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Technology #600
IOS vs Android: Privacy/Security
Do ad blockers really cause revenue loss?
Is the 1700 the cheapest processor that is good for heavy software...
Hey Sup Forums, quick question - I'm in Uganda at the moment and currently downloading the Windows 10 Creators Update...
Grsecurity shuts down access for non-subscribers
What kind of programming gloves does Sup Forums use?
I've been using it for years but Linux and the terminal are slowing me down. All typical file operations (moving...
Third "women in STEM" event this month on my university
What does Sup Forums use as torrent client on headless GNU/Linux servers?
I just failed a technical interview and they won't tell me the answers
/sqt/ - Stupid questions thread
Why haven't you switched to colemak yet?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
It's another LaTeX document that uses Computer Modern
Good afternoon fine gentleman
Cutest programming language?
This is what you allowed to fester on this board
Laptop Discussion
So how many times has this happened now?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why does printer technology never change? We're still using the same overpriced inkjets for the past 30 years now
Would life without Facebook be happier?
The biggest argument against net neutrality is a demand for a free market. But when making this argument...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What does user's dream language look like?
Wendell and his brother Rufus completely destroyed Apple in the last news segment:
Your technology related job
Give me ONE good reason you haven't sold your shilltell and bought a Ryzen yet, user
Nvidia spyware moved from GFE to the driver itself
Life of a pc gamer
I miss Autohotkey so much. With autohotkey I could navigate and use shortcuts like a god...
Will APFS be better than ZFS?
AMD driver now shits ads onto your desktop
What went right?
Holy shit, Sup Forums is currently shilling VLC and Windows Media Player for watching Anime...
/arch/: Arch Linux General: Bleeding Edge Edition
Qutebrowser General
Roadside 'textalyser' will treat drivers on smartphones like drunks
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Shavers are technology
How everyone who bought the GPD Pocket was lied to
2017 and still not using a fanless cpu cooler
Am I doomed?
So what do you guys think about that new screenshot feature in Firefox?
Was open source a mistake?
Editor thread
Post the perfect computer desk
How is Naples going to do against the new Skylake Xeon processors?
Upgrading ram
Discord is dead
How do I into radio?
Browser extension cleanup day
HumbleBundle has some "PC software", as in non-games software, bundle
Current year
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Bought this Thinkpad T500 for $120 because a lot of people here were recommending it. But this thing is awful...
Best media player
Hello I am a Debian Jessie user and avid web/game developer. I made my goal today to learn how to stream to twitch...
Opinions about Brave Browser?
Bash Alias Thread: Share Your Personal Bash Aliases Here
I bought a memepad and it's great and all but it's too heavy to carry around everyday to uni and shit
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
You get what you pay for
How do I differentiate between real malware and false alarms from windows defender/antivirus software when installing...
Studying astronomy in college right now, what language will be the most useful for me down the road?
Leap Ahead™
Guys, I want to completely switch over to Linux full time. However, there is one problem, Linux has no games
I am interested in a Distribution of Linux for laptops and daily use
Your phone
How do I register a domain so that it won't leak any info about my identity?
XP is Back Baby
Used Thinkpad: Meme or not Meme?
What's the most comfortable chair for all day sitting at your pc?
Where's everyone from old Sup Forums (2011 & earlier) gone?
Do you code in a black hoodie?
Reading about some fag contributor to the Tor project
Apocalypse proof tech: I want to be able to have a lot of information at my disposal
Let us discuss why seagate is still around. Every seagate I've ever owned has fucked up on me. EVERY SINGLE ONE
Hi /g...
Antivirus that isn't shit?
Use Linux for 11 years
There are people browsing this board right now who don't own an iPhone
Battlestation thread /bst/
GUI customization thread
1Password, LastPass, or other?
Took computer science at university
Too Big Too Small
AMD has been a joke since 2003
Steve Jobs invented the iPod, and changed the world forever
Running uBlock Origin
Bias lights - are the cheap $15 amazon RGB remote ones as good as it gets...
What does Sup Forums do for money?
He fell for the png/flac meme
How true is this
Pay ISP a large monthly fee for internet
If everyone donated $5 USD to ReactOS they'd be able to speed up development and get us a free Windows-style kernel. So...
Howcome 32MB RAM is no longer enough for an OS?
