I will miss Unity ;_;

I will miss Unity ;_;

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the best de right now

i mean every one has there own opinion but in my eyes unity is one of the worst desktop environments ever created

Because GNOME is absolute garbage.

yeah it is no one here ever said it was good

it's still here and unity 7 is supported until at least 2021.

There's already a couple forks, just wait until it's officially kill and start using the most matured one then. Unity has a fuckton of problems, mostly notably xorg slowly becoming legacy, the incessant screentearing and crashes. Its only saving grace is its global menu and the fusion of the titlebar with the topbar. If you just like the global menu the guy behind Cinnamon's global menu plugin is migrating it over to GNOME, and this was even before the announcement.



>le site war meme

share pape?



He loves screen tearing.

It's going to be supported for like 4 more years minimum and possibly beyond if people still care about it by the time the LTS release of Ubuntu ends

you don't have to use the default DE of a distro, you fucking idiot

why not just reinstall unity when the new version of ubuntu comes out?

or install a better DE than both of those?

sick tabs bro

>want to install any DE on any distro
>it just works

>want to install Unity on a distro other than Ubuntu
>have to go through unofficial repos/AUR, have to install a gorillion of Ubuntu related packages and hope nothing breaks.

Never understood why Canonical insisted so much in making Unity a de facto Ubuntu exclusive. I think it might have been better received by the community if it was a more widely available DE.

Imagine if GNOME was a Fedora exclusive.

its really hard to imagine GNOME being any worse than it already is

Unity doesn't have screen tearing.

You are not the only one that thinks like that, and thankfully not everyone is useless as you

"Marius GripsgÄrd who is known for his work onUBports, the community effort trying to port Ubuntu Touch to as many devices as possible, is determined to keep going and looking to maintain Unity 8. He wrote onGoogle+yesterday, "I'm not giving up! I will do my best to keep Ubuntu touch and Unity8 standing on both it's legs! It will be hard. The Ubuntu touch wheel is still spinning, and it has enough momentum to spin until we start spinning it with hopefully with greater force. Expect some news and idea drafts from the Ubports team in the coming weeks."

Separately, there is nowunity8.orgas a fork of Ubuntu's Unity 8 code-base. "Following up with Mark Shuttleworth's announcement to abandon unity 8 development, we are planning to fork it and continue working with the project." The Unity8.org domain name is registered to a Ioannis Salatas, a name I wasn't able to find much about associated in the context of Ubuntu, but there is a John Salatas from the same address who has Linux development experience and has been involved with Linux development and is a former GSoC student."

so user, ubuntu unity edition is possible, but it really is a mystery if these people will be able to maintain it, since canolical couldn't


GNOME admittely sucks but that's not my point. Perhaps a better example would be Cinnamon: if the Mint team decided to make it effectively impossible to install on any other distribution it would certainly be nowhere near the maturity or popularity it has now. Making a DE not easily available on any GNU/Linux environment is just idiotic and detrimental for everyone involved.


>le amazon maymay

unity will live on

The lack of screen tearing is probably the biggest reason I use Unity. If kde wasn't such a buggy piece of shit I might have kept using it. If I didn't care about screen tearing I'd gladly go back to xfce.

kill yourself

Wow, unity 8 looks pretty decent, canonical is retarded for switching to gnome

Just use compton then. No screen tearing and consumes literally no memory too.

>The lack of screen tearing is probably the biggest reason I use Unity
That's funny. I'd use Unity fulltime if it weren't for the screentearing. It's the one DE where that's a consistent problem.

It was coming together pretty well. There was code being written for the global menu and everything. I was quite sad when I heard it got canned.

I'd say what killed it was more the choice to use Qt and Mir over anything else on top of creating a new stack of apps (Browser, Music, etc.). They spread themselves too thin. It's not dead though:
