Be Microshaft

>Be Microshaft
>Creat possibly the worst operating system in modern history
>Release updates every 2 days and force user to restart

Why do people still use this garbage?

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ryzen doesn't officially support 7 tbqh, otherwise i'd still be on that

Win7 is shit too desu.

Why can't some other company come and replace Microshit's monopoly on a mainstream OS?

>inb4 Aplel

it runs all this

Because the average MS user is only slightly more intelligent than the average Mac user. Thus requiring more security in the modern age, these things need to be taken out the hands of the plebs and back by people who know what their doing.

In short, MS is doing an "apple" to their OS.

>Ugly disorganized UX

Only upside is important applications like Adobe support it.

>updating is bad
>Waaah why can't I leave my computer on 24/7
RMA yourself

>can't I leave my computer on 24/7
You can, actually. You'll have to disable updates, though.
I had to do this when my motherboard went nuts and rebooting the PC caused it to stop turning on for an arbitrary period of time ranging from a few minutes to a few weeks.

Yeah but why would you want to have your computer on 24/7?

Originally this was because computers took 5 minutes to boot completely, but with the ever increasing overall performance, SSDs, and UEFI booting typically takes less than 30 seconds in the worst case.

I can understand leaving it on overnight to download something I guess, but thats not going to be every night right?

Some of us use computers for at least 18 hours a day you degenerate. I haven't shut down computers for 20 years.

That's why I have a Mac. It always works and doesn't bother me with gay notifications and forced rape aka restarts.

Because turning your computer on/off all the time is actually worse for it than just leaving it on, for one.

Do you have the same argument for your cell phone? I mean it only takes like 15 seconds to boot your phone, do you leave it on all the time?

glad i got off that ride years ago

>but thats not going to be every night right?
yes? my machine is always doing something overnight. downloading, rendering, encoding, whatever
i only reboot it for kernel updates, otherwise it's on all the time

"boot time" is completely meaningless to me, i don't even have an ssd yet

so it runs adobe, corel and office?

Because I'm doing important shit. Rendering videos and shit for work.

Why can't Microsoft make an OS that can get updated without fucking restarting?

I'm not a windows guy, but isn't it to do with how the windows registry works?
I that case it is because of 25 year old legacy decisions they cannot undo, unless they start over from scratch.

Because you can't modify files which are in use, you pillock.

>i don't even have an ssd
look at this poor and laugh

Why can't they fucking make an OS that can modify files when in use then re execute them to function normally?

>abloo bloo updates
Hey faggot, you know all those NSA/CIA leaks that are coming out? Maybe you should update.

Why can't people invent a car that runs on air?

shut your mouth up u useless shit i bet you cant even write a hello world in html

>UI in non-english
lmaoing @ ur life

>"My life is going great!"
>-- Sup Forums user, on denial.

> start menu lags like hot shit

>I enjoy HDD spin-up times as much as I enjoy waiting for my file browser to load
>t. poor

>HDD spin-up times
like i said, i don't turn my machine off, the hdd's are always spinning

>like i said, i don't turn my machine off, the hdd's are always spinning
Sup Forums

-- i also never close my file browser
who the fuck closes their file browser?

>the hdd's are always spinning

what are you getting at?

This is why I respect most Unix OS'. I'm no genius at them but from the time I've been on a Mac and Ubuntu (forgive me, I know they are mainstream OS', but they are still what they are) I've noticed that those 2 don't give a shit.

What I don't understand is why they couldn't stop at say windows XP or 7. Both are still good, what I would of liked is like giving you the option to LOOK newer instead of being a fucktard and MAKING you upgrade to a new system. What's the point?

Everyone I've talked to about windows 10 said around the same shit
>crappy UI looking
>gotta turn off a LOT of features so they can't spy on you more than they already do.

The fact that you're clueless about how HDDs work yet post and opine regularly on a technology board.

Because Linux is still complete and utter shit in 2017, all distros, no exceptions.

This tbqh.

just use group policy and disable automatic updates :3

>disabling updates
I hear about retards doing this at my job daily yet I never thought people actually did something so stupid.

It's simple, really. You disable automatic updates, then install them manually when you wish so you aren't interrupted.

You must have a lot of retards at """work""" if you're working there.

>You must have a lot of retards at """work""" if you're working there.
No, but we do get a lot of them coming into the shop.

stay tuned for stupid story threads user. If you think that's dumb, oh boy do I have stories for you.

are you suggesting it's not possible to disable idle-spindown? because you can

And why would you do that?

>Why do people still use this garbage?
They have little choice. It would be nice if Microsoft sold Office for Linux so businesses could ditch their shitty OS. Even Google and Apple could do something to challenge them, but they drink from the same toilet.

>lack of a decent office suite is the only thing keeping businesses from leaving windows
Lol no.

I hear a lot of companies use Red Hat with pro versions of like Open or Libre office

lol yes. When non tech secretaries (women) say 8 and 10 are garbage and ask about OSX, you know something is terribly wrong.