Height: 1.88 m
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why does palemoon spike to 114% cpu when I don't touch it for more than 20 minutes...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What was the name of that site that lets you check if your IP address has torrented something questionable?
Why the fuck is removing a desktop environment from literally any Linux distro so fucking annoying...
What do you call this piece of technology, Sup Forums?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/wt/ - watch thread
Just a reminder that we're gonna see something similar to this effect soon by one of the Big 3
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
This is what the average redditor thinks "open-sores" means
DisplayMate gives Samsung Galaxy S8 first ever perfect A+ rating
/retro/ - old computers and tech
Do you want to relieve the pain?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Int foo[5];
How did Apple go from this
When middle-aged people say "hurr Millennials don't know what a floppy disk or VHS is"...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Qutebrowser, the last good web browser
Is it going to be a meme or not?
Should I buy an older 13 inch macbook pro retina?
Just installed Arch
Is this list still up to date?
7740k might even hit 6ghz on water since it has no integrated gpu. What's amd's response to this?
Speedtest thread?
He has icons on his desktop
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
TIS 100 Player going into programing
Food Tech
What does your Sup Forums look like Sup Forums?
Is Sup Forums getting one?
Going back to Windows 7
If robots replace the entire workforce of manual labor jobs, won't food get more expensive?
Speccy thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
This is valid C# code
/csg/ Chink Shit General
VR was a mistake
Sup Sup Forums, for a while now my neighbor in my apartment building and I have been splitting the internet bill...
Ryzen 7 1700x or i7 7700k?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What is the official font of /g ?
Adiophiles of Sup Forums thread. Come in here fags. Post:
Welcome to your new coding workplace! Find a table for the day!
/gmouse/- General Mouse thread
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
What the fuck is this shit?
What cheapo keyboard do you faggots use?
How many shekels does it cost?
"observable universe" is not the entire universe
IPhone 8 completely destroys everything else as expected
Press F to pay respects
Jesus christ why is this board so full of shills? don't you have a life...
AMD is finished and bankrupt
What is the whole problem with systemd?
VPN security
IT job blog thread, complain here and post
AMD's Q1 earning reports is on May 1st, which is also Monday
"select all squares with vehicles"
The quality of distros is decreasing
How do people put up with lagdroid
What happened to America?
"poo in the loo"
Ylyl thread
Temporary Ban on Indian Posters
When will we NEED to leave 1080p?
/ptg/ - private tracker general
Does anyone still use XFCE? Why?
What OS has the best customization ?
What's the first must have programs you install on Windows. This is my list in order...
Kickstarter currently has a mobile game connected dildo for sale. They don't call it a dildo...
I have a Proxmox hypervisor server
Graphics on Linux
Reddit is open source
What is keeping you from dumping the shitty Firefox and going to the obviously superior Chromium?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Show me your handwriting!
Stallman love/hate thread
They keep doing it
Riddle me this Sup Forums. Why does AMD's new line just barely compete with Intel's but cost almost double the price?
Amiga Users, explain yourselves... i'm actually very curious
Is there a reason more motherboards don't have an io shield attached out of the box?
This thread is about the appreciation of watches...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Since most of Sup Forums is lazy as fuck, let's do a text-based EDC thread
Anybody got this shit can tell me if its worth it?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
It was a different time
Why is this shit so expensive compare to keyboard and mouse combined? Has Apple seriously lost its mind?
I hope you all better try to learn AI development
How often should one change their keepassx database master password?
Technological marvels made possible by autism
Is there an open source alternative to Microsoft's One Note that also supports handwritten notes using a drawing tablet?
Why does my CS professor say that break, goto and continue statements are bad style, Sup Forums?
Dental Hygiene Thread
RFID implant
Could I replace my steering wheel with an Xbox 360 controller and drive my car with it?
Jesus christ, not even 5 minutes into the interview and hes rambling on like a fucking pretentious asshole...
So why should we hire you for $80...
Windows just werks :^)
ITT: Post times you fell for a Sup Forums meme
HDMI vs Viewport
Is there a programming language this board DOESN'T hate?
What language are videogames programmed in Sup Forums?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Blowjob Machine
Official Hackintosh Thread
Give me one good reason you dont use fedora as your daily driver
Why aren't you using GNOME 3, the best DE?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is the gap between the 1080 and the 1080ti worth the extra 200 bucks?
What went wrong with Silicon Valley?
Meanwhile, in 2117 Sup Forums
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Electric jet!!
Intel X299 HEDT Platform For Skylake X and Kaby Lake X Processors Announcement on 30th May
Why haven't you freedom loving faggots bought open source silicon yet?
Yfw Chromebooks are the closest desktop Linux has ever come to the mainstream
I just won a banana pi from a tech site's contest. What should I do with it now?
Find a flaw
MBP Built to last edition
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What would happen if you was to make a metal bar that encircles the Earth, would if fall or stay a float the sky...
What's the secret sauce to pajeets being in Silicon Valley?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What did Google mean by this?
Give me one reason to use Windows 10 over 7
Uptime thread. Screenfetch or neofetch welcome
Which Linux DE and WM are you using and why?
Why is freetard shit so awful
Look out of your window and see the boys in blue come at your door
DSLR Camera
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What does Sup Forums think about this bundle?
Buy pic related for 15 bucks
/cyb/ + /sec/
This should be mandatory reading before you're allowed to post on Sup Forums
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Does Sup Forums approve of the Dvorak keyboard...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Popular Antivirus Program IDs Windows as Threat, Creating Chaos
Mfw babbies with their babbies 27''
How can I watch Mr normie without paying money and without a VPN and without getting vanned
This guy made almost £400,000 from his programing talent by the age of 20?
Clearly has at least an undergraduate level education in computer or electrical engineering
I'm installing gentoo right now
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Ask a PHP/Laravel developer anything
Dell XPS 13 with Arch on it?
What would you do if you discovered some world-changing technology?
Where to buy laptops with libre firmware in Argentina?
What did they mean by that?
What would Microsoft have to do to cause a mass exodus of users from Windows to Mac/Linux/BSD?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Language
Malware Hunts And Kills Poorly Secured Internet Of Things Devices
What is the best thermal paste currently?
Is there way to learn this language outside of SAP Gui?
We designed our workplace to reflect the future we are creating for you to inhabit
Screenfetch bread
McAfee's coming phone
Builds $800 computer
Stop using whatever shit you use to find torrents
Debian users will have white hairs by the time they see a kernel version this high
/wt/ watch thread
Why aren't you using Solus, Sup Forums?
I'm using Debian Sid
Anyone want to get high and watch old Computer Chronicles episodes with me?
Speccy Thread
Why do you hate indian people so much?
I have a little sister that is obsessed with anime...
Is there any reason to get the rx480 any more? Or is the 580 better in every regard for the same price?
How hard is it to set up a basic network for about 10k square feet...
I know there's a lot of guys here that know c++ very well. I think I'm asking a simple question...
Visit Sup Forums
Why the fuck did they make this shit instead of making a V8 engine for python??
The AMD Vega overhype begin
You can only post ITT if you are one of the elite Sandy Bridge master race
Stop bullying the C programming language please
Win 10 CU Debloating
/mpv/ - is it the Sup Forumsreatest one?
I have to move terabyte of pirated books which may contain shit like bomb making...
Why havent you switched to Vivaldi yet, Sup Forums?
This os is trash
YouTube being fucked by ad companies bailing out
/uni/ thread
Hey Sup Forums, I'm buying a new hdd and I've decided to switch to Linux for the first time...
What are some gucci USB drives for EDC? I specifically like metallic cap-less ones you can put in your keychain
/FGLT/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Are these an viable alternative for cleaning computer parts (ad opposed to canned air) , or will they generate static?
You have ten seconds to tell me why you aren't using Firefox
C++ help
GNU IceCat
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Java logic
What should I upgrade first?
HOW is this OK?
Ryzen 5 1600 Temperature in Celsius
Sup Forums approved instant messaging app
Should I install KDE, GNOME, or Cinnamon?
Hey Sup Forums, my laptop keeps making random beeping noises. Like 5 beeps in a row and it won't stop...
I can't figure out linux it's too hard
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Do cell phones cause cancer? Is there any plausible way for micro waves, radio waves...
