Post yours ITT, be honest.
pic related is template
Here's mine, yellow used to have a purpose but I've removed the unsure ones as I've updated this over time.
I'm not giving up youtube though, and I've dumped too much money into steam as a teenager to uninstall it. Gonna build a nice little linux server once I get the cash and use it to replace dropbox and gmail. Not sure when I'm going to replace intel because I have several builds that use intel hardware. I think the botnet for that is mostly a meme anyways
Now that ubuntu unity is being discontinued do we need to update the chart?
We are living in god's botnet.
I dunno now that dna editing's a thing shit seems pretty FOSS to me
If it wasn't for facebook this would be pretty good
No bingo for me.
Yeah, sadly I need that crap for university, teachers and classmates keep communicating everything over there
et tu foobar?
Shit user what microsoft software is holding you back from an almost clean slate?
My school integrated a bunch of microsoft shit into our student accounts. It was possible to avoid using but the teachers instructed everyone to use it so the botnet consumed all.
I don't use it, but if it's just a music player then there'd be no reason to let it connect to the internet at all.
wait what the hell does foobar do
You don't have to connect foobar to the net.
I let it sync to and occasionally Discogs.
But it is not necessary.
Fuck knows. It needs to be updated anyways.
What's hamachi even used for besides lazy minecraft servers? Same as that other user tho it wouldn't be bad if it wasn't for facebook.
I use it to play a few games with my friends because we're too lazy to set up my firewall and open ports. It's useless beyond that. If you play steam games exclusively then you won't need it.
It's easy to de-botnet ghostery.
our*. I'm usually the host hence the typo.
>no one on this thread has snapchat
Why do you all have to be losers? Just because we are into technology doesn't mean we have to be losers
What do you need that for? What does the app even do other than taking pictures? Nobody I know uses it except my 9 yo cousin.
No reason too if you use ublock origin, you can filter out tracking yourself. Most useful browser extension definitely.
You don't even run windows user, surely there's a free alternative. Never looked into it since i switched to linux.
Shit's going to be irrelevant next year when the next new social media fad comes along. What's it even offer besides saving you 1.5 seconds when sending pictures to people from your phone and collecting your data?
Exactly user
>you don't even run windows
What's this have to do with anything?
Why would you use hamachi on an os that excels in server shit? Surely there's a better free as in freedom alternative. Unless you're a macfag, aren't you, user?
How do I use the net without adobe flash player? I tried without it and I needed to use it maybe once every 50 sites I go to.
No.... Unity isn't a botnet.
The distro its self is a botnet
Oh shit I forgot about flash and thought I missed one on my chart, but it turns out iridium disables flash. I haven't had a problem, any good website's looking to drop flash these days anyways.
I thought amazon got their fingers in unity and that was the bad shit. What's wrong with the actual distro?
CIA nigger has affiliations with it.
What firewall software would you suggest?
What's the dolphin?
Dolphin emulator?
this is too hard to bingo
Because it's easy to use
Some sort of mobile web browser
Yeah at this size it's basically because a judging chart
Fuck dude at least ditch the anti virus software. My parents have an expired copy of norton and at this point it's just literally adware. No viruses either, shit's basically useless this day in age if you're remotely computer savvy.
I doubt it's any more convenient than any other shit that does the same thing, except other things respect your freedom.
I only use malwarebytes though. So I ticked it since it isn't clam av. Unless it isn't classified as an antivirus?
Worse than I thought I'd be, few I'm struggling to get away from, need Windows for Ableton Live so I can't switch entirely to Linux and the only reason I have Facebook is to keep in touch with people over messenger.
Why not AMD too?
Shouldnt discord be placed on the chart as well?
I was thinking this myself
it would be interesting if the image came with a pasta to back-up it's claims
Malwarebytes used to be pretty decent but ever since a certain update a couple of years ago it's almost become malware itself, pushing it's shitty payed features constantly. Better than like mcafee or something but I'd ditch it and get something better user.
I'll give you some tips user. Chrome has other chromium based alternatives such ungoogled chromium and iridium that function basically identically outside of a few google exclusive features removed, like search suggestion and other fairly useless shit. uTorrent is shit and there's a bunch of other more respectable BitTorrent clients, like qBitTorrent, or any other decent ones you can find through a quick search. I think ableton live works with wine but you'd have to look into that. Skype isn't even good these days, so unless you need it for work or to keep in contact with people who use it exclusively, ditch that shit too. Wire is a pretty decent FOSS alternative, but I'm still guilty of using discord because my friends use it. Tox was kind of shitty in my experience but has potential, although the development was rocky last I heard. As for steam start buying your games drm free through gog so you aren't as reliant on it.
According to some reddit thing they said they're talking about supporting coreboot/libreboot or something, which if that ends up happening with cement them as supporters of freedom in my eyes.
The whole thing needs to be updated. Frankly I can think of reasons more of them would be botnets, but a lot of it's just hearsay. Link good sources to this post and I'll compile them all and make a better botnet bingo format. Maybe swap foobar with discord. Is there a better more balanced order to get a bingo that anyone recommends?
