Say I have two computers, my remote server in country A and my client computer (local) in country B. I have my server setup with a GSM BTS and it's a proxy to the legit countries phone network. The same setup on the local end. I connect the two computers vis ssh and then connect my phone to the GSM of my local computer, can I then make a call from country B to friends in country A?

If not, is it possible over different means? I think you should be able to send traffic via one pc to another and theoretically it should work.

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bump, come on Sup Forums surely there is someone familiar with SDR and VOIP

gsm infrastructure is private. You can't just make your own """legit""" bts/enb

It's a mesh network so you spoof a network providers MMC and MNC to connect to the network. Good question though.

what's the point of all this autism? Haven't you heard of Skype calls?

>using skype instead of your own personal and secure phone network
It's an interesting idea.

then use open source skype alternative and secure vpn connection through the RAN. Simple as that

Why don't you just do it with VoIP (asterisk) servers on both ends and OpenVPN connection between them. You have to connect to those networks (in country A and B). I have no idea what you are doing with those BTS's.

I'm not looking for voip alternatives. I'm asking if anyone knows if this would work. I know how to make secure VOIP calls. I'm looking at using GSM network to talk over ssh my small minded friend.

>small minded
Kek. So far you haven't shown us any logical purpose of this autistic desire.
Instead of thinking "how" you should think whether or not you should.

You can do it from one computer to another server, see

If you wanted to do it over SSH, you should look into ssh tunneling, dynamic port forwarding and local port forwarding. I believe it would be possible.

There is a purpose behind it, but you clearly are incapable of higher thinking so I'm not going to bother explaining it to you. It's not even a question if i should or shouldn't, that's absolutely pathetic reasoning. You must be a real loser.
Thanks, i'll look into that. Bladerfs are just so damn expensive.

>I'm asking if anyone knows if this would work.

Why don't you do it, then tell us?

maybe. I would like to see a future thread with your results user.

I guess if no one knows i'll have to find out for Sup Forums.

do it for science m8

kill yourself, please desu

I know who i WON'T be calling, you fucking flog cunt

your mom? :^)

fucking kill yourself fag

i read this comment chain and cringe in disgust