beyond all shilling and trolling and the memes, leaving all that aside, to be serious for a moment about Apple: what is their secret? Why are their products built so well ? why can't no company compete with them? I don't get it
Beyond all shilling and trolling and the memes, leaving all that aside...
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most of it is marketing and product design, the smoothness of the os for daily use is also part of it.
remember when apple was an underdog and macs where about functionality? i miss the late 90s
that's like saying their secret is a secret. Agreed on the OS part tho. Very easy to just setup and go
>design once, use always
Apple hasn't given their products a decent makeover for a decade now. It's all about being able to recognize the Apple brand, which means that people see reliability, proper build quality and a functional operating system - whether these points hold any truth is irrelevant.
How exactly is it any easier to "just set up and go" than win8.1 or newbuntu? All you need to do is put in the install media, click install and it does it all for you.
you PCcucks will never understand the elegance and ease of using an Apple Product
Give me an objective explanation of how osx is more easily set up and go than wincucks or Ubuntu or you're confirmed for stereotypical macfag.
they put effort into the "right" things and they've managed to keep their shit pretty clean, just imagine being a guy responsible for developing windows (it can't be fixed with simple, partial fixes). their build isn't anything special, you'll get comparable or better built electronics from plenty of other manufacturers.
they have better security practices than windows, too: harder to install shitware on accident when the OS asks for your password (the OS will probably even prevent non-recognized software from being installed, unless you change a setting consciously). this matter for the normies. also macs come with a lot of pretty usable software, many people probably won't need extras besides maybe another video player and MS office
with gnu/linux, most of the anti-normie problems come from incompatibility with either hard of software. if someone managed to sell fully compatible ubuntu laptops that'd come with all the software the average user needs, that'd be pretty good. except when the person needs to watch a video that isn't supported without microsoft shit or they want to use MS office or adobe stuff something... you sometimes encounter this in weird places: I have 0 idea why, for example, web whatsapp works very badly on linux. on mac, most stuff works, since plenty of companies bother to make their shit compatible
mostly this
>it does not need setting up
since it comes on the machines it supports by default. this means no driver problems, etc.
This, /thread
the products are designed by designers, not engineers
The secret to Apple's success is that they have total control over both their software and hardware. They control their own destiny.
They're not just another Windows / Android OEM with all the compromises that come with being one. From top to bottom, their products are fine-tuned and optimized rather than being left to third parties to fuck up with crappy drivers, crappy trackpads, and bloatware/spyware. They're also not concerned with maintaining compatibility with decades-old software, which allows them to move their platforms along quickly.
Apple is also a design company at its heart and has been for over 30 years. Microsoft and Google are run by engineers who couldn't design their way out of a paper bag. Only recently have they begun to actually pay attention to product design, but they're still novices.
So there big secret is that the OS is only compatible with a small range of hardware. Also when is the last time you've run into a driver problem installing ubuntu/other babbys Linux on a non obscure piece of hardware?
A couple weeks ago I plugged in a Casio camera and Ubuntu didn't recognize it.
>non obscure
Also Apple keeps its product line tight and focused. It doesn't try to stick its fingers into every market with a half-assed "me-too" product. It doesn't introduce new platforms only to quietly retire them a year or two later. When Apple has something new to show, it's done very deliberately with a long-term outlook.
wi-fi cards have problems relatively often
hardware keys (like volume and whatnot) may or may not work perfectly - on my other laptop, for example, changing the brightness of the screen is really laggy and that is running an ubuntu derivative
on my current XFCE Fedora install I also needed some tweaking for my Intel graphics to not fuck shit up
my parent's printer was quite bothersome to get to work
sometimes there are little problems that don't really matter but definitely lessen how good the OS "feels", surely even more so for normies
I think the software compatibility part is the bigger problem anyway, hardware support is bretty gud nowadays
Well, Windows recognized it.
This, had to configure my backlight controls everytime.
what's really annoying also:
many hardware manufacturers don't bother telling the customer that yes, this will work on lignux - even if it actually does have free software drivers available. there's often often 0 support & 0 promises made
this is quite annoying even for a Sup Forumsuy like me - buying hardware requires search engine use and I can't whine to the seller or manufacturer if there are problems
they already come with the hardware. When you buy a macbook, you already know what you're getting. Whereas to get a newbuntu/windows laptop you need a laptop first and hope it plays nice with your OS, or shell out a boatload of cash for a decent model. You might as well get crapple at that rate unless you specifically know that it won't work for you. For the everyday user, who emails and checks facebook twice a day, OSX is more than an overkill OS
After being a daily Mac user for over a decade now, I'm still amazed at some of the basic things that Windows STILL can't do out of the box.
The other day someone asked me how to resize a photo into a standard passport size (2" x 2"). It turns out Windows has no easy way of doing this; your best bet is to go into Paint and guess the resizing percentage until you get the right size. Otherwise you have to install a feature-rich third-party app like IrfanView.
And it wasn't until Windows 10 that there was finally a native way to print to PDF. It took Microsoft until 2015 to finally do what the Mac has had since 2000, and what iOS had at least four years prior.
Catering to retards, if you appeal strongly to the lowest common denominator once or twice you automatically have the biggest customer base as long as you barely change stuff and since they're so braindead they won't even realize you're scamming them by selling way overpriced hardware in white plastic
As an ex macbook 2015 that throttled to 800MHz and iPhone 6 plus that got touch disease owner I completely disagree.