Mice/pointing device general
What 650W PSU does Sup Forums recommend? 750W will also be considered if the price is good
Curd Cutting
Over-engineered Juicer edition
Incompatibility issue? Help
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Just got a macbook air
It's official! Moto G5 Plus is the best budget phone out right now. Goddamn it they did it again lads
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Intel's 100 MHz faster i7-7740K is on it's way
I'm sick of switching back and forth between desktop environments. KDE is as good as it gets unfortunately...
I'm currently installing gentoo with `genkernel all` How disgusting am I?
I believed in C++
Ahhhh, a fresh GNOME flashback 3.24.1 installation on Arch. Made for each other like bread and butter
You have 30 seconds to prove to me that intel isn't selling you a botnet upgrade stick
CSS is dead
What operating system do you run on your brain, Sup Forums?
Windows 10 Classic Theme
What's the single most aesthetic piece of tech?
Through some heretofore unknown magic, you have just SSHed into your own brain
Buy $700 graphics card for muh ultra settings
/dcsvt/ - Daily C security vulnerability thread
Tfw fell for the Arch meme
How long will it be until we can truly discard our bodies and go to the wired?
Splitting a string on delimeter
Find a flaw
Speccy thread
Can your precious Linux distributions do this?
Sup Forums Humor
Which type of programming language is better for web backends, interpreted or compiled?
Another day of your sad, miserable life wasted on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive...
Germany delivers
/dpt/ - Daily Python Thread
Windows can't do this
Why does g hate video games?
Apple, you've done it again
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Fuck bixby
If Linux is so good, why do people in poor countries rather pirate Windows than use free Linux?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Sup Forums is poor and Sup Forums has frequent issues caused by too high bandwidth
Is this correct?
Ryzen 1700 efficiency
Battlestation thread /bst/
Do programmers with 2 years experience copy and paste code?
I see your running ELF
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Today I was arguing with my friend about the MacBook...
Best tablet for note taking?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is fusion power a meme?
What were the marketing executives thinking when the put this on their iPad central advert page?
Itt: passwords
1080ti Founder's Edition exploding
Mfw char is just int in disguys
Is Elementary OS good?
Why is Sup Forums so cheap and hostile towards paying a small amount to software developers?
Find a flaw
Mac Programs
Press F
Is humanity's glorious future on Mars at risk of being shattered by a golddigger's divorce settlement...
How many times do you pacman -Syu in a single day?
I suck at variable naming, always use a, b, c, d...... What should I do guys ?
That's it, androidbros, looks like they won
/hpg/ - Headphone General
If Linux is so powerful then why is it only used for compiling and processing data?
Install gentoo
Char *str_array[]
Why are you not buying the 7" laptop, Sup Forums?
Since BlackPlayer is getting worse and worse, anyone wanna recommend me a better music app?
Ryzen HEDT will kill Skylake-X, but not for the reasons you think
Things linux can't do
5 cute facts about akari:
Why is this so hard to understand?
/wt/ watch thread
Is he right?
Do actual professionals use the surface book or have I utterly fallen for microsoft's hype marketing?
Intel Coffee Lake S 6 Core Desktop Processor Leaked, Core i5 Without Hyper Threading
Sup Forums Opinion Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How is it possible for Indians to have smartphones...
Why is there no Gnome 3.24 in Arch?
Post 'em faggots
This screen ratio is pure sex
Goodbye chip-and-pin, hello chip-and-fingerprint
Technology is only smartphones
I have an old Ultra 60 taking up space in my home office
How frequently do you upgrade your stuff?
Front-runner Macron wants encryption backdoors to fight terrorism
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Anybody else here use an old school iPod on a daily basis?
Is MKBHD a Sup Forums approved youtuber?
Can any android fags help me out? My battery on my s6edge is literally the worst i have ever delt with...
Be Microshaft
Anonymous Group
How much more secure would a password be if it was something like "MAKIISCUTE" but repeated 10-20 times?
Arm on shoulder
Goyvidia Driver
Sup Forums checkout my thinkpad. its a docmc stuffins x61 rice
How to get a solid foundation in compsci mathematics
Your month and year of birth
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
So, it's been about 5 months or so since I got these in the mail, still haven't done anything with them, what do now...
Fuck you Sup Forums
What's a good MP3/MP4 player?
Is there a definitive browser yet?
