Are PC games the pinnacle of software development as far as difficulty is concerned...

Are PC games the pinnacle of software development as far as difficulty is concerned? There's so much to take into account. Discuss lads.

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Modern PC games are a joke compared to back when you had to do everything in software and write half the game in assembly just to get it to run better on a 486.

Holy god I think that method gave me cancer

Modern game development is literal click and drag with really atrocious event handling thrown in because it's all done through frameworks now, nobody who makes games has to be intelligent about it.
Even the physics engines aren't that intricate, because once you get the basics down it's all a bunch of maths tricks.

Now, if you don't know mathematics very well, I could see why this kind of thing might blow your mind. But even rudimentary multivariable calculus and some linear algebra is enough to build an incredibly robust 3d engine from scratch, especially with modern hardware.

Depends if you're talking about developing a modern game engine or not.

back to l3ddit with you, subhuman

Used to be.

This. Just pick a bloated engine like Unity and write sloppy code, then hope that the goys with 1080s and Titan Xs give your game good reviews for running well on their machines.

operating systems are probably still one of the most complex softwares. Basically the lower down the stack the trickier

That is a function, not a method, friend.


I'd say space and military aviation software are the ultimate form of hairy development

this little nigger shit bugs me so fucking much
i hate that it works this way but i still find it very neat and use it myself
thanks for tuning into my blog

What the fuck

I'm a subhuman. What did he mean by this.


I just call them funnies now

I'm guessing the purpose is to demonstrate how difficult it is to understand code written by someone else if it's poorly documented and uses magic numbers and unintuitive variable naming.

Subtracting from this magic constant and doing that bit shift somehow manages to compute a ridiculously accurate approximation of x^-0.5

The function name tells you exactly what it does though.

Gee, I bet you wrote a lot of code in your life...

Getting games to run good on today's incompatible clusterfuck of modern gpus and drivers (with essentially 4 different apis, dx

> Got Half of the Parameter
> Casted the Address of Float to an Address of int(pointer) and dereferenced it
> Replaced the value to 0x5F3759DF Minus the logical shift version of I
> For some reason set x to the dereference value of the address of an int casted to the address of a float
> Returned x^3 * 1.5 - half of the original value

There, it's pretty much a useless function

Fair enough. It's apparently a common algorithm in game engine lighting and reflection

...I have. And know the difference between a method and a function is elementary to object oriented programming.

this better be b8

rsqrtss xmm0, xmm0

single instruction these days.

What is said difference hotshot?

implicit "this" parameter

that's literally it, only matters if you're splitting hairs

A method acts on an object and has access to call this whereas a function does not

Only if you consider writing a AAA game from scratch.
A 3d engine, including rendering, realiatic physics and special effects, is more then 90% of the coding and many games use engine is done by 3rd parties.

i think you mean
>that function is the pinnacle of software engineering

OSDev is by far the most involved, gamedev can be easy if you use preexisting game engines and frameworks, OSDev is brutal.

Wordpress is more complicated. It has security holes that shouldnt even be humanly possible to code.

>Are PC games the pinnacle of software development

"OSDevs" also use preexisting kernel.

Depends a lot on what OS you're developing and what part of it, too.

Even if you use a pre existing engine in games, someone had to do that work. OSDev is no different in that regard, and if we're talking about GNU/Linux, development can be even more fragmented.

It only has to run "good enough". Maybe one company forks you some extra cash to make it run better on their API of choice/hardware. Nobody pays attention to minute FPS differences in benchmarks except myopic nerds anyway.

Then why did Wolfenstein 3D get by with two programmers while id Tech 6 needed 15?

Also, I don't know how hard OSDev can get but if you consider rendering, games probably get way harder than OSDev. Rendering a 3d game is basically calculating thousands of complex mathematical formulas every single frame ( basically a couple geometry transformation formulas for every single vertex you see on the screen, which on AAA games can be a fuck ton ). And that's why we have in our computers, dedicated processors optimized for these kinds of calculations.

Sure most game developers use 3rd party software for that so they can focus on the game aspects and 3d rendering is no exclusive to games, but it's still worth mentioning imo.

Maybe if you're a pussy.

Real alphas like me write that shit from scratch

Considering how many shit games exist and they cost so much, it has to be.
How can people still make shitty FPS games when Half-life showed the way it should be done?

What about those batman games? absolutely horrible but even with a studio getting funded by Nvidia they release a game so bad and broken that they stopped selling it and game refunds.

>Are PC games the pinnacle of software development as far as difficulty is concerned?

That would be operating system development. You have to know EVERYTHING about computer science from the bare metal 1s and 0s all the way up the protocol stacks to get anything even remotely resembling a usable system. Better hope you like reading RFCs, standards, and technical manuals because you'll be implementing them.


managing distributed real-time systems is much more difficult.

Maybe as far as engines are concerned. As for games themselves? Not even close

Functions are just static methods.

Theres nothing wrong with this

>png file
>has jpeg artifacs

I'd say its international bank transfer software. Shit has to run perfectly, over relatively high-latency connections, and most of the software you're interfacing with is incredibly low-level or written in arcanic runes.

>2400+ LoC on a single method with no optimizations running 60 times per second
>nothing wrong