Name a worse piece of tech

Name a worse piece of tech.

Fuck off nigger, I loved playing around with these at school.

the condom your parents used lol

Sure, they were fun to mess around with when they fucking worked.

These aren't bad, just way overpriced for what they do.

Printer xxd


Printers 100%

>when they fucking worked.
Thats on your school district's IT personnel and whoever was in charge of teaching the teachers how to use them.

>shy kid never go up to write on board if i can help it in the fucking slightest
>these things come in
>end up trying them in an empty room out of school time and instantly push too hard and instantly rip the board

I didn't attempt again


Considering CD's were available commercially since 1982, and could hold 10mb which was more than most hard drives, I have no fucking clue why these pieces of shit stayed popular as long as they did.

Windows 95 was like 20 floppies and 98 was like 40, which was absolutely pants on head retarded


Zip drives were even more pointless...

This pos

They were only popular because they were cheap. Even in 1999 CD-Rs were still over $5 each and the drive was $300, and you couldn't do anything else while writing a CD because buffer underrun errors would ruin your disc. Still made my money back on the drive by selling copied nu-metal CDs and Dreamcast games.

That's...That's not real, is it?

That is photoshopped right?? Like what the fuck... which Jonny Ive wannabe hack did this..

It's shopped right?
This can't be real

late oov/nuv

Acer aspire r7.


Holy shit it's real

yoo is this the fucking normal fags kid????? yooooooo.



Thats actually pretty smart

I'm on one of those right now, it's alright. The new ones are fucking awful though.

>Be me, a tech teacher before quitting two years ago
>Get smart board
>Admins think it opens infinite possibilities
>It's a projector with a shitty MS paint port
>Only use it to publicly write names for individual or classroom punishment
>My room had fewest behavior incidents and asshole kids written on the board were bulled more

Feels good man, almost miss it

I made it through high school with a single zip drive holding all my typed assignments.

AUDIO CDs were available in 1982. Data CDs came later, and recordable CD-R and CD-RW media was not available until much later.

The standard CD holds 650 MBs.

Zip drives were awesome for a short period of time. Again, CD-R and CD-RW was not commonly available until a few years later. Floppies had become too small for exchanging anything but simple files, and the graphic design industry in particular ate up Zip disks.

t. Have A Power Mac 9600/350 w/Zip Drive

We had one in elementary school. They were pretty neat to fuck around on, and I remember watching Lord of the Rings on it in class. We had an interesting teacher.

Quints of underage

I'm 22 years old m8
This was back in '06 I think.
The DVDs had already been released for a couple of years at that point.

Before USB flash drives they were about the only option for portable storage beyond floppy disks. When I was in college the Linux lab had workstations with Zip drives and of course fast internet. I would ftp mp3s to a Zip disk and then take the disk home full of glorious 128kbps mp3s and then burn then to cds. This was in 1998, the year the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted 16 feet into the table below.

A TeamBoard, the shitty knockoff of the SmartBoard.


>tfw too old to have experienced this
whiteboards were relatively new when i was in school (only got them when i was in the 10th grade) but most teachers and students preferred chalkboards

>Name a worse piece of tech.
Sup Forums

I'm 21 and didn't anything but a overhead projector

>Considering CD's were available commercially since 1982
CD-RWs weren't introduced until 1997 though. Floppy drives were also cheaper (especially in the 80s, where a floppy drive for a Commodore 64 would cost about half as much as the Commodore 64 you'd be hooking the drive up to) and didn't require people to purchase a more expensive "floppy burner" drive that all used different software with different interfaces depending on the manufacturer.

>School announces it invested into those shitboards
~1 month later
>50% of class is just teachers complaining about those shitboards not working

More like Asser. Okay, I'll go kms.

>where a floppy drive for a Commodore 64 would cost about half as much as the Commodore 64 you'd be hooking the drive up to
That should be cost just as much. Commodore cut the price of the Commodore 64 by half only a year after releasing it.

I had to google if this shit is photoshopped or actually getting sold...well

I work at a school that has these in every classroom. We have five or six of the projectors just sitting in a closet because nobody fixes them for us. It's sad since the teachers that really need them aren't getting theirs replaced (example: chemistry teacher that used to spend all day writing equations on it).

Luckily we are getting renovations over the next few years and the DumbBoards™ are being replaced with Prometheus Boards.


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