What's the secret sauce to pajeets being in Silicon Valley?
Is it the lack of toilets?
What's the secret sauce to pajeets being in Silicon Valley?
Is it the lack of toilets?
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10% in 1986??
below 50% in 2014 .. they have billion people over there.
thats lot poo in the street
how the hell a country that have space project but didn't have access to toilet??
How did Americans go to the moon and yet not manage universal healthcare?
You can pay them minimum wage for hard work and force them to work long hours under threat of deportation.
The catch is they write godawful shit software.
i guess that if you'd combine all the americas and view it as one nation it has more or less the same statistics. vast majority is poor. and there are some lunatics concerned about who placed or did not place a f(l)ag on the moon.
don't forget that India is a sub-continent. and it's where civilization began. (ergo, the first, -and very undeveloped- people could sustain there. no Darwinistic need to upgrade)
also: up to recent India was very closed off to the world.
Because that is not required.
Because it's not a human right.
I ain't paying more taxes for some lazy nigger to sit at home and eat potato chips. He should get a job.
>sharp increase in toilets after government program
Libertarians lose again.
I don't think it's anything like that. Most likely these indians come here to earn tech degrees so they come to the most well-known tech place in America.
Hope you still feel that way when you get cancer and surprisingly can't pay hundreds of thousands of dollars out of your pocket for treatment and have no choice but to lie down and die.
Shut the fuck up nigger.
Because getting to the moon requires you to be smart, not like some shitty europoor nation that blows all its money on niggers and gibs
We'd rather spend billions on corporate welfare.
>t. Pajeet on H1B visa getting paid 1/3rd of what an American makes.
Because everyone gets cancer right?
That's not how it works, you already pay a fuck-ton in premiums and co-pays because uninsured people wait until they're preventable/treatable illness becomes dire and then show up to the emergency room for treatment. The hospital passes this cost onto you, me, and everyone else that has healthcare. In addition employers in this country have to pay administrative costs for coordinating health insurance. From these two aspects universal health car could drop the overall costs.
They don't give you hundreds of thousands of dollars of cancer treatment in the ER dumbass. The most they'll spend is a couple thousand on a surgery.
No I don't you degenerate.
I have a business and Obongocare made me lose 2 employees because of the premiums.
I'm forced to pay up the ass because some 40 million niggers can't get off their fat ass and get a job.
Please tell me this chart isn't fucking real. I'm dying of laughter over here.
Did you just compare universal healthcare to sewerage system??
KYS pajeet
I'm not sure if they're using the new loos tho
In Europe they are both basic services every citizen has.
You mean after waiting 5 years in line and paying 2x the taxes Americans do?
>Go to UN center to take a dump
>Toilet requires proprietary IR scanning to get in
>MFW the botnet wants me to shit in the street
I'm not paying welfare for lazy niggers and mexicans.
no. that's exactly the argument, you dumb fuck: you pay a small amount to make sure that you can be treated, keeping your expected cost from cancer the same WHILE MAKING SURE YOU AREN'T GOING TO DIE IF YOU END UP WITH A RARE DISEASE THAT COSTS 500K$/YEAR TO CURE AND THAT ONLY A FRACTION OF A FRACTION OF THE POPULATION CAN AFFORT
It's a real tweet from Bill Gaytes.
There's not nearly enough healthy people in the US for this to be viable. We're like 40% obese. I'm not going to subsidize the dregs of society.
Americans pay twice as much as Europe for healthcare.
Twice as much as $0 is still $0.
Don't bother arguing with assholes. The argument against healthcare has be boiled down to "" and they'll yell that until they're blue in the face while sticking they're fingers in their ears. Meanwhile they're perfectly happy paying for corporate welfare to the tune of trillions every year.
I'd rather subsidize successful companies that grow the economy than pay for the healthcare of worthless people.
Hahahaha omg
How are they running the tech industry!??
>successful companies
>hundreds of billions of dollars to companies like Boeing and Northrop who shit out turds like the F-35 and a billion dollar bomb that killed 30 towel heads
Just admit you're constantly getting fucked by circumcised cock and are proud of it.
Survival of the fittest man. When it's time it's time to go.
