Is there a file manager on linux that don't look like minimalistic shit? Something like Windows Explorer, please

Is there a file manager on linux that don't look like minimalistic shit? Something like Windows Explorer, please.

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Just use Windows retard

>waah I want AIDS and bloat

Just stay on Windows.

I enjoy using linux, I just want some software with decent UI, is that much to ask?

KDE is bloated as fuck.

It's Linux, an entire operating system which is an IDE. Everything is much to ask. Do it yourself instead. That's how everything else you use was created.

Ok, what do you miss? If you hate Linux file managers just because they look different, you should stay on Windows. I'm not even joking.

>FIle manager in 2018
>I can find /home/satan/Porn/ -iname "*siri*"
>I can grep -rn "main()" /home/satan/Programs/Project/MyRacingCar
>I can sort, git, and many others
Why is /g full of reddit tier illiterate NEETS?

KDE's Dolphin

What exactly do you want? Vista/7 style explorer or cancerous windows 10 style?

Try the following
>Nemo with icons zoomed out

>current state of windows "users"

What does Windows explorer do that Nemo and Nautilus don't

>decent UI

Pick one

Nop those are butturt lintard that are unhappy with the fact that their os dont have a decent ui

So you are a real butthurt windows used?

I hate windows UI more than I hate windows update management

I think the one that comes with elementary is starting to become quite decent... Not as powerful as Dolphin though I guess.

Does Windows Explorer support tabs yet btw? :)

PCmanFM is always my go to filemanager, looks nice and good functionality.

>a real butthurt windows used?
Calm down. Take a deep breath. And calmly proofread your posts after mashing away angrily at the keyboard you mouthbreathing neckbearded freetard.

don't see it here

Yes, using clover

>Implying Windows UI is actually good
Get out from under the rock gamerfag

Im a macOS user, i know about good UIs, poorfag :)

then it's no different from adding tabs to windows 7 way back then
it's using 3rd party support

I personally like Nemo (and the cinnamon desktop) the most. It's simple and it had just enough features. If you want something more robust try Dolphin from the KDE stack.

ur dumb

>Spend time and money on copying f.lux
>Spend time and money of making a 3d paint
>Tabs in Windows Explorer?


Enjoy getting ass raped by Apple Hipster trash.

you forgot:
>spend time and money adding an address bar to registry editor after 100000 years

This looks light years better than Windows ui

except for the columnar mode (which is amazing), finder can be infuriating.

clover is botnet, use qttabbar instead

Marlin has miller columns and wasn't polluted with gtk3. Sadly as very often in the Linux world development has been stopped.

There are also some plug-ins for gnome/nautilus that allow to preview videos and sound files insede. Not sure if they are still under active development, though.

don't want to type all that to do simple tasks

>wants to click and navigate bloated GUIs like a retarded ape instead of doing everything quicker and more efficiently

>quicker and more efficiently

>typing unixoid crap into a terminal

lmao xD

Yeah, right click is a nightmare.

Have they implemented file picker thumbnails yet?

It's only slower if you're retarded.

Writing `cd /home/me/projects/hello world 2017/includes` & `rm -rf *.h` is a shitload easier than doing those operations in a gui with your hunt & peck mouse bullshit.



Thank me later.

Yeah, column mode is the best.
I got so mad when they cut it from KDE's Dolphin

Isn't Pantheon Files a fork of Marlin?

Hey, I made a Hello World application the other day :D Learning C#

good on you, my first language was C#. Msft did a good job making it very developer friendly, especially with intellisense in visual studio and MSDN.

Unfortunately my day job has me writing C++ and Js for a living.

I'm loving Visual Studio. I mean it's all I've used, but it seems pretty wicked. The intellisense is pretty awesome.

I'm a student currently, working on certs. I'm still not sure what I want to do for a career, but I'm sure I'll find out once I actually get out there.

What the fuck, why are you installing gvfs from source?
Just run apt-get install gvfs-common


I'm curious, what kind of job requires such different languages? Is JS used to script a C++ program?


>Isn't Pantheon Files a fork of Marlin?
I think so. It has the osx columns, and file choser thumbs