Also, while Windows 7 is on extended support until 2020, Microsoft recently pulled all support and downloads for Live Essentials, including Movie Maker. So it's no longer possible to make simple edits to video files without third-party software.
Why are Microsofties so cucked?
>ITT let's shill apple by pretending to discuss it
It panders to normies and is a complete meme of a product line.
watch Louis Rossman, the macbooks are not well designed. Apple has made a lot of stupid decisions with it including weak hinges and no airflow.
That said, I only use mac and its largely because of the OS. I have a mac pro so I can upgrade it though, no way I would pay for the shitty soldered in macbooks.
oh man, we got a true L33T hacker in here guys, how did he become so redpilled unlike the rest of us sheep? he must be a genius
what do you do that demands mac pro? I don't like soldered in either but at the same time $3000 and up for a computer is extreme unless its professional/job related
switched to osx because I hated vista and all the bloatware that came on computers. staying with it because I dont want windowz10 botnet or bloatware.
if windows had a fully functional os without any info gathering, i would switch to it in a heartbeat. apple's hardware is a laughingstock and their newer OSs are progressively getting dumbed down (ie like removing disk utility WTF)
Because SJW and LGBT is supporting apple.
That's why they so popular.
honestly, just for normal use and gaming.
i bought the 5,1 mac pro before the trash can came out. I've upgraded to 12 core cpus, new graphics card (currently on the 1080ti) and RAM to keep up with the times. added a bluray player and also upgraded to usb 3.0. shit is cash.
Expensive upfront cost but it has staying power if you incrementally upgrade it. Much cheaper than buying new computers.
how are people typing this in real life? who actually typed this? is it 2017...?
forgot to mention. also added lots of HDDs. Paying retail is much cheaper than apple's costs
They have some little, but very-very important things which don't exist in other operation systems if you have 4k+ monitor.
For example, non-retarded fonts, general design, colors, UI.
This is the very first thing a user sees after plugging in his computer.
When I use loonix with these fucking ugly retarded fonts, stupid and ugly UI I want to fucking vomit, I'm not kidding, I'm serious. I want to get some satisfaction when I work with my computer. And no matter what fucking font you try to install, no matter how many time you spend to change some fucking shit using compiz - in loonix it looks like a piece of shit, it's absolutely fucking hopeless. All DEs are ugly crap, you should choose between bad and really fucking bad.
It feels like you are digging through some fucking garbage.
Windows is also a piece of ugly dull crap with all their retarded tablet-design, metroshit, fucking tiles, bad scaling abilities - shit, shit, shit and one more time - shit. Absolutely haram.
I don't fucking understand, this is a big rich corporation, why they can't find just one smart designer without Down syndrome in order to create correct and beautiful design? What the fuck is wrong with them? Are they all retarded and can't perceive colors and beauty?
There are no alternatives for os x, at least for me. When I use os x I feel like it has been developed right, not perfect, but just right.
In terms of functional all systems can fit your needs if you have deep grasp of their architecture, abilities and how to use them correctly.
Each system covers 99.9% of what typical user needs.
>Each system covers 99.9% of what typical user needs.
This is not true of GNU+Linux, unfortunately. I like the OS but it obviously lacks in compatibility with proprietary softwares.
And if you need to use WINE or something and there's no guarantee of it working, that is already more than what I can honestly recommend to the typical user.
>well built
>shit hard drives that fail in less than a year.
>what is their secret?
Marketing, marketing, and marketing.
>Why are their products built so well ?
They aren't. They're built above average quality for PCs, and sold for an above average price. Compared to PCs with a similar price point, they're around average or a bit below.
Difference is that PC makers produce plenty of cheapass models that are made with really low quality, so they can sell them for $150-300 at Walmart.
>why can't no company compete with them?
Brand image. Over the course of decades they've positioned themselves as a premium brand, aimed at creative professionals. Part of this is that they only make high end stuff. Part is that in the past, creative programs like Photoshop were either only available for Mac or worked better on Mac. This is no longer true but the image remains. The rest is marketing.
Apple sells a whole experience, complete with their own OS, its look and feel, and the set of programs that can be run on it. No PC manufacturer does this because they all run Windows and therefore all provide basically the same software experience as every other PC. Trying to replicate what Apple has done today would be suicide. People don't want to buy an incompatible system. MacOS got a market share back in the early days, before Windows was the behemoth it is today.
>what is their secret?
Build cheap low quality chinkshit and blackmail the media from giving you bad coverage and reviews.
i automatically love tv series that have apple product placement. that tacky ui and pretty animations and beautiful warning sounds just fit so well to a flow of a drama show. i know its kind of autistic but just imagine that pig disgusting windows common error sound plays in your favorite show. its an immersion breaker
Then I thought of Steve Jobs. Specifically of the night he died. We all probably remember where we were that moment. I was having an early dinner with friends in Chinatown in NYC. It was someone's birthday and we were celebrating but also acknowledging a big loss for all of us. When I went home I was so moved that I told my 6 year old daughter who was in bed what had happened. I said, you know all the things we use, my Mac, iPhone and iPad? The man who designed them died tonight. My daughter rose from her bed and sat up, and said, "Mom, how will we live now?"
Pretty much this. Apple died with Steve Jobs. They were good, now they've lost their way. Where we used to get real innovation like the iPod and iPhone, we now get gimmicks like touchbars and feature removal like taking away the headphone jack.
Gullible fanbois who'll never admit any flaw to their overpriced stuff