>phone icon
hurr durr I like to use my voice to communicate
What the fuck are you even one about?
Not bad user at least you don't use facebook. Now that netlix works on chromium just fucking ditch chrome there's no reason to use it and switching is easy. You can even import/export your passwords and bookmarks
Will soon stop using Facebook, Wangblows and foobar. Forgive me for my sins, Sup Forums.
The chart is outdated.
>hardware is botnet
Thanks annon, knew about ungoogled Chromium but didn't think to switch, I'll do that now. uTorrent isn't something I use often, just for odd things now and then but I'll take a look at qBitTorrent, thanks. I'll have a go at running it in Wine on another machine but I get the feeling there were issues with it before, haven't tried in a couple of years though so someone may have worked it out. Yeah I barely use skype but I like to have it because some of my friends still use it regularly, personally I want to ditch it though. Discord as well for the same reason, it's really popular and hard to get away from. As with a lot of people I spent a lot of money on Steam a few years back so I don't like the idea of uninstalling it, despite the fact I barely play anything on it now.
Foobar is questionably even a botnet but it's a windows exclusive so you shouldn't even be using it anyways.
>What's the Platform Security Processor and Intel ME
Amd's talking about ditching PSP tho
I don't know shit about instgram except that it's owned by facebook, but I imagine it's easier to drop than facebook because no ones exclusively uses instagram to communicate so you won't be losing contact with people
Yeah it'd be really easy to drop, I've almost dropped it anyway, just visit the website now and then to see what's going on, most of the time I don't see anything of value though so I wouldn't really be missing out.
I knew I had the full sized pic related
Another thing I just remembered is that if you want to stop using the google search botnet, try a combination of startpage and duckduckgo. Duck duck go I'm sure you know of already as a privacy focused non logging search engine, but it's real advantage over other similar search engines is that it's fast. Not quite google fast, but just about. The downside is that sometimes when you're hunting down very specific results, such as tech support questions, it doesn't give you as good results as google would have. That's where you can use startpage, which essentially is a proxy between you and google that strips away all of the personally identifying information. You can use it to get the results you would have from google but without the spying. The downside is it's just slow enough to be mildly annoying, so I don't use it as my default search engine I just have it bookmarked and use it when ddg fails me. I'm still trying to get used to the setup tho, and I use google occasionally for things like reverse image search or out of habit.
The ddg/startpage setup though should theoretically get you the best results with the least personal information being shared.
>I'd ditch it and get something better user.
What would you suggest
Thanks again user, got chromium installed now, moved my bookmarks over and set default search to ddg
Get on my fucking level
You also have lsquick and qwant, which are kind of fast but a bit slower than duck duck go. Both are freedoms and privacy focus ed but I haven't researched them as much. lsquick is made by the same people as startpage, and I think they combine different types of results together on one page in some way. I just tested and startpage images give pretty much the same results as google images but in a different order, so it's not even necessary to use google for google images. The right click reverse search google image extension was nice tho
Clamav is what the chart suggests. Personally I'd suggest common sense, but there's plenty of actual free anti malware software I've seen discussed.
After doing some quick research clamav is pretty legit, but here's a list of other shit that this website says has a free license
(removed link because spam filter on Sup Forums's a bitch, just look it up)
really I'd probably go with clamav though if I had a gun to my head, but frankly browsers are getting pretty good at guarding against viruses and malware before you even download them, so I'd just add malware protection filters to ublock and roll with that.
What even is the smiley face thing user? I looked up mir and miro and the logo didn't come up. Pretty good though. Tryna figure out what the ubuntu botnet deal is outside of unity and amazon thing, and the most informative result I found was an article from last year by our boy stallman talking about how they removed the spyware and it's good now. So, if that's the case you're down to only two.
What do I win.
Also how is foobar a botnet?
No one knows, but fuck user you need to slow down. At the very least don't use botnet software with better alternatives like opera and uTorrent. At least you use facebook
I can't slow down. I've already been told to get a paypal, netflix and linkedin and facebook accounts to find a job.
x means I use it
o means I use it but have plans to stop
x and o means partial in the case of google I will continue to use youtube and am looking for a search replacement and in the case of intel i use intel chips rn but might use amd in my next pc depends on performance in that cycle
>tfw you have Instagram, Whatsapp, Tinder, Work Chat and Workplace but no Facebook account
shit for got adobe, use flash, I love flash and hope it never goes.
>gratis but not libre
That's the most suspicious software release type. Why would it be free and yet not open source? What's the developer's end game? Clementine is open source and seems much better than foobar.
What sort of job are you trying to get that requires you to have a netflix account?
Same boat with the intel and youtube/google stuff. I wrote up some stuff on how to ditch chrome and google search in an above post, so you can get that going pretty easily without much loss in functionality. Instagram is owned by facebook so I'm sure it's just as botnet rich, if you can ditch that along with facebook. I'm sure you'll free up time to do more productive stuff as well.
Flash has security issues user shit ain't good in the modern age.
