/awesomewm/ thread

Who here /awesome/ post screenshots of you using the best window manager, and discuss what you like or dislike about it !

Other urls found in this thread:

bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ source/rxvt-unicode/ bug/677425

I'm currently using i3wm, should I switch? Is awesomewm's i3status equivalent more "complete"? i3status is lacking, in my opinion (yes, I know py3status and conky and others exist)

i3 dosen't let you move windows anywhere right ?
I only tried it once and that really turned me off to it.

oh and to answer your question, id say the status bar framework is extremely well made in awesomewm.

Yes it does

I just like the way awesomewm lets you move windows, by just using the modifier key and dragging.

nearly any wm lets you do that user, unless you mean in tiling.

on a side note, looked at dwm first myself, didnt feel the need to move to awesome afterwords. its fun as long as you dont mind messing around with source and patches

I've repeatedly tried to get used to WM's, but the horrendous defaults on all of them tend to scare me off. Is there hope, or is it one of these things where you simply have to read the documentation properly to understand it?

Also, are there any Wayland-based WM's yet?

for awesomewm just download this github.com/copycat-killer/awesome-copycats
good themes that get you started and don't need much configuring.
there are a few for wayland yes. Way Cooler and Orbital come to mind

I really like these stuff like awesomewm and i3.

The only thing I missed here is an old fashioned "start" button on panel to easly launch programs. I guess I am more in love with how the panel looks than acual tiling mechanincs. I also kind a miss x button on window.

Also is it even worth using these kind of WMs on small screens like on laptop?
Is openbox same thing as awesome and i3?

move like set up two of them vertically and swap sides or with the mouse like a floating one?

its especially worth using this kind of thing on a laptop because you can more efficiently use your space ! I am using awesome on a laptop right now and it really helps.
>Is openbox same thing as awesome and i3?
not really, as far as I know openbox isn't dynamic or tiling its just a floating window window manager like the built in for windows and mac and so worth except that it's very lightweight and customizable.
>Start button
I actually get a menu with all my programms in neat little subfolders when I right click on the desktop.

it looks nice but configuring this shit is such a waste of time

>Linux in a nutshsell

AwesomeWM seems to be the WM for people that don’t' quite despise the mouse enough to enjoy i3. And there is nothing wrong with that; I just like i3 myself.

i3 is pretty easy to configure.

>The only thing I missed here is an old fashioned "start" button on panel to easly launch programs.
>I also kind a miss x button on window.
Tiling WMs are typically designed for mouse-free usage. You close windows with a keyboard shortcut (like Windows's Alt+F4), and launch them from a tab-completable launcher menu like dmenu (which is also activated with a keyboard shortcut).

I don't feel like there's such a huge difference with emphasis on mouse usage between the two WMs - Awesome can be just as mouse-free as i3. The big difference for me is how much configurability you need and how much time you're willing to spend on it.

What terminal font is that? Care to share the .Xresources file?

i think preference for awesome v. i3 has to do with how people organize their workspaces, which isn't talked about enough

i3 is very good for people who have a specific workspace setup that they're very picky about and don't want to change. awesome is good for people who open large groups of windows on the fly, and just want them to do something that's mostly correct

when i try to switch from awesome to i3 the main problem i have is that i have to think about window position every time i open a window, which i do very often. i assume that i3 users have a more organized workspace

I still need to rice my bar properly

the secret to configuring shit is to start a dotfiles repository. just like, open a git in your home directory and stick your fucking config files in it (there's some details to doing it right, look it up)

this gives you tracking of what you've configured (esp. diffs) and consistency across machines and future installs. instead of an endless treadmill of configuring shit it becomes a project and you can actually finish it

i would like to switch to dwm but i have 1 issue; i use minimize a lot and afaik there's no minimize patch for dwm

how do dwm users deal with not being able to minimize?. i hide terminals a lot when i'm waiting on them to finish something

I kinda stopped feeling the need to minimize after switching to a tiling wm, but if I need windows out of the way I just usually move them to another workspace.

the font is dina powerline, I forgot where the colors are from but I just grabbed one from a git and converted it to Xresources format
URxvt*font: xft:dina:size=8

! Black
URxvt*color0: #4f4f4f
URxvt*color8: #7b7b7b
! Red
URxvt*color1: #fa6c5f
URxvt*color9: #fcb6af
! Green
URxvt.color2: #a8fe60
URxvt.color10: #ceffab
! Yellow
URxvt*color3: #fffeb6
URxvt*color11: #fffecc
! Blue
urxvt*color4: #96cafd
URxvt*color12: #b5dcfe
! Magenta
URxvt*color5: #fa72fc
URxvt*color13: #fb9bfe
! Cyan
URxvt*color6: #c6c4fd
URxvt*color14: #dfdffd
! White
URxvt*color7: #eeedee
URxvt*color15: #fefffe
! Etc
URxvt*cursorColor: #fa6c5f
URxvt*background: #0C090A
URxvt*foreground: #f1f1f1

Thanks my man. Much appreciated.

Why is Fedora still on awesome 3.5?

because awesome keeps breaking config file compatibility

so basically whoever maintains the package is holding back everyone else because they're too lazy to update their config

>use urxvt
>open new window
>half the text gets cut off
bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ source/rxvt-unicode/ bug/677425

I've never had this problem before, been using urxvt for years

maybe something distro related?

if you ship a new config file format then you break the existing configs of every user until they update it. you can only do it if it's something that's explicitly allowed by your distro's package release cycle

i used awesomewm for two years but i can highly recommend i3. way better in customization imho