Best headphones sub $150?

Best headphones sub $150?

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Kill yourself

AKG K812

a gun

>sub $150

Grado PS1000e

you can get guns cheaper than that pretty easy dudester

Beats Pro


Her thighs are shopped right? They look weird.

Audeze LDC-4

Oppo PM-3


Apparently they're not actually that bad.
They have the classic beats V, but other than that, they use good quality components, and the sound is very precise to what you would expect from beats.


Focal Utopia

stop with the meme posts, i want real answers


For gaming. Hyper-X cloud II

Skullcandy sub 15$. If broke. Get another one. I have 2. Forgot it in pants and survive the washing machine. Still have it and works perfectly and more clean

That's pretty damn good bang for the buck considering you could probably easily kill 10 people with that one before getting taken down. Like 13 bucks a pop or something!

Yea if it doesn't jam. A gun that cheap would jam like crazy if not explode in your face.


they aren't but they look dumb in this photo

they are simple guns they don't jam that easily they have shitty accuracy and can go off with safety on but they aren't as bad as people make them out to be

this guy is right.

you're welcome :)

reliable cheap guns that you can also throw at people

>tfw have to actually work to get a house with a nice bathroom that wouldn't even be half the size of that one
>can't just flirt with old creeps and let them piss on me

why live

>and can go off with safety on

idk that seems like a pretty serious flaw

K612 Pro

Sauce on this qt?

> (OP)
>Sauce on this qt?
Are you serious or?

Sony mdr 7506

where do you see a qt?

whats her name? instagram?
