Hi Sup Forums, does anyone have recommendations for some good, intuitive video editing software...

Hi Sup Forums, does anyone have recommendations for some good, intuitive video editing software? I need to edit some shit for my job, but don't really have much experience. Seems like most people are using Adobe Premier or Sony Vegas.

Should have mentioned I'm using Windows 10, sorry.

Inb4 Windows Movie Maker

blender has the best video editor

Premiere is fine


I tried familiarizing myself with Debian, and now my family thinks I'm a hacker who distributes CP. Never again

So dumb there's nothing powerful and easy to use on Windows

How the fuck do you pause a .gif? I wanna see the back but it spins too fast

click and drag

m-more coco

Also learning adobe premier is much more helpful than Sony Vegas. Only hobbyists and yourtubers stuck in 2005 use Sony vegas

Keep your furry porn on Sup Forums. They stopped pretending to not be furfags years ago.

>they don't have gif viewer



This is the best use of that image I've ever seen. +1 Internets to you sir.

wtf I love furry now

That's her brother you sick fuck.

That's the point, senpai

gross man, wtf

I honestly can't see how people are into incest fetishes. I have a sister and feel repulsed at the thought of her just being in my room.

Have you tried being less of a faggot? Dropping your tripcode might help.

>I honestly can't see how people are into incest fetishes. I have a sister and feel repulsed at the thought of her just being in my room.

Thats more autistic than being into incest.

Seriously I just don't get it. You probably don't even have an actual sister irl. Well let me tell you: it's actually not that great, like at all. She'll just bug you like some kind of autistic parrot.

I wouldn't mind a cute little sister bothering me. Maybe we can play vidya together.

Either I was born with the worst sister in the world or you too don't actually have a sister irl.

Seriously dude, drop the trip and the name. It's fagging you up big time.

lmao, even after she steals them and hoards them i her room just to randomly spite you?

You ever played portal? Having a sister is like having GLADOS every fucking day you come home from work.

k well if it triggers you that much just filter me. Asking me to drop my trip is like asking me to slice my prick up.

>thread turns into both furry porn and tripfag discussion within 20 posts
proud of u Sup Forums

OP was asking for tech support which is frowned upon (see Sup Forums rules). His thread never had any merit in the first place. The furry/tripfag discussion was the bes thing that could happen to his thread.

If that's OP responding then: go suck cocks.y

But user, incest is wincest.

Adobe Premiere and Sony Vegas the only good video editors out there. Of course everyone uses them.