Why did the give up on it?

Why did the give up on it?

It's shit. GNOME 3 is superior.

Enjoy your fuckhuge titlebar kek


>tablet de is superior

learn to engish m8

Still waiting for i3buntu.

I wonder how hard would it be to make an Ubuntu based distro with I3 as default de

Linux community is complete cancer, Canonical learned this the hard way.
That's the reason desktop linux is dead and will never be a thing.

Unity has always just been a shittier gnome with one or two tiny good features buried in it.

Just look at all the unityniggers whose only complaint is "muh titlebar"


What is pixel saver

Pretty much this desu. The Linux community and its reluctance to accept new ideas is what is gonna doom desktop Linux.

Only reason systemd is a thing is because Linux admins wanted it and all the distros decided to ignore the average idiot.

>mfw KDE user
The drama is funny.

True, the systemD drama was a clear case of the Linux community turbo autism.
Glad distros went with the sane option instead of listening to vocal freetards.

Please tell your Mother to wipe my cum off of her face this time before she goes to church. It's disgusting.

>being this MAD

They were losing money on developing in desktop while the cloud sector was making money.

It's a bit buggy actually and soon to be deprecated unless it gets updated.

because it sucks and nobody really likes it, and Ubuntu is number one distro and aren't trying to gimp themselves

the real question is why they chose Gnome 3... which also sucks and is also disliked by everybody



>sudo apt-get install i3

It's so simple it's not even worth adding another distro to the millions of i3 distros

>the Linux community are the bad guys because they didn't stand for Shuttlecock's autism about Mir when everyone else agreed to support Wayland

they weren't trying to focus on the strengths of a desktop environment. they tried to make a unified phone/tablet/desktop and fucked up all three in the process.

Exactly, who wants to develop for a platform who primary user base looks like this and is incapable of change!


it's even worse at the whole "convergence of desktop and mobile paradigms" thing than gnome 3
also these fuckhueg title bars remind me of longhorn

NSA/Red Hat/freedesktop cabal won