>complaining about dead muslims
Why are you even on Sup Forums? The MOAB isn't that expensive anyway.
Would I rather play for poor people or subsidize R&D into space technology, military equipment, etc.? The answer is quite simple. It's the latter.
I don't pay into a scam. Plus that wouldn't be a problem if illegals werent dumb as bricks.
The MOAB has been in development since they initially invaded Iraq. It's been nothing but a decade of blank checks for a device that isn't even relevant since cave dwelling Taliban niggers are all mostly extinct.
Good job, keep defending your corporate overlords while your veterans die for lack of healthcare.
>how the hell a country that have space project but didn't have access to toilet??
Well, there are no streets in space.
They come to the USA for work but stay for the toilets xDDDDDDDDDD
You do realize bomb was already built right? It's better to use it than just to let it sit there.
>muh healthcare
I actually have healthcare and I don't pay out the ass in taxes for it, so I'm quite fine.
You must be republican right?
Why you shilling big corporate while they CEO and BOD enjoy the money, have a big house and fuck hot and young girl while you shitposting on Sup Forums defending them?
Why are you such a marxist and insist on taking things from other people in the inane quest for "equality?"
You're already paying taxes for it since the government pays for emergency room visits.
Get it through your obese head. The US pays more per capita for health care than any other nation on Earth. That includes you, Cletus.
Yes I know. And with universal healthcare we pay even more dumbass.
Because your version of "universal healthcare" is nothing but a system of prostration before the insurance industry. Again corporate welfare.
Even your Medicaid is nothing but the government giving money to private insurers.
except I have insurance like 90% of the population?
And what you think if we add hundreds of millions of people into the system the cost will magically go down?
What you pseudo-marxists don't understand yet is that socialist healthcare only works when you have a large surplus of healthy working people to cover the small amount of poor. We don't have that in the US. The average american is fat as shit and costs a lot of money. We also have a huge drain on the population that makes little money. Not to mention all the niggers that's constantly shoot each other and have taxpayers pay for their hospital bills. That shit won't work here.
lol'd at number of answers
Because Americans hate the idea of helping the unfortunate.
Europeans love helping other people and now their countries are becoming the next caliphate.
Americans are unfortunately way too nice. Ironically, we'd be better off if people were more sociopathic.
why should i pay for niggers and illegal Mexicans healthcare
You basically exposed the dark heart of why socialized...anything...never took hold in America. Because it might benefit people who they hate.
Never mind that they might benefit in some way as well, if not now then maybe at some point in the future due to some unfortunate series of events. Jealousy and Hatred turn out to be stronger motives than selfishness.
>Americans are unfortunately way too nice. Ironically, we'd be better off if people were more sociopathic.
sociopaths actually believe this.
If America was still xenophobic and racist, we'd be a 90% white country and not be subject to mass amounts of foreign immigration destroying our culture/society and burdening our welfare systems.
Oh and I left down mass immigration lowering real wages for workers.
>Foreign immigration destroying our culture/society and burdening our welfare system
But wheres the proofs? If you don't give proof your point is immediately invalid and made up.
If the US didn't have immigrants it'd be even worse off than Japan.
Why do white people bitch about immigration when they have a negative birth rate? Why don't you go get laid if you want to fix your country?
>pic related
Oh please. With automation taking over soon, Japan will be laughing at us all for being so stupid. Having a declining population is fine. Replacing your native population with foreigners is not.
So the white people in this country are leeching off the asians?
>In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers.
This paper argues for amnesty which is just stupid. The correct thing to do would be to just to deport them all.
Whites are net taxpayers, so no not really. Asians are successful though, yes.
White people as a whole might be, but you're a NEET in your mom's basement leeching off the work of others.
Incorrect, but nice assumption there buddy. And even if I was, that wouldn't invalidate my arguments.
Let's see your W-2 for 2016 then big boy.
The United States whole conceit was immigration from the very beginning, which wasn't that long ago. Unless you're native american (and likely even if you are) you probably only have to go back a few generations to find immigrants in your family.
Sounds like you just swallowed some propaganda without actually learning history. The US consists of only white immigration for the majority of its history. At the beginning of the 20th century, strict immigration laws started being passed and in 1924 we had a very limited, quota-based system that barely let anyone come over. That wasn't repealed until 1965 which opened the floodgates for anyone to come over.
