Remember when Github had to intervene on CocoaPods for treating them like a CDN instead of a repo?
Reminder: Swift is Garbage Apple is for Rich Pretty boys
Call it what you want. It beats the pajeet language android forces you to use.
>Reminder: Swift is Garbage
Can confirm, did my bachelor project in swift, worst idea ever.
>tfw if you want a job as an iOS developer these days, you have to know Obj-C and Swift
>tfw the creator of the Swift language left Apple for Tesla
>tfw Xcode constantly crashes while coding in Swift
what a blunder
>Swift is Garbage
>they are confusing and not carrying their weight
what the fuck does that mean?
how do you swiftniggers write loops that increment and decrement?
>These where added without much consideration, and haven't been thought much about since then
I don't want to live in this world anymore.
>he doesnt know how to code the "Apple Way"
Dont bully swift
I usually don't bash other programming languages but this is fucking stupid.
>Being on githubs side for anything ever
>Applefags defended this because apparently ++var and var++ are confusing when almost no one even uses ++var anyway
>Remember when Github had to intervene on CocoaPods for treating them like a CDN instead of a repo?
But that's to be expected. They literally say so in their terms of use. Even their free git-based website hosting service imposes the same restrictions; if your traffic is to high, you'll receive a "polite email" telling you to move the fuck out into a proper host.
The fact is GitHub is too convenient for its own good.
Is that code supposed to be bad or something?
But that's a feature. Any modern language supports unicode identifiers -- the world doesn't limit itself to ASCII anymore kiddo.
You can do that in Python too.
Ive had to do that in verilog before
Yeah... I just don't get that pic. "Earning your degree" is supposed to be bad code
Use Lisp, you Hore-Belisha!
They should have just removed the prefix version if it was that confusing.
You can program for Android with C#
Kill yourself, you fucking retard.
jesus christ the autism
No YOU kill yourself you piece of shit. Torture your whore mother to death before you do it, she deserves for spitting out a sack of shit such as yourself