Current year
Got this in 2000 as a gift from my parents
Leave important task running and go to bed
Is there a better codewriter/ compiler / allinone for c/c++ developement
Manjaro, the distro of grown up mans!
What's the most autistic thing you can do with your computer?
You are now aware that most normies have never seen this
NVIDIA Volta with GDDR6 in early 2018
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Buy iPhone
Windows 10 volume control goes up in 2 unit increments when using the scroll wheel
Heatsink paste suction damage cpu?
What causes this kind of crack on the lower half of my screen?
What are the different ways to reset my bios settings without a monitor display? I know how to reset my CMOS...
WD Black
Holy shit it's a reason to go to Best Buy for once
Tfw fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
/tosg/ - TempleOS General
I checked the catalog but I did not see a desktop thread?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I'm compiling my kernel what is Sup Forums doing
Are there legitimate reasons to be using Gentoo?
Stop the 1984 Act
What are the best programming interview questions you've ever been asked?
Amazon $300 Gift Card
Hey Sup Forums
What does Sup Forums think of Plex? I'm thinking of paying for it, but idk if there are better...
3505mAh battery
At least I'm not a nigger
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why the fuck would you use Linux over Windows as a desktop operating system...
Go to
How deep are you in the net of bots?
Who /bestbrowser/ here
Why don't you use one again?
Best MicroATX Mini Tower case that is actually small...
I fell for the ltsb meme
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Best question ever
Levels of comfy that shouldn't even be allowed to exist
What is a good alternative for pic related? Something just as good or better
Been in jail for the last 7 years
I transported my pc and now it wont turn on properly, it just gets stuck on a black screen with a blinking underscore...
/sqt/ - Simple Questions That dont deserve their own thread, stupid
Prebuilts still shit?
What is the most SJW tech?
Don't mind me, just blocking these ads
Hey faggots, I need an OS for my parents
I just failed a job interview Sup Forums
Leave windows 10 PC for 5 minutes to make tea
How is Intel expecting to sell a 12-core chip for $1,500, when AMD's 16-core chip will probably be $1,000 or less...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
KCP is dead
Spend 30 minutes installing and configuring arch
ITT: Things to buy to escape from planned obsolescence
Thinkcucks and macfags BTFO
If Windows are for work, and Apples are for fun, what are Linuxes for?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Can Sup Forums explain why Windows 10 is bad without using memes such as "muh privacy" and "dem ebil jews are stealing...
What do I do now, user?
Which programming language can do everything Python can, but better?
What do you guys use your secondary monitor for?
What Sup Forums tech you recently bought?
Cheap drawing pad under 100 dollars
Why is free/open software so shit?
/pcbg/: Post your component list; rate other anons'; ask questions in general
Which VPN service does Sup Forums use?
Convince me this is a bad idea
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Speccy thread
PHP vs. Python (Django)
Find a flaw
Why did BSD never catch on?
What does Sup Forums think of him?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Who would win in a fist fight?
Iphone user for 8 years
Tfw planned obsolence hit again
Why do you even buy Apple?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Fingerprint sensor placement
Why google shills and Sup Forumscucks hates this?
Yet another botnet disaster
How come only 2 countries in the Western world use logical date notation?
Start using windows 10
TV shopping
What kind of features do flagship phones have that are worth spending over $700 instead of $200-300 for a mid-range...
/guts/ thread
Systemd Hate Thread
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Science rules!
NYT: Tim Cook threatened Uber removal from App Store b/c of secret iPhone tracking
Be on my desk
ITT: Post ideas to polish this turd by means of Technolo/g/y
Question for Linux users
Be me
If python is so shit and slow then how come it is the principle language behind:
He is scared of null pointers
/gogl/ - Gaming on GNU/Linux
Has Vivaldi finally become useable, or is still a laggy mess?
/retro/ - some old shit
Why would someone buy this again?
What's the better major for someone who's smart but lazy, CS or EE...
What happened to Windows phones? Five years ago Windows phones were great
Apricity OS: new gold standard for people new to arch?
Please, tell me that I am not the only that not drinks coca-cola because their formula is not open-source
Why do people like KDE so much?
Literally the best phone out right now
Current Job
Latest iPhone 8 leak
Can we finally ban all windows user agents from posting on Sup Forums...
