Windows once again proven to be a NSA botnet. Install gentoo
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Really makes you think.
5 days until Patch Tuesday :D:D
Even more reason to use Windows 10.
but muh gaymes
muh pirated Photoshop
muh 30-year old appz
Just don't connect to the online
holy fuck this is gold
>i-i-i-its not l-like i need a s-s-ecure computer anyways
>muh secure government backdoors criminal will NEVER EVER use
Xubuntu mustard race
Should i dc my computer? On 2016 LTSB, fully updated.
>really bad
>using windows
they come hand in hand, whether or not snowfag is involved
>i don't care if the government has access to my files, i can trust them
It's not like the CIA and NSA have exploits (released and unreleased) for linux and mac anyways, r-right?
So you're saying I should drive home and dc my windows desktop? Or can this wait a few hours?
The hacking tools, in general, only affect up to, or specifically on, Windows 8 and server 2012. Windows 8 users are in trouble (>using 8). Windows 10 should be safe from these tools. This thread will just end up being a Windows hate thread and Linux dick wanking.
>install gentoo
It also it's a NSA botnet.
Stop using computers, user.
At least NSA and CIA fight for freedom and democracy.
Fuck off you mentally ill liberal with your russian traitor
>It also it's a NSA botnet.
>i'll just post made up bullshit to feel better about my decisions
Windows is a piece of shit.
>it's not a botnet, a fat smelleing kike says it!
>le evil joos
Nice try NSA
I sure hope none of these MS computers are connected to routers with default passwords and IoT devices.
Strap in boys, we're about to see some serious shit (I hope).
>kike detected
Only kikes make fun of the kike meme.
>tfw Windows is compromised
>tfw Linux is also compromised
>tfw BSD can't into games.
opebsd had an fbi backdoor for years
>NSA shill on damage control
FBI Niggers.
He was right again.
TempleOS for best OS.
Can't hack it if it doesn't have tcp/ip.
I'm just gonna unplug my computer until patch Tuesday.
Epic maymay
>Yes, goy, use linux, your privacy is safe, hehehe
Windows leaked the hacking tools themselves to scare people into downloading the Windows 10 Creators Updateâ„¢
>state of windows users
>implying it won't introduce another backdoor
Russians and Chinese save the day once again.
When will you faggots learn not to trust American software and antivirus software?
Linux was made by a pure aryan, Linus Torvalds.
Nice source man
I can smell the poo stained hands from here
And was cucked by a Jew, as a pure aryan.
Nice FUD
You don't need GNU for linux save for gcc
Use OSX so you can run the proprietary stuff you want without NSA/Windows.
You are a mentally ill liberal
Fuck off mentally ill liberal scum
LOL who cares Linux is trash
Exactly, it has no games.
Not true, I take my medicine :(
Wincuck defense force
>t. nsa shill
Well it was fun while it lasted.
macOS doesn't have this problem
There's a reason why the NSA and CIA nigglets use hardened RHEL internally and not Winshit.
Really waltzes your walnuts.
Bill Gates is the antichrist and werks closely with NSA//MOSSAD for installing Shaytan in Tel Aviv.
fuck microsoft shills
You should upgrade to Windows 10 a.s.a.p
>still using computers
Wake up, user, luddism is the way be free.
gas your life
fucking faggot
yes goiym a:S.a:p
Installing shaytan? What? Do you mean evil or did you just brain fart?
Fuck off Sup Forums
Fuck off Sup Forums
Fuck off Sup Forums
What should I do if I'm running Windows 7 and have had updates turned off for 6 months (besides installing gentoo)?
You should backup data and move to Linux.
some promos have been installed on your botnet devices, you can freely fap @
milona fucked hard by the nigerian plumber
sonia got a surprise night visit and got a big blck bone
two american teen slutz enjoy immigration 'issues'
I can't. There are Windows programs I need to use.
>inb4 wine
1. Nuke it from orbit. Worst case, there's a UEFI rootkit on it by now.
2. Buy a Mac. Someone who turns off updates needs one.
disconnect nerd
>UEFI rootkit
Too bad for them I configured the firewall to only allow essential things through, like my browser, which has javascript disabled by default.
>routers with default passwords
You don't even need that anymore. Plenty of them run on Linux.
Menes aside, am I safe to use W8.1 if I only go on Sup Forums, YouTube, and Facebook? I really don't feel like doing a lot of work to move files and upgrade my OS.
Linus is Finnish. Finns aren't Aryan, they're Mongols.
Hitler even gave them the same definition as Japanese: honorary aryan
No. You should also disconnect your router if it uses Linux.
You can, you just don't want to.
Enjoy your botnet faggots.
t. OS X user :^)
Is there a security patch coming out?
Not soon enough.
Will someone post what the fucking exploit/toolkit is so I can prevent it myself?
>Linus is Finnish.
Swedish and yes, finns aren't from Iran.
He's not Swedish. He's 100% ethnically Finnish and was born in Finland to Finnish parents. He speaks Swedish and Finnish.
what does that "t." mean?
thats the second post today ive seen someone use that.
Newfags, everyone.
At least I keep backup of my system on an external drive?
You should fucking check Wikipedia before shitposting. He also speaks Latin unlike most Sup Forums "superhuman".
Why is this so retardedly vague? What exactly does "hack into" entail? Does it apply to any Windows machine connected to the Internet? Is there any way to know if you're compromised?
I've unplugged my desktop. Should I be safe now until a patch comes out?
lol no
>"It's an absolute disaster," Hickey said in an email. "I have been able to hack pretty much every Windows version here in my lab using this leak."
(sorry for the weird URL, had to because
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
>vulnerabilities getting exploited by russians and/or NSA
>still only release patches once a month (except when you have to redo your front-end, in which case its bi-monthly)
Can't make this shit up
>Windows programs I need
So I'm fine if I'm behind a router or firewall?
btw, does anyone know why Sup Forums thinks
(decoded) is spam?
>what are VMs
Shaytan is one of the Devil's names. Try opening up a book you uncultured faggot.
>LOL who cares Linux is trash
>Linux is trash