 1600x beats an i5 in every task at 4.0ghz
>retarded shill keeps posting old benches
>>ryzen 5 actually delivers
>despite benchmarks telling completely otherwise
You are the worst avatarfaggot ever. Jump off a cliff.
So apparently Salazar was spot-on all along. So much for "muh competitive performance" from Ryzentards.
>the r5 1500x, which is the 4c/8t ryzen, is the one maching/losing to an i5-7500
>a similarly clocked Ryzen with SMT can't even beat a nonHT i5 in multi-threaded tests
You can't make this shit up
I want the AMD poojeets to deport themselves
And then kill yourself.
Opinion discarded.
Wouldn't it be nice if they could include the 6800k and 6900k in those charts for those of us that is more interested in processors with 6-8 cores.
>A $250 processor beats a $350 processor
Ryzen 5 thread, maybe you can lurk in a ryzen 7 thread
>Yes, i5 CPUs still provide a decent experience – but for gaming, it’s starting to look like either you’re buying a 7700K, because it’s significantly ahead of R5 CPUs and it’s pretty well ahead of R7 CPUs, or you’re buying an R5 CPU.
>The current juggernauts are, interestingly, the i7-7700K and the R5 1600X with an overclock.
>If you’re already settling for an i5 from an i7, it’s not much of a jump to go for an R5 and benefit in better frametimes with thread-thrashing games.
How will i5 corelets ever recover?
>R5 1600X with an overclock.
And not the 1600 with an overclock? This guy is an idiot.
The i5 is a one-trick pony. Only Intel shills care about this shit.
Well, it is Gamersnexus. These are the guys that duct taped SSDs and benched an i7-7700K at 5.1 GHz which is impossible for most people.
So now the old tired i7 7700K argument is dead and buried what part are the Intel fans shilling now?
Whatever unpatched game or single core heavy workload they can get their hands on. It's all they have left.
Ryzen 5 1600(x) are 6-core processors. Maybe you should figure out what Ryzen 5 is before you enter a Ryzen 5 thread.
They'll probably go back to 4k Netflix
>old tired i7 7700K argument is dead and buried
Except for the part where the i7-7700K murders all of the Ryzen CPUs at any game at all resolutions.
>at 1080p
>with a Titan Xtendedpeepee
>with a whopping 10-15 FPS lead
kys desu famalam
any benchmarks with Fallout 4?
10-15 FPS lead at 100+ FPS, too. Seriously grasping at straws here.
i5s are useless now.
I bet this benchmark was done with an nvidia gimpcard
Well, it's not like the intel parts it lost to doesn't cost almost twice as much and need twice as expensive mobos to OC
Intel is useless now*
AMD is setting their sights on the i3s and Pentiums next with their R3s. True quad cores with performance similar to i5s for the same price as Intel's shitty dual core i3s
>i5s are useless now.
I hope so. Tho my 3570k is still kicking ass
7700k is only good at 640x480
>not 320x240
Dumb AMDrone can't even game at 240p lmao
hi Sup Forums,
every graph featured the 7700k on tpu's review.
except the power consumption one.
dare I say, intel guidelines?
Realistically, the i3's are overpriced as fuck as shown by the ridiculously cheap G4560 blowing them out of the water on price/performance. AMD can't really compete with Intel practically dumping dirt cheap Pentiums on the market.
It's funny that Intel has been reduced to a single $350 SKU for their consumer line, out of some 20+
And you still need to delid the fucking thing or buy an expensive watercooler to get the kind of results most benchmarks are showing.
other notable exceptions were intel's hedt.
and the 1800x is also absent on several comparisons, which is weird since they have fairly recent new batches of tests for it.
Intel is infinitely shittier at literally everything now. Gotta wait for the 7740k I guess.