Why is KDE so huge and buttugly?

Why is KDE so huge and buttugly?

Like, this is 1080p, you can't scale it any lower

Why does it have to be this big? Person who made it blind?





>KDE is a meme
Try a men DE like gnome

Chromium uses GTK and thus has a shitty file picker.

werks for me in literally every browser that exists

>using kde 5

it looks gorgeous and you must be a nigger

Probably using an outdated version of either chromium or kde my dude.

That is the GTK2 file picker. What the fuck did you do?

What qt theme is this?

The default one.

Take a screenshot of just one monitor

>using unthemed GTK2

The K in KDE stands for Killyourself because that is what you feel due to the unstable and buggy piece of shit DE that it has always been. Changing the system language does not reflect on the SDDM greeter and time zone. You need to find some obscure cryptic file to edit. Your fucking KWIN randomly crashes leaving headless windows that cannot be moved forcing to unplug the PC and restart.

Fuck KDE

KDE is great.
>wobbly windows
>not developed by red hat
>actually desktop focused instead of gnome childish tablet/touchscreen cancer
>light weight
>KDE connect is amazing
>DPI scaling better than gnome
>looks nice, very customisable

My problem with KDE is its config files.
>want to move your KDE configuration to a new computer or reinstalled OS? lol have fun finding the 20 different files in retarded locations because we hid them behind a GUI

>not developed by red hat
whats wrong with red hat?

>whats wrong with red hat?
Are you serious?

we use RHEL at work
I don't have any problems with it

K stands for kool.
in kde4 it was ~/.kde
in kde5 it is ~/.config

people who bring up RHEL in an imageboard have are morbidly obese.

the fact that I'm morbidly fat has nothing to do with the fact that my boss tells us we have to use RHEL

so what's wrong with red hat?

>Why does it have to be this big?
you realize the word "it" is nonspecific and nobody has any idea what the fuck you are talking about? Maybe if you actually tell us what the fuck you are referring to, I can tell you how to configure it.

>wobbly windows
>KDEConnect is amazing
It's pretty meh desu. The SMS support is garbage.

>moving my .config folder is so hard

kys kid

it is the most successful free software company and success is bad.
Don't forget to shit on kolab too.

the only reason i never tried KDE was because of the ugly autistic logo. even if there is a way to remove/change it, i would NEVER use ANYTHING made by an autist who thought this abomination is ok as a logo

>doesnt try something because of its logo
>calls others autists
kys you inbred

Looks like OP is too retarded to use KDE.

>ugly autistic logo
Tell me, where in the DE does this logo appear? I use KDE and I can't recall the last time I've even seen that logo.

it's the start menu button

Now it's not. There's different start menu button and you can set your own start menu icon.

No it isn't. What the fuck kind of old version of KDE are you using?

are you implying that shit looks good?

hell yeah

It wasn't default on my install, did you change it to that?
Anyway, it is a good logo.
It describes exactly what it is, it is simple to draw and it recognizable.

I like it

Obviously he picked a theme that suits his preferences. You can pick a theme that suits your preferences. I prefer a dark theme with no titlebars myself.
