What OS has the best customization ?

What OS has the best customization ?
I know there are ways to customize any OS but I am looking for one that has simple options without installing a lot of software to customize it

> pic unrelated

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: (

Just install windows and die pls


install macOS owo


If I only knew how to do it

no bully

wallpaper please UwU

Why don't you make new screenshots?

(⁄ ⁄=⁄w⁄=⁄ ⁄)⁄
file too big (。>﹏

That's from 5 days ago.

Not sure if shitposter but I love you

omg does it rly matter it's just going to be the same thing but maybe with a different illya pic

Yes it matters.


samfag pedos

For the same reason as your posting them. No real tangible reason.

she's not a pedo

Please tell me how to remove or hide titlebar for pictures. I have a MacBook air that I badly wish to use by my bedside for comfy posting but could never figure out how to properly rice it.

GNU/Linux is arguably the most customizable, and a major reason for this is how modular it is. Due to this modularity, this easy customization out of the box without a lot of additional software that you seek doesn't really exist. If you're thinking in terms of Windows, that may make sense to you, but GNU/Linux does not even come with a graphical environment, necessarily. Each distro chooses what to package with the fresh install, how new the versions are, etc.


Thanks, man. I fixed around in Arch for a year or two. Forgot about feh. Used it all the time. Can't believe I never thought of searching if there was a port for Mac haha

Also thanks for loli posting. Appreciate it

Thanks for the reply but I was wondering what distro to choose?

Just use Ubuntu if you have no reason not to.

No problem. I would recommend Arch. It makes a lot of customization easier thanks to newer packges and the AUR, which has more packages than the regular repos of most distros. Things like GTK themes, fonts, or forks of things (such as i3-gaps instead of i3) are all in the AUR, meaning you can easily install them with a command once you have setup something like yaourt.

This makes the Arch install a lot easier, check it out: arch-anywhere.org/


it's not actually feh
you can use feh through xquartz if u want but idk why u would, it's garbo

are you a 40 year old man

ew no

I'd recommend windows 7 with a custom theme installed. There so many different ones I can show you if you want

I am running away from Windows desu

>tfw you'll never communicate on this level of irony

No but the principle is largely the same, I'm assuming. Pictures without titlebars is all I require. Now if only somebody could link me Maci3_gaps *cough cough*

windows is for retarded kids in elementary school

same thing, u can run i3 through xquartz if u want, but same thing: it's garbo so why bother