
Whats your favorite coding language?? Im personally a C# and/or C++ kinda guy.


Is C++ basically the industry standard? I'm considering taking Intro to Data Structures and Machine Learning, and both are centered around C++


If you're looking for the "modern" solution just code all your desktop apps in Java

Ruby, I'm not kidding seriously.

If you don't need to write super intensive stuff like games or simulations try Ruby out some time. When I code I feel like I'm actually writing down my thoughts into code directly rather than concerning my thoughts into hacks which I try to fit in the code. You can almost just read it like English if you chose verbose classes etc. Also it's literally the only language that has perfect OOP implementation

Favorite language?
Matters what I'm doing.
Javascript, haskell and C are my favorites, in that order.
I mainly use C# and javascript at work. C# is so far behind, it is hard to use some days, plus I used to be tied directly to Microsoft's platform. At least Microsoft is starting to try, giving .net core a good development team and splitting features from VB.

No, Java / Python.

Not him but really? I thought Java wasn't meant to be compiled?

Use the most: Java

For fun: Haskell, Clojure

C\C++ are the closest you're going to get to like linear data access with human readable code. You can totally do data structures and machine learning in other languages, but C\C++ are more prone to letting you fuck around with memory more.

Same, kinda wanna pick up rust, seems interesting.

Ruby is cool, but too slow.
Node beats it in number of packages now, plus it's faster. Go-lang is better for backend. Ruby has sort of fallen out of style.

import std.conv;
import std.stdio;
import std.range;

void main(string[] args)
immutable max = (1 < args.length)
? args[1].to!size_t
: 0x4000;
size_t count = 1; // we have 2.
// flags[i] = isPrime(2 * i + 3)
auto flags = new bool[(max - 1) / 2];
flags[] = true;

foreach (i; 0..flags.length)
if (!flags[i])
auto prime = i + i + 3;
foreach (k; iota(i + prime, flags.length, prime))
flags[k] = false;

writefln("%d primes", count);

Ideal tech stack for web development should be:
Front-end: Ract.js / node / webpack
Back-end: Haskell / clojure / mongo-db

Rails is still there. It's basically the end-all of shitty web stack hacks. It's really too bad or doesn't have more use outside of web. I could only dream of Ruby with the packages of Python

Kotlin has become my go too.

Any angular 2 devs in this bitch?

Can you recommend me any good C# book?

Why is so much typing required to get memory safe C++?

std::unique_ptr p = std::make_unique(FooFactoryInterface);

>OO with no GC
>Wants to know why it isn't memory safe
Just use packages for that stuff...

>Why is so much typing required to get memory safe C++?
C++ is not memory safe. Use Rust.

Ever heard of auto keyword?
using std::make_unique;
auto p = make_unique(FooFactoryInterface);

Not that dude, but I hate the fact they call it auto

yes, that and lambdas are the only real reason to use C++11

>C# is so far behind
How so?

C is only fun if I'm working alone or if I'm working on a well written code base.

Working on shitty C code is fucking awful. I'm considering leaving this particular niche I'm in right now (embedded software) mainly because nobody knows how to fucking write good C.

>Whats your favorite coding language??
In order:
3. C++
2. Perl
1. Scala

Fucking work won't upgrade to C++11 or better so I can't get into some functional C++

The so called "good C" does not exist. Stop spreading FUD

>C\C++ are the closest you're going to get to blah blah blah...
I bet you also think there are only 5 programming languages

Common Lisp

I don't understand how claiming that there is good C code is spreading FUD

Simple language features are missing. It doesn't implement or it half ass implements advanced data structures like tuples. It doesn't support first class functions. There is no pattern matching (my which makes controller dependency injection either ugly or hacky). Until just last year, the language was platform dependent, which was the worst thing ever considering everyone at my current job drank that cool-aid. It didn't have a native package manager for a long time, and just until a few years ago it was treated as a second class citizen. It's GC is slow, and performance in general is mediocre.

Luckily, Microsoft is honestly putting good effort into fixing these problems, and I am exciting to follow C#'s future.

Or just use hackell and keep expressiveness as well as speed / memory management

the others are dead

>It doesn't support first class functions.
Meant to say it half asses first-class functions. Writing side-effect, purely functional code in C# is difficult right now.

1gb of garbage per second

For quick and dirty shit ruby, for anything that needs to be maintained java.

You sure you're not using Java?

For doing fun stuff and projects, Perl. For everything else, java

>#define val auto

> favorite coding language

whatever pays

I've started c++ 1 - 2 weeks ago, can't tell time passes SOOOO hard and I'm learning non-stop.

I can't wait to reach the comfortable level so I can start learning C or Assembly do not know which one is next - what do you guys recommend?

There is no question about another language - I want to git gud with C++, C and Assembly by the end of this year I want to be able to sell code, fix bugs for open source projects or have my own in all of them.

After that I consider starting Rust.

Delete this


use auto and templates and namespace you fucking barbarian

What's your endgame?

Really like java

Python/R/C# for ML

I like Ruby too user. Is use Python and Ruby at work but i go Ruby anytime I can.

Number of packages doesn't mean shit. How many nose packages are literally less than 10 lines long?

I work with a lot of IT vendor APIs, and you never see node sdks, but you do see Python and Ruby sdks, always Python but Ruby a lot of times.

Fortran for large heavy duty numerics
C++ for smaller but more diverse algorithms
Mathematica for abstract symbolic calculations and plotting
Python for small projects
Go for fun

Intel-syntax x86 asm.

When you guys get a new job where they use a language you don't know, how do you learn the syntax and stuff as fast as possible?


Perl is a fun language, comes standard on most *nix boxes. Way better than bash scripting, too.

Should've started with C and then C++, makes more sense

I lust love lower-level languages - because there's more computer science involved.

I honestly see myself programming for scientific purposes / hardware.

yeah pretty much the same, C++ and C# blow everything else

> I lust love lower-level languages - because there's more computer science involved.
There are no 'computer science' there it's closer to engineering.

depends on the industry, but if you can program in C++, you can program in almost any language.
Courses like algorithms and data structures favor C++ as it is a great language to make data structures in.
The only "downside" to C++ is compiling stuff can be complicated and you can quickly waste a lot of time on that.

If you are learning programming, then C++ is a good place to start.


C# is insanely good. Easy to write, easy to read. It Just Werkz™

Glad I have a job using it now.

>It doesn't implement or it half ass implements advanced data structures like tuples
Tuples have a full implementation in C#. What aspect of tuples do you feel is missing?

>There is no pattern matching
This is incorrect. C# does not have as robust of a pattern matching system as other languages, but it quite literally has pattern matching.