Non-tech secretaries will bitch about anything, including a color of toilet paper in the office building. Only reason they're not bitching about OSX is because asking is the only thing they actually do and they never switch.

>using women as an indicator of what is good or bad

Truly you are the worst kind of idiot.

to avoid wear and the spin-up time

The number of updates I'm getting these days is fucking insane, I can't imagine being on some kind of metered connection.

If you stop using your computer for like a week you get a pile of massive updates that renders your computer effectively useless for two hours while they download and install and force you to once again reconfigure your Windows settings.

>The number of updates I'm getting these days is fucking insane,
Perhaps you should learn how to computer, I have only 1 update a month that requires me to restart.

It's not really their decision m8. I would be happy to see more companies move to OSX or Linux, but it's not my decision either. The community and the OS has become a joke.

If I had my say, nobody would use Windows. Unfortunately some of us have to support you dumb fucks.

>would rather support retards using Linux than Windows

Now I know you're just full of shit.

It really doesn't matter who decides. 90% of computer users today shouldn't be allowed to turn on any machine let alone PC. It's no wonder those are majority who claim that "OS is bad".

>he pirated all this software so he could brag on Sup Forums

Any day of the week.
Oh 10 is bad. You don't need to be new to come to this conclusion. The only people defending it are butt mad babies who know Microsoft has lost it as a company.

You're not even employed.

I think i've had one update after creator's.
Which also solves a lot of the reboot needed.

What do you think would happen if office people started using Linux? Are you so delusional that you think it's the OS that is the problem and not the user or the classic fucked up corporate IT environment?

I'd like to be unemployed or working a different job right now.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with 10 that isn't also wrong with any other version of windows.

Most of these people only give a shit about their calenders, email, database, and office suite. They, fuck I, would be happy with NT4.0 interface.

People paid money to be spammed with ads. It's absolutely inexcusable.


I just installed W10Home a week ago and I only got restart prompts during initial hardware config. I'm not seeing ads either. What did I do wrong?

And most of these people are barely capable to use an abacus and will bitch that it's garbage. Switching to another OS will not change that.

because no one has made the ultimate sacrifice and leaked the source code of directx yet.

On the subject of restarts and updates, why doesn't MS just do version numbers instead of

>paid money

Win10 is free.

Not even close.

Two control panels for one thing
Telemetry spyware bullshit
Start Menu clusterfuckery

Not if you want to have a watermark-less, "PLEASE TYPE YOUR WINDOWS KEY HERE.... LOADING..... ERROR PLEASE CONTACT MICROSHAFT FOR ASSISTANCE"-less a couple of months down the line.

Fuck that noise desu. W10 is not free as in free lunch.

It is not in any sense of the word.

Because some people have jobs?

I've been using it for over a year now for free. Why even come to Sup Forums if you are so technologically inept?

Businesses can't use daz you fucking child.

Don't worry baby, I'll spoonfeed you. Here comes the plane~

Even if you missed out on the free promotion, you can still get it for free:

There's only one reason for me. Gaymen.

Nice try pajeet

Upgrade from what? Did you get the previous version for free? How about you kys?

I enjoy ads in my operating system!

You don't even need one. If you worked at a shop you wouldn't be this retarded. Try your own advice, you're dragging our species down.

>two control panels
They're phasing out the old one, but they're not conflicting in any way. What you change in one is reflected in the other.
>Telemetry spyware bullshit
Windows always had telemetry. It's like you morons just now realized it when they introduced an option to opt out of it.
>start menu clusterfuckery
The win10 start menu is unironically miles ahead of the old start menu. Or do you like clicking more than you need to?

>Why do people still use this garbage?
ask you're self

Do you work from a shop in India? IT in the US isn't quite up to McDonalds standards yet.

>making fun of poor people

>use linux for job
>get things done faster than anyone else on your team
>it just werk

>upgrade from other, already-bought Windows

Truly, it is I who is dragging down the species.

I'm already dual-booting with a pirated W7, so I'm gucci.

But, having to jump through hoops with shady exes to get past Window's dumbass, but legally puchased software, is a no-go in my book.

It's called turning off updates and chaning a policy that turns off "Restart(Update)"

No purchase necessary. Damn it feels good to be educated.

>just werking

Yeah, maybe after reading a book on bash, scouring the net for the correct packages for a complete system, navigating the package installers (if they're not apt-get, and if they need more tinkering: configs, etc.), and then finding out "yeah it'll be patched next cycle, don't stress!!"

Point to me where I can get this free windows that doesn't brick my system after a certain period of time.

ReactOS is open source and it is designed to be able to run Win32 binaries

Windows is on borrowed time if MS doesn't attempt to litigate ReactOS

>scouring the net for the correct packages for a complete system


>doesn't brick my system after a certain period of time

User error. Try educating yourself a bit.

Install Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSB. It doesn't have any of these problems and excludes all Windows 10 "app" software, including Cortana and the Windows Store.

It's the true suppressor of Windows 7.


Where do I buy it?