>iphone user for 8 years
>get the new galaxy S8
>already miss my iphone for the superior Sup Forums Fortune app
this mimi shit on android is terrible. i want my iphone back.
>iphone user for 8 years
>get the new galaxy S8
>already miss my iphone for the superior Sup Forums Fortune app
this mimi shit on android is terrible. i want my iphone back.
use Clover you retard. Fortune fucking sucks. t. iPhone user,
i was told by Sup Forumsentlemen that clover is literally malware at this point.
i'll have a look at this one
Why would it be malware? It's great, nice looking and logically constructed.
Many neets hate it because it doesn't show ads so
>phoneposters are killing Sup Forums reeeee
Use Chan Burauza
Free with no ads + themes and allows you to browse other chans
The last time I used chanu it was a laggy piece of shit compared to clover
i thought most pajeets use android, no?
>pajeets be code monkeys
>make green
>But crapple
Using botnet keyboard much?
what's the best Sup Forums iphone app? im using TheCHan
Why do you people hate clover again?
Get Clover you idiot
Its shit.
Don't listen to all the fucking retards in this thread op. Clover is best of them all no adds and free, period.
can confirm
Mimi works great for me
>crashes so frequently that it is literally unusable
yeah ok fuck off
If you want truly superior shitposting experience get dashchan
>i was told by Sup Forumsentlemen that clover is literally malware at this point.
How exactly?
Get clover faggot, you can even have a thread watcher on real time.
Just use a fucking browser.
Do you believe what everyone says or are you too dumb to admit you don't know how to install f-droid?
>citation needed
Wait, theres a Sup Forums app on ios? How did it even pass the review when Sup Forums is riddled with nsfw and one of the regulations is no nudity
Its fucking FOSS, if its malware fork it, remove the malware and youre done.
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
Just try all of them and use which one you like best.
For me that's clover but it's your choice.
Don't get clover, it''s a botnet.
Lol noobs, clover is not even on gplay. I am posing this with Mimi, lol xD
thank you immeasurably
i was using Mimi and had some issues, this is a better alternative. I am potently grateful.
>all these cloverfags
don't listen to the homos op, get Dashchan for the ultimate android experience