>The US consists of only white immigration for the majority of its history.
Right, because all of those "white" people who immigrated from Europe all had one homogeneous culture. Jesus, you people are stupid.
>universal healthcare
>as in: I pay for your medical bills
No of course they didn't. This was one of the reasons why strict immigration laws were eventually passed. We had a real issue with Germans not learning English for instance. The government cracked down and made sure they all got it together. Also most white immigration came from a select few countries (mostly western Europe esp. the UK and Germany).
But user, universal healthcare would never help me at any point in the future, because I have private health insurance that is better than anything a uhc system would offer.
Based Bill.
That's exactly how insurance works.
no you retard, insurance works by pooling money together with a large number of (carefully vetted) payees and a small number of claimants. they're not even comparable. the whole purpose of universal healthcare is not to reduce cost but to disguise it by distributing it across the entire taxpayer base. it also amounts to a compulsory purchase
its the crab in a bucket mentality.
bitter bitter losers.
That's how universal healthcare works.
Despite Amerfats being incredibly obese, drug addicted, and retarded the majority are still healthy. They pay into the system and the minority (sick people) make claims. The exact same system is at work with insurance, except a private company takes a cut from ever transaction.
Your premiums don't go into a little savings accounts titled: "Faggot user's Savings Account." They go directly to some other sick bastard.
I don't know how Americans can look at the data and pretend their system is working. You pay more for health care than any other developed nation and yet are sicker than any other developed nation.
>Despite Amerfats being incredibly obese, drug addicted, and retarded the majority are still healthy.
Like 70% of the population is overweight. No, we are not healthy fuck off.
>I don't know how Americans can look at the data and pretend their system is working.
Nobody thinks it's great, but universal healthcare is not going to magically solve the health issues in this country that inherently drive costs up.
>mfw it's real tweet
>This was one of the reasons why strict immigration laws were eventually passed.
Eventually. By then, the horses had long left the barn. Look up the number of people let into the country before then, it's not like all those legal immigrants were stripped of their citizenship and deported afterwards, leaving only the "desirables".
the difference is private insurance companies can discriminate, government cannot. imagine if there was a car insurance company that had to accept new clients no matter how atrocious their driving record was. what would happen? within 6 months the only people on that insurance would be the absolute worst drivers in the country, and the premiums would be sky high. that's what medicaid is. universal healthcare turns everything into one giant medicaid system
It's not the same. America was very much a social darwinistic society in those days. People who came over here in the 1800s didn't get a check in the mail. They either made it or they died out in the west somewhere.
Besides, there is a huge difference between somali refugees and british and german immigrants.
>a liberal attempts at an argument
Funny how some people who LOVE the freedom of GNU/Linux defend the idea of forcing people to use a service.
They probably use systemd.
I think it's the same braindead people who shill Rust
Yeah, the british and german immigrants landed first and had guns...and smallpox.
>implying there is anything wrong with having guns
They also had an IQ over 100 while the IQ of somalia is like 70 or some shit. It makes a big difference when you're trying to build a country.
all these americans with muh american dream thinking they are independent and all they have in life are because they worked hard and they were handed nothing at all for being born in to wealth and are not leeching on the work of others because they "work really hard"
and then they go home to unironically post racist stuff about niggers, mexicans, and leeches
>born into a stable middle class family
>have a decent upbringing
>get my own career and provide for myself
Go cry somewhere else libtard. Sorry that dad wasn't around for you.
you are literally what my post was about
OK and so what? I'm supposed to feel bad that my family isn't a bunch of degenerates?
>center for immigration studies
Why don't the government give that data by themselves?
>mfw pajeets are literally the worst subhuman untermensch gutter race on the planet
>mfw every single one needs to be sent back and then India nuked from the face of the earth
I would rather live in the hood surrounded by nignogs than pajeets. a pajeet next to a D'marcus makes the latter seem godlike in comparison (and I hate niggers too)
Those guns were theirs through an accident of history, not because of some sort of inherent superiority.
Or do we need to go into what Western Europe was accomplishing during the dark ages.