How'd you get a tinder account with no facebook? I made a throwaway facebook account on time to try out tinder on an android vm and if I could make an actual account without facebook I might actually use the app.
Ehh, I think there needs to be more than speculation to get on something as official as the Botnet Bingoâ„¢
>How'd you get a tinder account with no facebook?
Fuck, I guess I made a throwaway, completely forgot about it.
Heute ist mein Tag.
People watch many tv series these days, I've been told I have to know what is in on Netflix to get along with my coworkers. They also told me to join a racquet sport club like for squash or tennis.
>there needs to be more than speculation
>PlayStation Network
All speculation and memes.
God damn user. Do you have any interest in switching to more freedom and privacy respecting software? Regardless last pass isn't very secure and leaked a bunch of shit recently, so don't use it. utorrent sucks as well, there's better options. What's sent you down this dark, proprietary road?
Really user if you switched to linux and got a better bittorent client than uTorrent you'd be in pretty good shape
What field are you going into? I can't imagine that shit being the line between getting hired or not.
You guys see the new weird cut out selection captcha?
yeah shit needs to be culled. I think there needs to be some distinction between shady proprietary software and "botnets". unbuntu in its current form seems to be neither though, so it has no place on the list.
You don't have too many but the ones you have aren't great. Any you're looking to drop?
It was advice more for keeping the job and building a good rapport with coworkers and bosses.
I was also told that later down the line having a girlfriend helps and a wife even better because it makes you seem more trusting.
Dude don't base your whole life around sucking up to normies. Do what you want but work hard and gain experience and no one's going to fire you for not having a wife. Of course I don't know shit you're probably older than me if you're out of school and have a job, but all that advice sounds shitty to me.
What kind of an advice is that? Seems straight outta Americans Psycho.
Just become one of the best in your field and don't act like an autist and you'll be fine.
>God damn user. Do you have any interest in switching to more freedom and privacy respecting software? Regardless last pass isn't very secure and leaked a bunch of shit recently, so don't use it. utorrent sucks as well, there's better options. What's sent you down this dark, proprietary road?
I stopped caring.
Yes yes yes, I'm a normie, shut up
Forgot YouTube tho.
Not bad user. What's the last microsoft software holding you back?
Yeah, but you're here, so you at least recognize the issues with the software you're using. Are you in the same boat as ?
Windows because >gaems. I'll soon make a Skype account though because my family wants it. (Bro moved to different country).
Not really. DNA is just binary.
Try to get them on wire. It's one of the more function skype alternatives and it's open source. Of course user, there is an optimal solution to the >gaymen problem, but it takes some doing and potentially cash if you don't have the spare hardware lying around. Are you familiar with pcie passthrough in virtual machines? Basically you can use linux but run games in a windows virtual machine with its own dedicated graphics card for near native performance assuming your cpu isn't the bottleneck.
Gonna reverse engineer our shitty proprietary bodies then
I don't even know what half the things on the list are
Gonna drop Chrome and Microsoft once I switch to Loonix; can't help Intel and Google though.
I suggest ungoogled chromium or iridium as a good chromium based chrome replacement. What distro are you looking at? I recently switched fully to debian and after working out some kinks it's pretty slick. Just got bluetooth working properly so I'm back to my old level of productivity. I already had a few years of experience on arch though
Yeah, Ungoogled Chromium is what I think I'll use.
[spoiler]I'm thinking of using either Arch or Gentoo, since I like >muh minimalism and >muh bleeding edge[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I could use Debian too, but I heard Stable has ancient packages and Sid is too broken. How is Testing compared to them?[/spoiler]
Excuse my autism, I forgot Sup Forums doesn't have spoiler tags
ill probably switch from chrome soon, right no wits just me being lazy. However, I probably wont switch from windows or steam ever, and i upgraded processors recently so i wont switch soon, but definitely like the ryzen processors.
I forgot I use paypal too, its just easy as fuck payment and money sending online.
I'm using Sid, and I've had less issues with it than I did on stable due to newer packages. I haven't been using it long enough to get a firm idea of how stable it'll be long term though. I assumed Sup Forums allowed spoiler I never tried.
You can enable password import/export for chrome, which makes switching to another chromium based browser pretty simple. You can do the same with bookmarks in the bookmark manager. You don't use any google services? I'm impressed, despite chrome/facebook.
Now you have to kill yourself
Ah shit, I have a throwaway gmail I use to link my steam to and another youtube account to keep track of some subscriptions, I forgot about those.
What search engine do you use? I've been looking into freedom respecting ones and I think I have the best combo but there's some I haven't tried out much.
the standard duckduckgo. it just werks(tm)
same, but with startpage to supplement when ddg can't find what I want
I only use facebook to keep in touch with my friends, no photos or personal info on my profile so idc.
Don't know what to do with chrome and utorrent but the rest I don't really have a problem with.
Deleting my facebook account felt so good
Also i' switching from ubuntu to solus soon
For uTorrent get qBitTorrent, and for chrome get ungoogled chromium or iridium. I think most of the advice i have to give I've given at some point the thread so ima bounce for now and check up on the thread later