My level and other things you can get on
My level and other things you can get on
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That's $1200, that's nothing, I spend that much in power tools every 5 months
CPU-z can't read Ryzen voltages properly, I've seen it report 0.5v at times.
>3.7GHz @ 1.5v
>not buying the 5k power tools that will last you for life.
it's reporting the current usage. open up some files or use the CPU a bit and you'll see the numbers rise to max. my i7 idles at around 800mhz until i start to use programs
Press F to pay respects
couple days' pay
it still reads it wrong. the only program that can read ryzen voltages properly is AMD's overclocking tool
fucking shit. i thought amd said not to go over 1.35v's?
Not even the worst of 1800X samples should need 1.5v for 3.7Ghz operation.
1800X are rated for 3.7Ghz all-core turbo within their TDP, be it the marketed typical-case TDP or the less known fully-powervirus-loaded TDP.
I can bet you the entirety of my next paycheck that OPs sample runs 1.325-1.35vcore 3.7Ghz stock. We see stock 1800Xs boosting to 4Ghz with 1.425.
my drugs and other things you can get on
1800x owner here... my 1800x hits 1.5v too. its actually pretty damn common for ryzen to hit high voltage at stock settings with xfr enabled if you google.
a lot of people are concerned like stated.
>Power tools
>Lasting more than a few years
How to spot the numale who can't change a light switch but buys a shop worth of tools to look manly.
>The only tool capable of hiding the dangerous voltage comes from the same manufacturer of the chip
Wow, you don't say.
i guess im a level below you
its reading it just fine -_-. ryzen has c-states enabled by default with auto settings. c-states drop it down to 0.xxv's when idle.
What motherboard is that
>other things you can get on
Like your mother?
vCore as shown by CPU-Z never reaches the CPU proper. Ryzen has its own voltage regulators, which work as long as the CPU is not in the OC mode. Therefore these readings are basically useless.
>Spending so much money on memes.
Kill yourself
>implying my Bosch blues and Makitas won't last me for life