Hey Sup Forums im 20 tired of working a shitty retail job

Hey Sup Forums im 20 tired of working a shitty retail job.
Wanna be able to help my parents proud and what not. i dont have any dreams or passions. Just looking for some honest carrier advice.
Any suggestions in the tech carriers

First step towards getting a good career is learning how to spell career

Oh im on my phone that would be auto correct.
Should have checked though

Pajeet you gotta go back

You know how I can tell you're not going to make it? Cause you're on Sup Forums asking for advice instead of actually doing it.

Whichever plan fits your budget and needs.

Damnit, you beat me to it.

Learn Java , and JavaScript. It will get you a job , and a good paycheck.

>learn something technical
>offer service(s) / product(s) related to your new learned skill
I don't think this is difficult to understand
btw, why do you even care what your parents think of you?

>>tired of working a shitty retail job
>>wants to get a shitty tech job

Join the marines and your dad will be super proud.

Dumb phoneposter

get your ass back in school douche.

I read a lot of greentexts about Americans getting a relatively comfy tech support/server baby sitting job just by bullshitting.
In Germany, the army is looking for IT administrators, and you would get a free education.

do some certifications

What are the main certs i heard theirs a bunch that are pointless
Because i feel like there the only people that care about me.
Yea maybe i cant grasp.

What makes you get out of bed OP? Genuinely curious, how do aimless people go about living life?

learn the following:
> HTML and CSS
> Javascript and JQuery
> Either Java or PHP

you will have absolutely no problem getting a web development job, even without a degree.

nice digits, bad post

Work and gym social life keeping busy helps.
Any suggestions on were to start

Im also 20 doing my cisco certified courses and working for the gov for good pay in Australia. What your excuse?

No excuse just dint know what i wanted to do with my or what enjoyed.
Not much else
But Good job hope you're career goes well

Move to New York, live there for a few years, get free tuition as offered recently by Cuomo and then learn all you can

instead of asking for advice from a bunch of strangers who could care less, tell your parents what you told us. your parents do love you, and know you better than anyone. be honest with them about how you feel if you don't like the answer you get, and you have no motivation, every job you do will feel like shit to you. also, /adv/.

I just wanna make enough to support my self and my parents when they retire.

you can do it if you are consistent and pick the right battles

Yea im not what that means user

how much does a literal first time web dev get paid

Okay but at what level do you become proficient at java enough to search for a job and don't make a joke out of yourself?

I mean you could be learning java forever

How much time would that take if you know basic programming in python, matlab and octave?

they don't

noobs don't get hired. Employers expect a level of competency.

2-3 years

>i dont have any dreams or passions
This is why you work shitty jobs.