It's crunch-time to pick a major.
It's either electrical engineering or computer engineering.
Which one do I do? Advise me, anons.
It's crunch-time to pick a major.
It's either electrical engineering or computer engineering.
Which one do I do? Advise me, anons.
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Do data science you bloke.
300k starting and never look back.
Do you see yourself programming in your future?
If so it doesn't matter since with both you will probably end up getting some programming job.
Also fuck off, how should we advise you, if we know nothing about you?
Also you will most likely drop out anyway.
you'll be taking pretty much the same courses for the first 1-2 years, and should be able to decide from there
Mathematics, obviously.
300k starting; any job you want.
Liberal arts is the only option
Is this a meme?
Nope, I'm very driven.
My college doesn't offer data science. I'm gong to a state school for free.
unless you receive your math PhD from a top 10 university and get hired by a quant firm, yes.
Trip dub of truth.
Go to a better school then
There are no undergrads in Data Science, all the programs appear to be Masters or PhD
What do you do on a daily basis with data science degree though?
CS if you want ez money
Study data
Don't pick Comp Eng. I got meme'd hard on here but all I'm doing now is environmental studies, technical drawings and fucking cantilever beams. Gonna switch to CompSci next session.
Fuck those two. Study Feminist Dance Therapy and take in those (welfare) paychecks.
wut. Where do you go to school?
Actual data scientist here. 90% of the job is endless meetings. The other 10% is mining some sort of massive data set looking for trends or patterns. If you like the idea of programming but hate actually programming, it's not a bad gig. You have to be good at math though. Mostly statistics and matrices math. Did I mention that the earlier 100% is part of a larger percentage where you sit around and goof off all day?
>Don't pick Comp Eng. I got meme'd hard on here
OP, you'll be fine as long as you follow this advice.
Serious answer: I think you should get a math major.
Instead of majoring in the two you wrote, do internships and side projects in whichever of the two you actually prefer.
I'mma try to sell you on the math degree now.
As a math major, I learned about the nature of the world with a group of really chill professors and classmates who weren't afraid of abstractions, or having a good, hard think.
In math, content was relevant, useful, and challenging. Class sizes were small, cheating was rare, and classmates didn't really see each other as competitors, but as colleagues facing the challenge of the professor's class. All these are super healthy for your mindset and in my opinion are the biggest factors in determining your satisfaction with the educational process.
None of the above seemed true for the engineers in my engineering classes. Homework, project work, and exams seemed completely disjoint and unrelated to one another. Cheating was rampant, classes were huge, and people were excited to throw peers under the bus.
Math let me straddle the line and get the best of both worlds. I got a lot of applied economic value from my major, I got several internships in software engineering, and got a pretty okay job straight out of college. Not 300k starting admittedly, but roughly half that after benefits.
I wasn't and will never be an EE or computer architecture master, but I learned a good deal of the introductory physics of the topic and believe if I ever become curious enough to want to learn EE from first principles myself, I will be able to do so: math is all about building the skills to learn arbitrary logical processes.
I strongly recommend a math major. It's not for everyone and it is NOT easy: it WILL occasionally lead to you being worked like a dog. With math, you get out what you put in; the topics are endlessly deep and almost all corners are fruitful.
If I could do it all again, I'd probably still major in math.
Consider doing likewise.
I'm a CS major and even I can confirm this, at least for the math classes I've taken. My CS professors are nearly all completely shitty, but I've never had a bad one for a math class.
I'm good at math but majoring in that shit would be way too much effort for a lazy wastrel like me. Take that into account.
pick either and minor in applied math like an baws
your pay?
languages you work with?
The fuck are you faggots on about? CompE is a great degree and just because some faggot from liberal faggotville on a rice cooking messageboard said he was taking beam and environmental classes in a CompE curriculum doesn't mean the degree is bad.
That's like saying engineering is a bad field because they now offer degrees in imagination engineering in San Francisco.
Also, go fuck off and kill yourself to death.
I'm in computer engineering and I kinda hate it (sometimes) desu senpai but no matter how much I hate it. I feel blessed that I didn't pick Electrical Engineering.
If I could go back in time, I wouldn't even go to college. I'd get some Job at a warehouse and live my life in peace.
>Which one do I do?
The first two/three years CpE's and EE's take the same classes. You don't have to be in a rush to choose. If you have to decide go with the one where you think you might get the most scholarships. If money isn't an issue go with CpE If you really like hardware you can take EE heavy classes if you like software you can take CS classes. CpE is probably the most flexible engineering, tied with mechanical imo.
do EE. with this you are qualified to do whatever IT and CompSci/CompE graduates can do.
Depends what you want to do. I chose CE because I enjoyed aspects of both EE and CS. EE and CE are basically the same for the first two years so it shouldn't matter which you choose until then. I've mostly worked with FPGAs and ASICs with my CE degree.
Both? EE/CE major here.
Talk to people who are studying it right now.
Find out what appeals to you.
My cousin did CompE at Texas A&M. He makes well over 200k working for Verizon. Some kind of field manager over an entire region. Maybe it's just you?
Depends how /diy/ you are
If you are and like those kinds of things go for EE
If you're more sedentary or like anime toddlers go for CE
Hi, I'm again. Basically, my Uni (the Uni of Wollongong) mandates that everyone doing an engineering course must do a set first year of subjects to be a Certified Engineerâ„¢ via Engineering Australia. That explains the shitty subjects. It's only in years 3-4 do you actually get to specialise. Here's the course outline:
Also worth noting, comp sci is done in three years and by jumping ship I'll be getting extra credit from classes I've passed. Good deal IMO.
EE + CS minor
Were they all poo in the loos?
Neither are DIY, you get given circuits the whole way through
Just applied for a math major in the best university of mainland Europe
feels god man
Game dev because we all know you are a faggot for video games.
Do electrical engineering and teach yourself about computer hardware and programming and you will be good. Maybe do a CS minor
Electrical & Computer Engineering, that's what I did.
computer engineering masterrace reporting in. Best of both worlds, Electrical and CS.