Is xfx a good company
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Give an argument for linux without resorting to conspiracy theories about evil corporations like microsoft...
Besides memetry and bloatware, what other windows services or crap do you usually disable asap?
I wanted to be sarcastic and try to be funny but this motherfucking political hack is such a lame faggot that I'm not...
Systemd adopted by Debian after a jew bought the lead project
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I just realized, Vega is a turning point for AMD GPU division, they've done something not even ATi has done
Why is this ratio so fucking sexy?
Can anyone solve the smug lolis problem?
Give me ONE (1) reason why I shouldn't permanently remove my pc case door for better cooling
So this is the power of Skylake-X
Is Piratebay an FBI honeypot? Why are there so few seders?
What's the best cloud?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I see that youre running DWARF
Science rules!
Will Linux ever be good?
You can't deny this
Should I upgrade from a 7700k to a Ryzen? Sup Forums says Ryzens are a huge upgrade
I fell for the meme
What's the point of recursion when you can just use a while loop?
Fuck Linux
What are your favorite keyboard shortcuts...
Why aren't you using LxQt?
Horizontal motherboard tray
What are Sup Forums recommended offline map apps for driving in Europe?
Give me one good reason why you're not using the best mouse on the planet?
ITT: Software redflags
OOP is a sham
I'm seriously considering moving to iOS. I'm tired of shitty security, clashing design languages...
What font do you use for Sup Forums
Why aren't you learning haskell right now?
Is Python a good language to learn about recursion in?
What is the best messaging app and why?
What went wrong
/sqt/ - Simple Questions Thread that dont deserve their own thread, stupid
This is the state of linux today
Galaxy S8 Launched today
Perfectly valid c code
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Windows Phone
* blocks your path *
You have 30 seconds to justify using linux with systemd
Just ordered a brand new PRS-300. How bad did I fuck up for $29?
Theming Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Can a pocket Projector replace a TV?
Jump drive
If you had a literally infinite amount of money, what kind of computer would you buy?
/dcsv/ - Daily C(++) security vulnerability general
Is It Time to Break Up Google?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
It's pretty obvious that Nvidia makes the superior product. Why do people deny this...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Forums always parades out some unqualified woman who lucked into a cushy tech job...
Best Language in 2017
Human Evolution
How do you justify your inferior computer?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
ITT: Build your perfect phone
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Sup Forums humor thread
This video is unavailable
Is there a goddamn editor/program/ide that just comes with the fucking compiler...
Thanks Windows!
This is still the best cpu for 1080p gaming
Majored in CS at Stanford
Can anyone give me 5 good reasons why I should switch from Windows 7 to Linux?
Why don't AMD fix their single core performance?
Now that the dust has settled... is it a meme or is it good? Did intelfags get BTFO?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
NEWPIPE 0.9.3 is out and it supports 1080p, 2K and 4K!!!!!
TFW you dont have a massive botnet earning you $30 000/week
/hpg/ - Headphone General
GPU Fan Curves
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Check nokia 3310 before sleep
/cyb/ + /netsec/
Beyond all shilling and trolling and the memes, leaving all that aside...
A guy doxxed me on Steam while just playing CSGO
/BST/ Battlestation general
Really makes u go hmmmmmmm
Quick rundown on this piece of hardware please
Stupid dog
What the fuck is this?
Does Google actually make any money from having the most popular web browser?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
And the best mobile camera is
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
/tosg/ - TempleOS general
What do you want most for the Pixel 2?
So this is the power of Ryzen
Sup Forums games
What's wrong with the Asus Zenbook series?
"Why do you hate my language so much?"
Where and which language did you first learn to code/program ?
If MacOS and Linux are both pretty much the same...
Tech Gore
AMD, ryzen, AM4 <- catalog filter hits go here
So what's your excuse for being a ramlet?
Is it possible in 2017 to buy a chromebook and completly replace chromeos with some linux distro?
Why aren't you using the best smartphone of 2017
/wt/ Watch Thread
Help Sup Forumsurus! I need to get a VPN, but I dont know which are best. I'm willing to spend a little bit of money...
German Engineering
There is literally nothing wrong with using Windows
I'm trying to figure out which laptop to buy and I want to fucking kill myself
>this is what Fedora user look like
Early days of computers and internet: used by 99% of smelly male nerds with weird niche interests, coding, IRC...
