I wanted to be sarcastic and try to be funny but this motherfucking political hack is such a lame faggot that I'm not even gonna try. Who on Sup Forums actually worship this "SCIENTIST"?
I wanted to be sarcastic and try to be funny but this motherfucking political hack is such a lame faggot that I'm not...
has he ever done any form of contribution to science? published any papers?
hes a puppet for globalists, they use him because some have nostalgia or pseudo-nostalgia from that one faggot song he sang almost three decades ago to spread there agenda
its the same with that fat nigger scientist
>Waaaahh Mommy they're making fun of Uncle Donny again!!!!
I'm older than most on here and Bill Nye's show was a highlight of childhood. Love the show/tv character and always will. RL Bill Nye is a smug, bowtie wearing asshole
I want to deny climate change just to piss people like him off. Also lots of accounts of him being rude/condescending to people that i've heard about
fuck bill nye
i haven't watched his new show or whatever but I'm sure it's just like, "hey the ice is melting look we've been measuring this bla blabla"
don't normies ever get bored with being told shit they already know?
Bill Nye is not a "scientist", he's a science communicator. It's not the same thing.
>has he ever done any form of contribution to science? published any papers?
>hes a puppet for globalists
Found the angry alt-righter.
I love how globalism makes these people angry because they fall behind and the state doesn't protect them anymore by actively discriminating against others. They project their own incompetence by lashing out against people who want a free market and free movement of workers.
It's just communism with ultra-nationalism and racism piled on to it.
People in the US have a problem with not accepting science, logic and evidence. No matter how many times you're presented with evidence of climate change or anything at all, something like this is still present:
You overestimate the average normie, desu.
alright, however
Shit, I read this in the lazy town "mine" tune.
Send help...
Of course, it's ages ago since he did his bachelors degree. Again, he's not an active researcher, he's a science communicator AKA PR-guy.
The guy did a kids' show on PBS for crying out loud, yet alt-righters love to claim that he is somehow representative for all scientists and attack him because that fits their idiotic agenda.
Bill Nye is a make-believe scientist who preaches make-believe science to a bunch of liberal retards who live in a make-believe reality.
You're gravity, you move with gravitational waves
>political hack
Butthurt because science is disagreeing with your political ideology.
>cry more
Trump is a science hack. He is retarded about science.
>but that's ok
Politics can fuck with science. How dare science stand up for itself.
You have retard tier hypocrite ideology. Deal with it.
Stalin killed more people than Hitler did, and he happened to be an atheist.
Religion isn't the cause of every bad thing in the world, kid.
Also, don't you have a protest to go to today?
>Religion isn't the cause of every bad thing in the world, kid.
You're arguing a strawman. He didn't imply that religion is the root of all evil, he merely implied that americans are idiots who justify their idiocy
by claiming religious superiority.
For example, Stalin didn't kill all those people BECAUSE he was an atheist. But the woman in that video literally claimed that Trump should not be questioned BECAUSE he was chosen by God.
>Also, don't you have a protest to go to today?
Not him, but that was yesterday.
Religion creates hostility for science, and it goes hand-in-hand with big corporate interests that don't want people to think their products are destroying the planet, similar to tobacco and sugar companies destroying people's health. Welcome to the U.S.
He's a """science popularizers"""