>google will be demonopolized in your life time
What a feeling!
Is It Time to Break Up Google?
Other urls found in this thread:
>article that will be read by practically no one
>written by a literal nobody
>probably on a blog or ''''news'''' site that gets most of it's views via clickbait titles
I bet there's some amazing insight in there. The government should contact this guy so he can provide guidelines for how to take care of this problem indeed.
>probably on a blog or ''''news'''' site that gets most of it's views via clickbait titles
NY times
Thanks for confirming my statement
Google isn't limited to search advertising though. They have their fingers in many pots, hence why Alphabet exists.
Facebook and Apple may be fucked, but Google has staying power.
Go back to infowars / breitbart / drudgereport
You just proved him right...
>infowars / breitbart / drudgereport
Do you presume just because he greentexts his intention was to refute?
Even if it's a monopoly, and makes a lot of money, it's just advertising. What is the harm done to the public? Online ads being more expensive than they should be. Not too long ago there was the famous epipen incident, that's the kind of monopoly that hurts people. Ads being more expensive, what a loss.
They aren't though, most of Alphabet's money still comes from advertisements.
Monopolies aren't illegal, abusing monopoly power is. Google doesn't seem interested in screwing the consumer, so they'll probably be fine.
Microsoft had a monopoly on OS's and office suites. Were they broken up? No, since Windows 95 was $109 in 1995 and Windows 10 is a whopping $119 in 2017. Office 97 was $499, while Office 2016 is $149.
They're not charging you $6000 for the best OS in the history of the world, so they get away with being the only ones who can sell you the best OS in the history of the world.
kys nigger
go participate in your white guilt sit-ins
That last one you're talking about free republic. They ban you for being anti trump despite thinking the first amendment is one of the most important laws to exist.
actually, in respective order:
>Hillary's a demon!
>Trump does no wrong!
>Jews be evul!
t. people who never actually consume right wing news
Right wing news sucks jew cock big time.
*Teleports behind you*
Left wing news sucks sandnigger cock big time, so pick your poison and enjoy.
Sandniggers are the symptoms and jews are the cause.
is leaking again
spotted the redditor
isn't google an international corp now? does the us govt have the power to break them up?
Argument against monopoly is that they loose "dead weight", thus reducing overall public welfare, aka tax.
>inb4 "dead weight" is called that for a reason
Don't be fooled by the name, it just means something that is no longer needed, monopoly doesn't need big R&D department for example.
They should break themselves up for their own food. The company is run likea clusterfuck with no real direction or strategy. That's why you see so many products come out that are then cancelled.
When someone wants to create a new project they get internal but in from other managers and developers. Once there's enough the project starts. Then when those developers find another project they like the project ends. There's no one actually running the company. The execs just spend their time on their boats getting heroin injections from prostitutes.
>company that makes its money from advertisers
>thinking it has any staying power
Yeah I'm sure Google was demonstrating power by bending its knee to advertisers during their boycott.
They have broken themselves up.
Into Alphabet.
That just further separates management from the company. It's a holding company.
They can't truly break themselves up because they have income from only two sources - advertising and android licensing.
Well, I guess one good thing if they did do it is that you could choose to not be part of the botnet if you used android.
>what are property rights
>monopolies are bad meme
wew lad
>tfw Berniecrats still don't get that it was never about big corporations, just Red ones and those that don't balk to social zeitgeists
it's not why we lost, but god dammit. fucking idiot
Lamo what a load of shit. There's nothing stopping advertisers from using non Google products. People have to go out of there way to download Chrome, visit youtube, go to Google.com
If anything, Google is successful because their products are good.
Look at Microsoft, it achieved a monopoly by dodgy business practices and hires the shittiest pajet programmers to churn out the worst IT products. If they had any level of competition they'd be long gone.
Monopolies are inherently bad, you mongoloid. They tend to use their staying power to dominate the market place and stifle competition. I'm imagining you to be one of those anarchocapitalist cucks who ironically doesn't actually have a cent to his name.
Kill yourself my man.
Google is long overdue to be broken into small pieces. Same goes for the other fascistic tech monopolies Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Facebook, and Amazon.
>Monopolies aren't illegal
Maybe not in your country, but in the US they are. Unless they're run by the government, of course (USPS, Amtrak).
Protip: Monopolies are not illegal.
>Maybe not in your country, but in the US they are.
No, fuckhead, a monopoly is NOT illegal in the US.
there are plenty of options which do not suck jew cock, but in general I would completely agree
google is owned by Alphabet, so if they break it up, all the little companies will still be owned by the same corp.
basically what antitrust means is that the big company has to get smaller and sell some of it's branches and they do sell and to the already owners of the company
>literally the first paragraph defines a monopoly as legal
You really need to learn to read with comprehension, son. Monopolies are not illegal as it clearly states in that first paragraph but because they realize stupid fucking people like you don't comprehend things well they go on to further explain that a monopoly CAN be declared illegal if the company responsible used/uses anti-competitive tactics to maintain it in the marketplace.
Hence, any given monopoly is perfectly legal unless it used or uses anti-competitive practices aka dirty underhanded backstabbing bullshit to keep the monopoly in place.
Well, did anything happened to Microsoft after using shady anti-competitive tactic for decades?
yeah, because we all saw how well that went with AT&T
> Betteridge's law of headlines
How do they make money from Android licensing?
Do phone developers have to pay for putting Android on their phones? How does that work with elementaryOS?
Or do you mean the charge they take when plebs pay for apps in the appstore?