I want to spend thousands of hours autistically maintaining my own computer after going through a needlessly complex...
This simple trick made my firefox fast again!
C++ thread?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
O&O ShutUp10
I'm a new user and I want a distro with KDE. Should I just download Fedora and then install KDE on top of it?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Hey Sup Forums, I'm back from my thrifting and I found this laptop for 60$...
Problems with the programming community?
Please clearly explain why windows xp was the best windows
An eggsecutive running loonix?
BWE-E @ 3.6
Just purchased this puppy what am I in 4
What is wrong with my computer
Great day for American engineers! Trump signed the executive order restricting H1B abuse...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
CPU-Z thread famalams
Switch from a 6 year old AMD card to the GTX 1060
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/awesomewm/ thread
Redpill me on Ubuntu
Whats your preference Sup Forums
Why did you buy an expensive graphics card?
C was a mistake
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How long until Applel goes bankrupt again without Jobs
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
So I want to open a tab I closed earlier. Should be a simple job, right?
Is computer science really that big of a meme?
How can one make a laser or infrared or radar-guided system with arduino?
Will he have his own movie when he died? You know, like Steve Job?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Daily reminder Budgie > Mate > Gnome > Unity > Windows > KDE > Cinnamon
What's the best distro and why is it TempleOS+Internet ?
He would rather use an operating system made by neck beards in their mothers basement instead of industry professionals...
Password Thread
How do I get people to donate money to me for software development...
So anyway why do we not have a good PS4/Xbone emulator yet? Or should I say "compatibility layer" like Wine?
Bring back /prog/
Now that "Es File" is a utterly shit crap what /g use?
Ryzen overclocking
Yo g/
Stuck with an aging Fury X that can barely keep up with modern 2017 games
One thing that makes me mad: linux distro with steam software included
How do we make Linux more attractive to celebrities?
Don't Be Fooled by Samsung's Shiny New UI, It's Still TouchWiz
Revamping Extreme Editions
He pirates with torrents
Now that nobody uses discs in year of the lord 2017, how are you utilizing that drive bay?
My pc
The Internet
So this is the power of Ryzen
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What's a good website idea that will make me millions?
How do you save chat logs in Discord channels?
It's crunch-time to pick a major
Okay Sup Forums, so if I wanna learn to code, in your opinion, what is the one language I should learn immediately?
What are those behind him? giant tablets?
Post pics of anime girls holding programming books
Just invent something to make it so I can insert cash into my computer or phone already! I hate going outside and going...
He uses windows in 2017
Is javascript going to be the future programming language for everything...
What're the most useful programming languages to know?
Debloating Windows 10
Waht's Sup Forums opinion on the Woman interrupted app?
He puts a case on his phone
Memory Memes
Do any normal people use Linux or is it all toothless crackheads and jobless 30 year old men with Asperger's ?
IMPORTANT - Ubuntu 16.04.2 ISO may be compromised
How do you hide your porn?
Can Sup Forums find all palindromes numbers (reads same forward and backwards) under 2 million and sum them?
Thank you, Microsoft
Router Security and Anonymity
Why doesn't intel make a dedicated GPU
RIP uBotnet - uTorrent Will Move to The Web Browser
Do you code like NASA?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Would you feel safe driving a Linux car?
So it wasn't a meme after all
Samsung Galaxy S8+
Write a program that takes 3 integers from the users and prints the largest combination possible
You fags jelly of pic related?
I finished my comp sci degree, what cities are the best to move to to get a good job...
How do you pronounce sysadmin
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I have $15,000 in the bank. I have dual 980tis, 3466 ddr4 ram, 64gb, Intel haswell i5 at 4.4ghz. A Google pixel XL...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So now that it's been out for a while... is buying S8 worth it if you own an S7?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Calm games for android to play offline?
Main OS
Why aren't you using Bing for porn yet?
Why don't thay make nuclear-powered smartphones, so we don't have to charge them every single fucking day?
Best Browser
What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Canadian cell phone plans
Are you going to apply to work on building Linus's YT replacement, FloatPlane?
I took the redpill
Turn off adblock, sail right past it
/wt/ watch thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Only usuable Windows is Windows 10 LTSB
What's the most complete guide on hardening a Linux OS?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...