What's your reason for having more than 16GB of RAM? The fuck are you doing?
Memory Memes
they're gold farming
i give half to windows
opening three websites in chrome
ITT: RAMlets
I just bought a laptop with 32gb ram.
You can mount a virtual disk drive then load an entire game on it, then play off the RAM drive. Its fucking lightning fast
...Well, you're not wrong.
What's your excuse for having less than 32? The fuck are you doing?
and I wasn't even rendering anything
Was waiting on this post. I can understand shit like that. This is more geared at autismos who grab 32GB so they can stream Netflix and play Hearthstone.
I not only do all my browsing in VMs for security reasons, but I use several different VMs to segregate different privacy domains.
Also large disk caches and being able to leave big apps running instead of opening and closing them is nice
>The fuck are you doing?
Working, you NEET.
>what looks like spotify
That doesn't make you more secure when botnet ARM co-processor on your CPU is keylogging everything to the NSA and FBI.
My r710 nas has 38gb for freenas
>hurr durr the management engine makes it pointless! just give up, goyim!
Fuck off, CIA nigger. ME backdoors like that are a.) difficult to use, and b.) very valuable. You have to worry about them if you have to worry about targeted attacks. You don't have to worry about them from untargeted mass surveillance, because the more widely they use something like that, the noisier it is. You think the NSA wants to see their ME backdoor being talked about in the news and all over the security community because they infected a million machines with it? No, they're going to save that shit for when nothing else will do. You think ad companies and ISPs are going to use it to track you? No way in hell, it's too complicated, dangerous, would get them in legal trouble, and they don't need to anyway. You think ordinary criminal malware writers will use it? Not theoretically impossible, but they're going to pick the lower-hanging fruit first. And unless you're a high-value target, like a bank, much simpler things will make their malware effective and profitable.
Shills like you are saying that there's no point in doing anything because there's no way to be 100% rock-solid dead certain you can stop everything. You're full of shit, it's well worth defending yourself even if you're only ever able to stop 99.9% of the bad things that can happen to you. You get 80% of the way there with very little effort.
>Fuck off, C-C-C-CIA n-nigger. M-M-ME back-kdoors l-like that a-are a.) difficult-t t-to use, a-and b.) very valu-uable. Y-Y-Y-You h-have to wo-orry about t-them i-if you have to w-worry about t-targeted a-attacks. Y-Y-You d-don't-t h-have to worry a-about t-them from untargeted mass surveillance, because the more wi-id-dely t-they use s-something l-like that, the noisie-er it is. Y-You think t-the N-N-NSA wants t-to s-see their M-M-ME b-backdoor being talked about i-in the n-news a-and al-ll over the-e s-security commu-unity because they i-in-nfe-ected a m-million m-machines with it? N-N-No-o, t-th-hey're g-going to save that shit f-for w-when nothi-ing els-se w-will d-do. Y-Y-You-u think ad compan-nies and-d I-I-ISPs a-are going t-to u-use it to-o track-k y-you? N-N-No way in hell, i-it-t's too complicated, d-dangerous, would g-get-t the-em-m i-in legal t-tr-roubl-le, and they don't n-need t-to a-anyway. Y-You think ordinary crimina-al m-malware wri-ite-ers w-will use i-it-t? N-No-ot theoretic-cally impossible, but they're going to pic-ck-k the lower-hang-ging fru-uit-t f-fir-rst. A-A-And unless you're-e a high-value-e target, like-e a-a b-bank, m-much s-simpler things will m-make their malware effective and-d profitable.
>Shills like you a-are-e s-saying that there's no point in doing any-ything because there's no way to b-be 100% r-rock-solid dead c-certain you c-can st-top everything-g. Y-Y-Y-You're full o-of shit, it's well worth d-defending yourself even-n if y-you're o-on-nly ev-ve-er able to stop 99.9% of the b-bad t-things that c-can happen t-to y-you. Y-You g-get 80% of t-the w-way there w-with very l-little e-effor-rt-t.
I'm almost out of RAM
8 is all I need
Exporting blender fluid sims to 3Ds max, there isnt enough ram in the world to more than a few mins of simulation
i have 16gb but i'd like more for virtual networking labs
it'd be like what, $60 more to get to 32gb?
may wind up doing it
I have 8 because all I do is game and shitpost. I kind of want to upgrade to 16gb, but DDR4 prices are fucking insane right now.
i dont like having empty slots on my motherboad...
I've already run out of 32gb a few times. Mostly hover around 10-12gb though. So I could just barely manage with 16... But why would I want to? 32 gigs was literally 120 bucks.
How fast is it? Like a camel or a rabit?
I'm rich
>What's your reason for having more than 16GB of RAM?
I'm using this forever.
>The fuck are you doing?
Nothing. At. All.
Holy fuck you're pathetic.
>What's your reason for having more than 16GB of RAM? The fuck are you doing?- 29 posts and 11 image replies shown.
I do 3D modelling and texturing. Specifically when I am working in Painter with a 4K workflow the software alone gets as high as 26GB once I get to my usual 100+ layers
>What's your reason for having more than 16GB of RAM?
massive file transfers are fucking godly fast with more RAM
a camel running away from a sandstorm fast
4GB is more than enough for me because I use an operating system that doesn't eat RAM like a fat kid at a buffet. Debian 9 with Openbox and 12 Firefox tabs is only using around 500MB of memory. You should go fuck yourself.
Background servers
RAM disks
Ultra-mega high custom graphic settings in gaymes
But let's face it, 99,9% of users don't need more than 16GiB
Does your boss know that you install private packages on production servers?
Yea, like anyone uses a xeon for their private computer.
what are you a moneylet user? I only use processors if they cost in excess of 4000 dollars.
32gb because I can and I need it.
How else am I going to simulate a network to use as a lab?
I just jammed another 4 GB in my system after running solely on 4 GB of RAM on Windows 10 for ages. I'd argue it was enough, if not for video games lately.
Photoshop will eat through any RAM you throw at it
I only have 32Gigs and wish I had more like 256
>What's your reason for having more than 16GB of RAM? The fuck are you doing?
I'm using Chrome.
I got 32GB.
I like to run stuff in VMs
I have 12 GB. I mostly use only 5 GB, but based Windows takes cares of the rest to cache frequently used programs with SuperFetch®™. My RAM is never wasted.
32gb weaklings.
>VMs for simulations
>3D CAD design
>3 chrome tabs
Now praise the gods of 64Gb of RAM
But you should already know that chrome needs 128Gb to even launch
>I only use processors if they cost in excess of 4000 dollars.
kek, that's what I use for my refrigerator control board.
>not using dual xeons and 128GBs of ram or more
I'm not doing anything at the moment.
deal with it
I have that much RAM because I kinda didn't like that my PC had less RAM than my phone.
no bully plz
>1666MHz DDR3 8GB is 8 dollars each stick
jesus fuck