What editor/setup does Sup Forums use ?

What editor/setup does Sup Forums use ?

Pic related - I've used JetBrain IDEs and Sublim/Atom for a while in work but I'm trying to switch over to Vim now.

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He said editor, not OS.

in this order
[gnat gps
visual studio]

currently starting off my 1 year of using vim exclusively for my LaTeX, scripts, C, and Ada

The Emacs is an OS meme is poorly made and only used by people that haven't even tried the thing. Emacs will always be a full text editor and an elisp interpreter.

ITT we summon /ourguy/ Luke Smith

Luke, if you see this, I like your videos. Still a shame that you are going bald

I wonder, people on vim use something that know when you are in the middle of function and make 2 tabs after enter?
Are they manually typing empty tabs?

Are plugins with autocomplete popular?

this bothers me so much

i use tmux + nvim for almost everything at home, with a ton of vim-plug plugins that load dependent on file/project type.
i mostly develop bash/c/c++/rust on linux and use the lldb.nvim plugin to debug so its pretty much an ide for linux

at work i'm mostly forced to work with visual studio 2017 due to us maintaining primarily windows builds and using windows,
but the vs-vim plugin is very usable with a few tweaks and i have a linux vm if the build breaks or there is an issue.
(that almost never happens though, what a shame ;) )
visual studios debugging support is still excellent and i sometimes miss it when developing for linux.
although i have to admit i also started out on visual studio 6 back in the day and switched over to linux later, so i'm biased

recently i was playing with gnome builder, glade (form designer) and nemiver(gnomes debugger)..
its not really far developed, but it has potential to rival qt creator in the future,
especially after last week since every distro seems to be switching to gnome
i never could make friends with qt and qt-creator in general and always liked gtk better and saner to develop for, do with that as you will

i also tried visual studio code and clion in the last year.
both seems like they are trying to replicate visual studios debugging support/integration and take it cross platform.
both also put a terminal at the bottom to run your cmake/tests scripts which is good.
i still find tmux + nvim a better setup though and can live with a dedicaded debugger if llldb.nvim breaks.
i mostly write/edit code/tests and use git + write commit messages. nothing beats the terminal here.

currently i recommend:
linux: growing and nvim/tmux/lldb.nvim setup and aditionally learning lldb standalone or (c)gdb debugging
mac: same as above, but without gdb
windows: visual studio(community edition seems to be "free as in beer" these days btw) + vs-vim pluggin



Started learning about vi in Linux class. Decided to expand on it. Found Luke Smith. Now I love vim.

vim + tmux

Same, but aren't those colors a bit hard to see with transparency?

Vim. I will NEVER use anything other
than modal editing. I saves me so much


t. former Eclipse and Sublime user


Netbeans , Codeblocks , Visual Studio(because sometimes Codeblocks hates me when i run my C++ projects), Notepad++,Eclipse and JEdit.

Only the red, which I don't use in vim. Everything else shows up nice.

what wm is this senpai nice setup btw

Vim and vi on servers and for quick edits, emacs with evil for working on large programs and general organization.


Vim though occasionally I like messing around with Geany.

I've been going through emacs help and reading Learning GNU Emacs, am I wasting my time because I should be using vim? I'm pretty happy with multi window text editing.

I write LaTeX at least 2 hours every day for work and I don't know why anyone wouldn't use a live preview editor for that.

If I wanted live preview I would use a WYSIWYG editor.

Serious question, how do you use Vim with actual projects (500k LoC)? It becomes slow as balls, simple g] takes about 10 seconds with editor freezing.

share your ricing magic please

in my experience, vim is the only editor that can open fuckhuge text files and still function well

In this order:


>not using superior Java software
install jEdit

I started with Vim but I learned to hate vimscript and how there was a tendency to hack in other scripting languages.

Then went with Emacs, lisp isn't that great but at least it's consistently applied to everything with Emacs, plus it has org mode.

As I customized Emacs I saw that Spacemacs was basically doing a lot of the same stuff I was trying to go with, so I switched to it and get the modal benefits of Vim. My only complaint is that Emacs is still singlethreaded.


Butthurt C toddler detected. C will never be as good as Java. Enjoy your memory leaks.

I use Kate, kile and kdevelop which is basically all Kate.
I use vim for some stuff, but it is just too slow for me.

vim on a vertical monitor, ultimate comfy

So you don't have any experience. Got it.

Need smartphone apps like android apk decompilers and something like notepad and jar signers and zip aligners.
Kinda want to start programming on my smartphone and reverse engineering apps.

I've given up on the vim as an IDE meme. Now I just use whatever IDE with vim keybindings.

zsh tmux vim is comfy

great, now it bothers me as well

forgot pic

I have been using three editors for most of my life. I started with gedit, than nano, than vim, and now I'm coding in gvim. I refused to switch to (g)vim for a long time, because I hated its complexity, I'm a fan of minimalist editors, I don't need that much feature. After some time (g)vim grew on me, I made my own Tango styled theme with pleasant colors to protect my eyes and I began to love this editor.

In my opinion, IDEs like VS are complete garbage. They are too bloated, and most of their features are useless. I installed VS on a Windows once, it took forever just to install it, and an hour to start the program every time.

anything else is fake and gay

vim since I'm mainly inputing C code, but sometime Sublime Text for some text editing that I'm too dumb to do in vim.
Recently started using VS Code for node.js, it's like sublime but no configuration to do and it just wrecks.

>My only complaint is that Emacs is still singlethreaded.
Emacs has concurrency now. Actual multithreading is a meme, 99% of the time any performance increase is not worth the bugs and maintenance over multiprocessing.

dont underestimate the autists

Been using GNU Emacs for ~30 years

i use intellij IDEA for scala and atom with a few C packages to program C. i got a C completion package, compilation package, CUDA lang and c linter. the problem is that atom is heavy, so if your computer don't have a lot of resources it's a bad idea to use atom. the same goes for intellij. one day i want to make the switch to vim...

Emacs. Still haven't configured it properly though. Considering using evil mode.


Sublime text / Atom
I like to switch off every once in a while for some variety

I use vscode. Came from sublime and atom.

I've been using Vim/Neovim for 6 years now and I think Emacs+Evil is superior. I'm stuck on vim/neovim because I can't be bothered to learn a new editor.

Spacemacs is for retards though.

notepad++ for the professionals only.

I use elvis

Used Atom for a while and now switching to Sublime, because Atom JavaShit is slow as fuck.


I really enjoy using Atom because it allows me to open it and the project directory by using 'atom .'(in case you were wondering).

tmux + vim
git, gcc, gdb, valgrind, manpages-posix-dev

vim plugins:
youcompleteme, nerdtree, undotree, clang_complete, taboo, taglist, syntastic, united-front, ctrlp, vim-fugitive

per project .ycm_extra_conf with everything i need.

what i'm really missing is a way to move buffers+tabs between different vim sessions, so if anyone knows a plugin for that...

Luke is literally the lord of Sup Forums

>C toddlers
>using shitty garbage collecter language

