Post Em, R8 Em, H8 Em
>that feel when 2Ghz+64 C° default fan speed
Post Em, R8 Em, H8 Em
>that feel when 2Ghz+64 C° default fan speed
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Wew lad, at least its better than pic related. I used this pos for 7 years.
Waiting on VEGA to never hit so I can buy a 1080ti out of frustration.
R8 my shitty laptop I bought off some random guy on fleabay for $180 CDN (it also has wireless AC)
>in b4 enjoy your keyboard jizz
It was his wife's old laptop.
>in b4 wife's son's old laptop
Ok you got me, it's covered in jizz. Just R8 already.
Can you play shootan gaems on that?
Does that soundcard color the sound like the Xonar D2X did? It was really annoying to me.
Fucking clean your shit. There are dust bunnies the size of your fist in there.
holy fuck, SHUT IT DOWN
How do you feel with your build? I got a i5 4590 with a gtx 1060 and 8gb ddr3 1600mhz. I should had gone with skylake when I built it but right now the difference with a 6500 doesn't seem that much
What do you usually do with that setup?
Speccy is bugged. It's half that.
Absolutely nothing.
These cpu temps have been slowly climbing and this computer is only a month old. Cooler is a cryorig H7, is it possible that I didn't use enough thermal paste when I installed it?
$120 video card upgrade edition.
Currently running in analog until the new DVI cable comes in. (So I guess $125)
Needs more RAM.
You fucked something up if those are your idle temps.
>5 monitors
I came to entertain you guys.
the rx480 was a present.
would not enough thermal paste by a cause? It's the only thing I can think of that I might have messed up. When I first build the computer the cpu temp was ~10 degrees cooler.
Why you mad bro?
I don't really use it that much
Nice bottleneck.
i know, must update this shit.
I cant imagine why someone would connect 5 monitors. They must be retarded
I don't know why I fucking can't get my RAM to go Dual-Channel, fucking nigger PC is pissing me off
I can't tell if my 2 memory slots are damaged or I'm doing something completely wrong
Can someone give me some upgrade recommendations also?
You are alternating slots, right?
Blackmagic PCI capture card, Source 2 FPS when? Wont upgrade till then.
Keeping in mind i'm pleb as fuck
It gets the job done, I suppose.
looks good other than the 3gb, why you no like your guests?
you overpaid
$50 jizztop, just needed a cleaning and a new m key. 4gb ram was scavenged from another
Where did you even get it?
You spend all day masturbating to chinese cartoons, don't you?
How much porn on those HDDs?
You spend all day making down syndrome addled shitposts, don't you?
How is it? I skipped Vista went straight from xp to 7.
You spend all day humblebragging in Speccy threads, don't you?
It was terrible on hardware twice as good as that.
>tfw comfy on my T530
When will the tech Sup Forumsods grace me with upgrade money?
When you will start working.
>system language is moon runes
>chink background
>all that storage for chink slideshows and cp
Just end it all senpai, your choice of color for the taskbar is dank I guess.
Pretty sure you're that guy from that picture of slav dude in front of a shitheap of a computer, in a dingy as fuck room, just generally looking like an east yuropoor.
>single channel
Lowest of the ramlets
>sure it is senpai
Why do you hate the earth?
>Work every day, usually get Saturdays guaranteed off.
>Barely make ridiculous rent, nothing nearby that's cheaper.
>Paying bills like a responsible adult.
When will you grow up?
just finished upgrading today, took about 6 hours because im autistic tbqh. left is before.
Whats more in need of an upgrade my gpu or cpu?
I'm Hungarian, not slav.
I don't know where you live my man. I have my own house here and work flexible hours so can't relate.
Its pretty good honestly. There is just a minor bottleneck in some games (like 3-5 FPS) but its all good
>he bought broadwell e
both are shit
>replace GTX 480 with 680
>literal 20 degree drop both while idle and under full load
>only monitor
You poor, poor bastard.
Build this one out of used parts i had, and traded my older mobo + CPU with some cash on top and bought mobo and CPU. Would have gone for a faster one, but i don't want to spend much.
And all of this because of ZALMAN ZM-M1 case